18 Houseplants That Can Liven Up Your Interior With Their Fanciful Looks

5 years ago

The creative power of nature has no boundaries. Some plants can look so unusual, that it’s easy to start questioning your vision. They resemble deer antlers, diving dolphins, strings of pearls, or even rocks — they can look like anything on earth. And the best part of it: you can grow them all right in your own home.

We adore houseplants here at Bright Side, and here’s our collection of the 18 most extraordinary plants that can make your home look brighter.

1. Lithops are succulents that look like small colored rocks scattered on top of a flower pot.

2. This girl is not wearing a wig. She’s standing under a wall pot with a Rhipsalis paradoxa.

3. The name of this succulent is just as unusual as its appearance. It’s called Frizzle Sizzle, or Albuca spiralis.

4. Greenovia dodrentalis looks like a bunch of roses in a vase.

5. One of the cutest succulents, Monilaria obconica, looks like bunny ears.

6. The leaves of Crassula umbella look like plates or cups with flowers in the middle.

7. A bunch of heart-shaped Conophytums are a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day.

8. Aeonium tabuliforme reminds us of a pile of pancakes, rather than a houseplant.

9. The second name of Senecio rowleyanus speaks for itself: string of pearls.

10. It would be easy to mistake Euphorbia obesa for a round pin cushion!

11. Adeniums look like they came to us right from the pages of a Harry Potter novel.

12. This is not a rock that accidentally got into a flower pot. This is a plant, and it’s called Pseudolithos migiurtinus.

13. Haworthia truncata looks like a bowl of chopped cucumbers.

14. Senecio peregrinus, known as the Dolphin succulent, looks like hundreds of tiny dolphins diving into the sea.

15. The best thing about having a Sansevieria cylindrica at home is that you can braid it any way you want.

16. This Trachyandra tortilis must have used a curling iron to make these gorgeous waves.

17. Platyceriums resemble deer antlers and look unusual in any interior.

18. Alien-like Haworthia cooperi looks super-extraterrestrial with its transparent chunky leaves.

Which of these plants looks the most unusual to you? Which is your favorite houseplant? Can you show us its photo in the comments?


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I'm not a big fan of plants but these are to die for!


My grandma used to have TONS of plants but none like these. They really are fancy


I'm about to move to another apartment and I think this plants could really light up my new home


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