Elliot Page Went Through a Tough Breakup but Found a Partner Who Loves Him Unconditionally

Love is in the air for Elliot Page who is happy with his new partner, Mae Martin. The last few years have been a roller coaster for the famous actor, from his transition to his public divorce. So we’re overjoyed to see the actor turning over a new page (pun intended) in his life. Keep reading if you want to find out more.

Elliot Page went through a tough breakup.

In January 2021, just 2 months after coming out as transgender, Page announced that he was getting a divorce from his then-wife, Emma Portner. The couple had been married since 2018. The reasons for their separation were unclear, but Portner was publicly very supportive of Page’s transition, calling his existence “a gift in and of itself.”

Page introduces the world to his new partner.

© Stefanie Keenan / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images, Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency ABACA/Abaca/East News

After over a year of what seemed like complete singledom for this The Umbrella Academy star, he has officially left the singles market. All eyes were on Page and his new partner, Mae Martin, as they attended the LACMA Art+Film Gala in dazzling matching tuxes.

Martin also further solidified their pairing by posting a photo of them and Page before the event with the caption, “My King @elliotpage took me out.” Now there’s no doubt about it, we have a new Hollywood couple to keep a watchful eye on.

What we know about Mae Martin

Now let’s get to know Page’s partner a little bit better. Martin is a Canadian comedian and actor whose most notable role so far is in Kaley Cuoco’s TV show, The Flight Attendant. Martin played an outstanding role in the hit series’ second season and might be sticking around for more.

Just like Page, Martin also identifies as a queer person. They came out as non-binary in 2021. Martin prefers the pronouns they/them but doesn’t mind she/her either.

Elliot Page, a prominent LGBTQ+ celebrity, fearlessly embraces and publicly expresses their true identity alongside their partner, serving as a powerful inspiration for the community for his fans.


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