The First Flight Attendant With Special Needs Shares Her Story With the World, and Proves That Nothing Is Impossible

2 years ago

Every year, about 1 in 700 children are born with Down syndrome and we could never call them people with disabilities. They are people with big plans and a desire to fulfill their dreams. They are actors, models, designers, and writers. And now we can add flight attendants to this list thanks to the strength of will and aspirations of Princess Shannie and her mother, Deanna Miller Berry.

We at Bright Side were inspired by the story of this young girl who’s fighting to live her own independent life and at the same time follow her dreams. And this is definitely worth knowing.

20-year-old Shantell Pooser has special needs. She has Down syndrome and several other health problems, which means she needs ongoing treatment. In 2016, she had surgery and, despite all the doctors’ predictions, she was optimistic, and everything went even better than they expected.

Her mother, Deanna Miller Berry, worked with her to make a bucket list after seeing her daughter struggle for her life. She promised that she would make every effort to fulfill all Shannie’s wishes. Given the fact that she has to fly constantly for treatment, her first dream was to become a flight attendant.

And thanks to the efforts of her mother and the help of American Airlines, this seemingly impossible dream of a young girl came true. On her birthday, they gave her an unforgettable party on the plane. They even gave her a uniform and badge.

They even decided to enroll her as a part of the flight staff every time she flies to Cincinnati for treatment. She helps the stewards and demonstrates the safety instructions. Despite her condition (her airways are 87% blocked), she gladly takes part in the work of the crew during her flights.

Shantell is a prime example of courage and passion for life. Even her health condition doesn’t stop her on her way to fulfill her dreams. She remains positive and energizes everyone around her. Shannie still has many dreams on her bucket list and her mother is doing her best to make them come true.

Do you agree that this girl is amazing? Do you have a major dream? Share your dreams with us, and comment with what’s stopping you from fulfilling them right now.

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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