6 Shoe Life Hacks to Keep Your Feet Safe and Healthy

6 years ago

Statistics made it clear: half of the women in the UK and 1/3 in the US wear the wrong size shoes. The hack of hacks is, and always will be, to wear the right shoe size! But apart from that, we know some of you need extra tips when wearing and caring for your feet. You’ll be glad to know that most of what you can do to protect them and keep them healthy is within your reach.

1. Tape the second and third toes on each foot together if you’re wearing heels to avoid hurting them.

2. Stretch out your feet with a rubber band at the end of the day to help relieve stress and pain.

3. Spray some alcohol inside your shoes to close your pores and reduce sweating.

4. Don’t let the soles of your shoes touch your other shoes when stored — that way you’ll avoid a pool of germs and odors.

5. Put water-filled Ziploc bags inside your shoes and leave them in the freezer to stretch them out.

6. If you have a blister on your heel, don’t put a Band-Aid on it horizontally, put it vertically to avoid rubbing it off with friction.

Bonus: Choose the right type of shoes, depending on your type of feet, so you’ll feel more comfortable.

Please note: This article was updated in March 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Illustrated by Tatyana Bogdanova for Bright Side


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#4 and #6 are very useful for hot seasons :)
Will save this one, thanks!


I will try the hack #8. I have tried to heat my shoes with a hairdryer, accoring to the popular advice on the Internet and then widen them, but it just didn't work. Maybe this one will help.


Calluses can be also soaked in apple cider vinegar and water. Helps too :)


I wish I knew before how to choose shoes correctly.. I have suffered so much from ingrown nails, because my shoes were too tight and no suitable for my feet shape.


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