
7 Spooky Airport Stories That Will Make You Never Want to Fly Again

7 Spooky Airport Stories That Will Make You Never Want to Fly Again
11 months ago

Imagine the scene: you arrive at the airport in Hawaii a bit earlier and decide to chill in the waiting area. Suddenly, you notice an anxious blonde lady in a white dress standing at a gate. She’s looking out the window on the runway, waiting for someone’s arrival. You reach into your bag for some chocolate to comfort her. But it’s too late! She vanished into thin air.

14 Comics That Prove an Airport Is Like a Parallel Universe Where Anything Can Happen

14 Comics That Prove an Airport Is Like a Parallel Universe Where Anything Can Happen
3 years ago

We’re all looking forward to the next vacation season, and we’re all happy when it’s actually time to pack our bags and leave our regular life behind for a couple of weeks. But it’s also true that when we decide to spend our vacations in a remote place, we’re probably getting there by plane. And before actually being able to enjoy a beautiful beach or explore an exotic city, we have to face a real challenge: getting on the plane.

20+ Secrets Airport Workers Don’t Tell Ordinary Passengers About

20+ Secrets Airport Workers Don’t Tell Ordinary Passengers About
year ago

We, as passengers, only want our flight to be on time and our baggage to be delivered safely, and airport employees have a lot of work because check-in and security checks are only the tip of the iceberg. From the moment you enter the airport building and until the moment you land, you are constantly watched. All your pre-flight procedures are a compromise between safety and speed.

20+ Unexpected Airport Sightings That May Make You Chuckle

20+ Unexpected Airport Sightings That May Make You Chuckle
year ago

There are very few people who actually enjoy flying. The endless lines, flight delays, exuberant prices, and jet lag all contribute to the frustration passengers experience at airports. However, every now and then we stumble upon hilarious occurrences that lift our spirits. These crazy airport images are sure to have you looking for laughs the next time you fly.

That’s Why Airports Are Carpeted + 15 Secrets You Won’t Be Told About

That’s Why Airports Are Carpeted + 15 Secrets You Won’t Be Told About
year ago

Many airports have carpets in their gate areas. This nicety usually comes with a few other perks: lower ceilings, comfortable seats, and pleasant, natural lighting. All this costs more for airports, and carpets are not as easy to clean as hard floors are, but they create a cozy feeling for passengers waiting for their flight, making them more relaxed. Still, it isn’t just a gesture of goodwill on the part of airports: according to social research, calm passengers are about 7-10% more likely to go window shopping and actually buy something in the lounge area or duty-free zone. So by investing in the passengers’ comfort, airports actually increase their own income.

20+ Taxi Rides That Are as Entertaining as a Circus

20+ Taxi Rides That Are as Entertaining as a Circus
3 months ago

It seems so easy: press a button on your phone, order a taxi, and go. But it’s actually not that easy. Sometimes you come across such drivers that it takes weeks to come round. And taxi drivers have a whole bunch of stories about their clients too.

16 People Who Suddenly Met a Celebrity and Shared Their Experience

16 People Who Suddenly Met a Celebrity and Shared Their Experience
4 months ago

Sometimes it seems that celebrities live in a world inaccessible to outsiders and appear in public only on the red carpet. But the heroes of our article can easily refute this statement. These people know that you can meet a popular actor or singer anywhere: at the airport, craft store, and even at a coworker's party.

10 Big-Hearted People Who Deserve a Bonus From the Ministry of Good Deeds

10 Big-Hearted People Who Deserve a Bonus From the Ministry of Good Deeds
5 months ago

Life can surprise us with unexpected moments, like feeling overwhelmed by pregnancy hormones or getting flustered after missing your flight. But in these tough times, kind strangers often step up, showing us that there’s goodness in the world and helping out when we need it most, just like our heroes have seen firsthand.

15 People Who Were Angels Sent on Earth

15 People Who Were Angels Sent on Earth
5 months ago

We’ve all faced times when things don’t go as planned, and we feel like giving up. But in those tough moments, even small acts of kindness can really help and lift our spirits. These simple gestures can make a big difference and remind us that we’re not alone in our struggles. So, remember to be kind—it can brighten someone’s day when they need it most.

15 People Who Disturbingly Found Out Their Partner Was “Not the One”

15 People Who Disturbingly Found Out Their Partner Was “Not the One”
5 months ago

When we first start falling in love, it feels exciting and full of fun adventures with that person. The small gestures and chemical reactions in our body can make us believe we’ve found our soulmate. But things aren’t always what they seem. Some people spend years in love without realizing their partner isn’t right for them, while others have a single moment that changes everything. These people often go through a lot before realizing something isn’t right.

My Teenage Son Disowned Me Because I Fell in Love With His Best Friend

My Teenage Son Disowned Me Because I Fell in Love With His Best Friend
Family & kids
8 months ago

A woman, 43, wrote to our editorial to tell a story that she cannot tell to anyone because of the fear of being severely judged. She fell in love with the best friend of her son, and now the relationship between her and her offspring has been simply terrible. She cannot find the way back to her son’s heart for 4 years already, and their recent meeting has left a bitter aftertaste for the desperate woman.

12 People Who Saw Things They Were Definitely Not Supposed to See

12 People Who Saw Things They Were Definitely Not Supposed to See
8 months ago

They say ignorance is bliss, suggesting that we might be better off not knowing certain truths or uncovering the true nature of some people we’re acquainted with. Nevertheless, there are instances where discovering a secret can provide us with valuable knowledge. Whether it proves to be positive or negative, life occasionally places us in situations that can dramatically alter our day or even our entire lives. The people in this article have witnessed astonishing sights and revelations that will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on their minds.

How the “Home Alone” Cast Has Changed Through the Years

How the “Home Alone” Cast Has Changed Through the Years
9 months ago

As the year wraps up, the holiday spirit of Christmas brings back memories of a movie that’s been spreading joy for over 3 decades, filling our hearts with laughter. Even after 33 years, it’s a treasured pick during this festive time. Some actors from the film continued acting, while others chose different paths. But their roles in that movie remain close to us, adding warmth to our holiday memories. Let’s visit some of the Home Alone cast members and learn what they’ve accomplished since its release.Warning, the article has spoilers!

10+ True Stories About Weddings That Ended Up Ruined

10+ True Stories About Weddings That Ended Up Ruined
10 months ago

Getting married takes a lot of planning, and having a perfect wedding is nearly impossible. However, some people really get the short end of the stick. Whether because of family disagreements, surprising weather issues, or unfortunate accidents, many weddings end poorly, and some of these marriage mishaps have made their way to social media.

Buy these 11 travel must-haves from Amazon and take nothing but a carry-on on board

Buy these 11 travel must-haves from Amazon and take nothing but a carry-on on board
11 months ago

If you dream of traveling with carry-on luggage only but always end up taking several bags with you, take a closer look at these traveler must-haves from Amazon. You’ll find a novelty neck pillow that you can stuff with your clothing items, a tiny umbrella, a toothbrush with toothpaste inside, and other brilliant accessories that will help you take fewer items on board and travel stress-free.

I Boarded a Plane and Left My Wife Behind for Being Late

I Boarded a Plane and Left My Wife Behind for Being Late

Any marriage or romantic relationship comes with its own hurdles, including arguments and disagreements. anguy1284, a Reddit user, found himself in a dispute with his wife after he left her behind at the airport due to her poor time management. The argument led to the user asking for help from Reddit to determine whether he had been wrong in abandoning his wife.

10 Travel Necessities That Will Make You Feel Relaxed and Organized

10 Travel Necessities That Will Make You Feel Relaxed and Organized
year ago

There are many reasons a trip can be uncomfortable and filled with stress and one main concern is the feeling of not being well-prepared. In some cases, people don’t have the things they need or the things that will make life easier for them. That’s why we did some research and found 10 products that can give you some peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to worry about certain things.

15 Users Tell How They Knew They Had Fallen in Love With the Wrong Person

15 Users Tell How They Knew They Had Fallen in Love With the Wrong Person

In the complex dance of love, we sometimes encounter couples who seem destined for an unfortunate ending. It’s not easy to take off the rose-colored glasses and let go of a relationship that doesn’t work out, but sometimes some situations force us to accept that Cupid has smitten us with the wrong person. On this occasion, Internet users answered how they realized their relationship would end soon.

After an 18-Hour Delay a Man Was Excited to Be the Only Passenger on the Plane

After an 18-Hour Delay a Man Was Excited to Be the Only Passenger on the Plane
year ago

Many of you must have been through the ordeal of a cancelled or delayed flight, and it is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. In most cases, passengers are usually transferred to other flights or make new bookings or receive refunds. However, this is not what happened in the case of Phil Stringer, who was flying from Greensboro to Charlotte. He was the only person from the delayed flight who stayed put and didn’t opt to choose a different flight back home.

You Become Invisible but It’s Not as Cool as You Thought

You Become Invisible but It’s Not as Cool as You Thought
year ago

At first, you hear a high-pitched buzzing sound. Then sparks start flying in the air around your head. Light bulbs begin to flicker. A deafening crack, and you nearly jump out of your skin. Then you feel hot — as if you’re in the middle of a desert. And you scream and scream until everything around fades to black.

Start Carrying a Crayon in Your Wallet, Here’s Why

Start Carrying a Crayon in Your Wallet, Here’s Why

Planning a trip? Make sure you have the essentials in your wallet. Your ID, bank cards, a crayon, foreign currency... Wait, a crayon? Yup, you heard right. Some avid travelers swear by always keeping a crayon inside their wallets. Here’s why.Crayons can always write. If you need a writing utensil, they don’t need to be sharpened, and they never run out of ink. If you drop a pencil, the lead inside usually breaks, making it impossible to get that satisfying sharp point ever again. Traveling with one could jostle it a lot, meaning you’ll need to be sharpening, and sharpening, and sharpening. Pens and planes... not a great match. The rapidly changing air pressure in the cabin can cause your pen to burst, oozing ink onto all your belongings.

Plane That Landed with Only One Wing

Plane That Landed with Only One Wing
year ago

The plane had been in the air for a mere 25 seconds when the pilots noticed weird noises and bizarre vibrations. They tried several ways to improve the situation, but nothing worked. The engine surges continued. And just over a minute into the flight, when the plane reached 3,000 feet, both engines failed: first, the right one; two seconds later, the left one. The pilots decided to return to the airport they had just left. At the same time, they tried to restart the engines. Nothing seemed to work. The flight crew made a decision to pitch the plane down and then level it off. Perhaps it could help them gain some speed for the glide! But soon, they realized they wouldn’t make it to the airport. Was the plane going to crash?! That’s when the Miracle at Gottröra occurred.

21 People Who Prove Sometimes It’s Just Not Your Day

21 People Who Prove Sometimes It’s Just Not Your Day
year ago

Life is a rollercoaster, and some days it seems like the universe just can’t help but mess with you. We’ve all been there — those days when you wake up and from the very start, everything seems to go haywire. You spill your morning coffee, miss the bus by a split second, and then you step into a puddle that seemingly came out of nowhere. It’s as if the universe decided to play a prank on you, and you’re left wondering if you accidentally walked under a ladder while breaking a mirror.If you’ve ever had one of those days, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, there’s a whole club of “unluckiest people” who have taken to the internet to share their hilarious tales of woe. These are the 21 people who prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that sometimes it’s just not your day.Take Sarah, for instance. She was all dressed up for a job interview that she’d been preparing for weeks. Everything was perfect — until a bird decided to use her freshly styled hair as target practice. Or think about poor Mark, who managed to lock himself out of his apartment not once, but twice in the same day. It’s almost impressive how life finds new and inventive ways to keep him out.Then there’s Lily, whose quest for a healthy lifestyle took a hilarious turn when she slipped on a banana peel while jogging. Yes, you read that right — a literal banana peel. It’s like something out of a classic slapstick comedy. And let’s not forget about Alex, who managed to send a text to his boss about how much he hated his job... only to realize he sent it to his boss instead of his friend.But it’s not just individual tales of misfortune that make these stories so relatable — it’s the collective “I’ve been there” nod they inspire. Who hasn’t experienced the sheer frustration of waiting for an important call, only for your phone to die at the exact moment it starts ringing? Or how about that moment when you drop your toast and it lands butter-side down, defying all laws of probability?These stories remind us that life doesn’t always have to be taken seriously. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it all. Sure, getting caught in the rain without an umbrella is a hassle, but it’s also an opportunity to dance like nobody’s watching. And yes, accidentally using salt instead of sugar in your coffee is a taste bud nightmare, but it’s also a chance to embrace the unexpected.In a world that often feels like it’s spinning out of control, these tales of everyday misadventures serve as a reminder that we’re all in this together. They bridge the gap between strangers, uniting us through shared experiences of spilled drinks and wardrobe malfunctions. They remind us that perfection is overrated and that the unplanned moments are often the ones that make the best stories.So, the next time you find yourself slipping on a banana peel or realizing you’ve been wearing your shirt inside out all day, take a deep breath and join the club of the “unluckiest.” Embrace the chaos, roll with the punches, and know that you’re not alone in your quest to navigate the hilariously unpredictable journey called life. After all, we’re all just 21 people in a world full of unplanned moments, proving that sometimes, it’s just not our day — and that’s perfectly okay.

You Can Be Suddenly Downgraded on a Flight, Here’s Why

You Can Be Suddenly Downgraded on a Flight, Here’s Why
11 months ago

You arrive at the airport, anticipating a pleasant flight — after all, you’ve paid more for that extra legroom! Or a comfy window seat. Or a business class. That’s when you find out you’ve been...downgraded!How come? And if you can get downgraded, is the opposite possible too? Then, what other secrets do airlines hide?

Why Airplanes Don’t Have Keys

Why Airplanes Don’t Have Keys
year ago

It seems strange that a commercial jet doesn’t have keys to turn it on! But it’s a bit more complicated than just turning a key. Instead, there’s a series of buttons and dials on the control board that starts the complicated process. A battery provides the power to the aircraft that is charged through a small electric generator within the jet’s tail. Airflow gets in and moves into the jet’s engines to keep them cool. A reserve power then warms the turbines by turning them slowly until they start spinning at the right rate. Then, the engines can be turned on, one at a time. With up to 4 engines on a commercial jet, this entire process can take up to 90 minutes!

Why the ‘World’s Greatest Airport’ Lies in the Middle of a Swamp

Why the ‘World’s Greatest Airport’ Lies in the Middle of a Swamp
year ago

You’re on an expedition through the swamplands of Florida. You run into some sinkholes ... oops, was that a crocodile? Watch out! Suddenly, you reach an asphalt road. It looks a lot like a runway, but there’s no airport building around. You decide to inspect it, and a walk down the runway takes you around half an hour! At the end of it, you notice a trailer. There are 4 people inside. They tell you you’ve accidentally run into what was supposed to become the largest airport in the world. 5 times the size of JFK, to be more precise.