shes prettier on the 'real' one
What 15 Celebrities Would Look Like If Their Face Fit the Golden Ratio
The way we perceive physical beauty is closely related to the Golden ratio, some researchers suggest. We decided to check and see if this is really true and test how the faces of our favorite celebrities would change if they were “perfect,” according to this theory.
We at Bright Side respect the individuality of each person, so we’ll let you pick between the “golden ratio” face and the natural one.
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Ariana Grande
ewww, i like her before way more!
3. Rihanna
ewww, i like her before way more!
4. Sarah Jessica Parker
5. Timothée Chalamet
There is no difference
6. Emilia Clarke
Why are you spacing their eyes out all wierd
7. Gal Gadot
Такое ощущение что один глаз выше чем второй
8. Brad Pitt
Some people were meant to stay real, not ideal
9. Sophie Turner
I cannot unsee that one
10. Hugh Jackman
*cough* sid the sloth *cough*
11. Zendaya
ewww, i like her before way more!
12. Tyra Banks
13. Keanu Reeves
14. Meghan Markle
15. Margot Robbie
Была Марго, стала Скарлет
Do you prefer scientific perfection or individual imperfection? Would you like to change something about your appearance?
fog I&
Wow, real everytime, who makes this stuff up?
jeez what is wrong with this world?
They look far better with the face god has gifted them itself
oh well, I guess the main beauty means not to be "perfect" as science describes.
Nothing is better than a beauty given us by the nature
Honestly, these look kinda creepy...
I'd say, even disgusting :/
especially those tiny eyes of Hugh Jackman can scare someone for the night :D
There's something wrong with the "golden ratio" because almost all of them on the "ideal" side looks like their eyebrows are too far apart so that can't be ideal and it's most of them which would suggest the formula is wrong. But then again a perfect and Holy God created us so as we can see He made us as perfect as He could in an imperfect world
He/she completely messed this project up. The golden ratio works fantastically. Their ideal looks like a Salvador Dalí painting and is nothing like what the golden ratio mask looks like.
Butthurt LOL
Everyone looks ridiculous in the "golden ratio"
what's so golden about it? They all look creepy that way
If you gonna apply the golden ratio, do it the right way. If you know how to draw the „ ideal“ human Head after loomis you know it follows the rules of the golden Ratio. Whoever did these does simply not understand the rules. It’s laughable.
All of them look better as they are
You made many of them asymmetric - like Gal Gadot! You completely misused the golden ratio mask. It's like a 5 year old on their first attempt. This is a complete farce. The actual golden ratio holds very very well. This is an embarrassment.
...golden ratio doesn't looks good on them.
Ezt csak egy rosszul megírt program generálta, tele hibákkal. A valódi aranymetszés szerint mindenkinek szebb lenne az arca. A szépség ugyanakkor nem egyenlő a vonzóval. A teltebb ajkak, nagyobb szemek, már az ezüstmetszéshez igazodnak, ami dögössé teszi őket.
Az aranymetszést kb 5 ezer éve, az ezüstarányt közel 4 ezer éve ismeri a tudomány. 3 évvel ezelőtt egy eredeti mértani megoldást alkottam meg az aranymetszésre, 1 évvel később az ezüstarányra is, melyek segítségével elsőként vált lehetővé egy magyar módszerrel a két legszebb mértani arány szabad szemmértékkel történő milliméter pontos alkalmazása.
Azóta már 56 országból több mint 13 ezer diák tanult az akadémiánkon, köztük nemzetközileg elismert festőművészek és egyetemi művésztanárok.
Jelenleg éppen New Yorkban tanítok.
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Tyra Banks is a perfect example of a misproportioned face in real life. Her nose is too small. Your "real" photos don't reflect this either???>
Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Rihanna and Emilia Clark are the only ones improved by the changes and maybe Meghan Markle. Gal Gadot especially changed for the worse.
they all such. They are giving sid the sloth