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In some hotels, rented places, or stores, camera security can be too much. And not disclosing the information about the cameras inside is illegal in most countries, and it raises privacy concerns. There has been a rise in news from all parts of the world, from South Korea to Australia and even Miami, just to name a few.
The truth is, it has become very easy to find and buy these types of products. And the technological advancements allow them to be much smaller and also easier to install. Bright Side would like to highlight some tips that might help you to spot them and stay safe.
But a physical search can be more trustworthy and make all the difference. So let’s see how to do that and where to start.
There are day cameras and night cameras. Many have motion sensors, meaning they will only turn on when something moves nearby and activates them. That’s why it’s a good option to do a physical search. They come in many sizes and with different resolutions. However, regardless of the type or size, all cameras need a clear view without obstacles.
Start by observing the place in normal lighting conditions. See if you find weird or strangely placed items. Remember, a camera needs a good point of view, without obstacles. An awkward dot in an object or wall, a shiny bump on an object, wires that don’t seem to belong to the equipment they are connected to, or power outlets or adapters plugged for no obvious reason are all suspect.
Cameras make a low buzzing noise when connected. See if you can hear anything in general while you move along the area. Pay special attention in areas such as bathrooms, near the bed, and in common or working areas.
In changing rooms, always test the mirrors with a simple trick: touch the mirror with one finger and see if there is a gap between your finger and its reflection. In a normal mirror, there is a normal gap. But in fake 2-way mirrors, there is no gap. Don’t use a fitting room where fake mirrors are used.
The most common places to hide spy cameras inside a house are electronics, being the most common; then there are smoke detectors, electrical outlets, like power adaptors, digital TV and Internet boxes, wall sockets, air filter equipment, or alarm clocks.
If you find something strange, like a hole or a bump, but you’re not sure if it can be a camera or just a normal thing on the object, shine a bright light directly onto it. If it’s a camera, it will reflect a “bluish” light when you do so.
Then after that first step, turn off the lights and look for soft light spots. Found none? Then it’s time to use your smartphone.
The IR spectrum light used by night cameras is invisible to the human eye, but not to most front cameras on a smartphone. While in complete darkness, use your front-facing camera (which commonly doesn’t have an IR filter) to look around the place. If you find any light that you can’t see without your camera, you might have found something.
If you find a spy camera that was not disclosed to you, you should immediately walk away and call the police.
Don’t interfere with it or try to check anything else. You might be erasing evidence the police need. Remember, it might have been the person who owns/rents the place, but it could have also been planted by a trespasser for some other reason.
Have you ever used any of these tricks or know anyone who has? What other tips would you use to protect yourself in such a situation?
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