10 Dos and Don’ts for Wearing Red Lipstick Like a Boss
Red lipstick is one of those beauty products that can really transform your face. This timeless color has been a symbol of power, class, elegance, and freedom. Unlike other makeup items, red lipstick is versatile as it works both when wearing basic outfits or when going to the fanciest parties. But no matter the occasion, you can be sure that wearing the stuff will make your lips the center of attention.
When pulling off red lipstick, you need more than just a little attitude. That’s why Bright Side decided to make a compilation of tips that will help you to get everybody’s attention thanks to this timeless color.
1. Choose the shade of red lipstick according to your skin color.
For lighter skin tones with pink undertones, it’s best to go with something closer to a raspberry-red. On the other hand, if your skin tone is on the warmer side with golden undertones, it’s better to choose a red-orange shade.
2. Mix different shades of red.
As you may have already picked up on from the previous point, red has a whole range of shades, from orange to burgundy. If you are looking for a totally new and unique shade, get creative and try mixing the lipsticks you already have at home.
3. Avoid shiny, glossy lipsticks.
For a lasting effect, opt for dry lipsticks over those with gloss since they easily smudge and don’t last as long.
4. Exfoliate your lips.
Your mouth will be getting all the attention since it’ll be your look’s featured area, so make sure you remove any dry skin or impurities beforehand by using a natural exfoliant. You can use a mix of sugar and honey or sugar and olive oil. Mix the ingredients, massage the resulting ointment in a circular motion using your fingertips, rinse, and then apply some moisturizer.
5. Line your lips then carefully fill them in.
Outlining your lips with lip liner is an important step that many people skip. Start by tracing an “X” under your Cupid’s bow, then continue contouring along the lip line and finally fill in the rest of the lips. All these steps are to be carried out using the same pencil. Doing so will actually make your makeup last longer.
6. Apply the lipstick with a lip brush.
Although it might be tempting to apply the lipstick directly onto the lips, using a lip brush will give you the perfect results you had in mind when you first planned your outfit.
7. Remove any excess color.
Your lipstick should stay on your lips, not on glasses you drink from (or cheeks you kiss). Make sure to remove excess makeup with a napkin so that the color doesn’t stick to your teeth, glassware, or silverware when eating.
8. Don’t overdo it with the eyeliner and mascara.
Opt for a more subtle style for the rest of your face, particularly your eyes. Use only mascara and a thin eyeliner to draw as little attention to them as possible. Don’t let them get overshadowed by your lipstick, but don’t bother with extravagant, colorful eye shadows.
9. Make your lips and nails match.
Classic red goes best when worn on both lips and nails, so don’t forget to apply red polish to your nails to complete the look.
10. Choose an outfit that draws attention to your face.
When picking out your clothes, try to use neutral colors (like beige, white, or gray) to make your face the center of your look. Black dresses and red lips are a match made in heaven. That might be why it’s a classic and timeless outfit. Avoid colors that rival red, such as fuchsia.
What techniques do you use when applying red lipstick or makeup in general? Do you have any other interesting tips to perfectly pair red lips to your outfits? Let us know in the comments!
I personally don't like using red lipstick but this information is pretty useful
Great! I knew a few of these tricks. Thanks for sharing
I've been using shinning lipstick all my life. Know I get some things...
Rule #1: your teeth should be perfect, and doesn’t matter brunette or blonde.

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