Most people are not happy with their hair, they think it's not thick, long, or shiny enough, while others struggle with dandruff or hair loss. In most cases, these are just things we inherited and are nothing to worry about. Sometimes, these symptoms can also be signs of different illnesses. If you experience any of them, it's always good to check them out, just to be on the safe side.
Your face is like a mirror to what's going on inside your body. Sometimes those little imperfections, blemishes, or skin changes are not just an aesthetic concern, but can reveal deeper health issues. Puffy eyes? Excessively pale skin? Mimic wrinkles that appear from one day to the next?Your body may be sending you messages, and it's important to learn how to decipher them before it's too late. We will tell you about signs that may indicate something may be wrong with your health and how you can prevent more serious problems. Pay attention and do this quick check in front of the mirror!
Your hands can be a window into your overall health. From circulation problems to vitamin deficiencies, they often show early warning signs of underlying issues. Paying attention to these signs can help you take action before minor symptoms turn into major health problems. Here are 12 ways your hands might be trying to tell you something important.
Your body has a way of signaling when something is off. This is also true when you're lacking essential nutrients. And ignoring these signs can lead to long-term health issues. Here are 10 common symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and what they might mean, along with actionable solutions.
In today’s story, the main “characters” were already kinda distant because they came from totally different family backgrounds. One was living the good life, all healthy and wealthy, while the other was more about being chill and down-to-earth. Everything was manageable until one day, the in-laws decided to drop by the woman’s place, and things got so messy that she had to kick them out.
It’s wonderful when your kid has a good friend who they enjoy spending time with. But what do you do if your child’s friend’s head is full of lice and their mother refuses to get rid of it?
Fall is often associated with winds and rains, but you don’t have to feel cold this coming fall. These 10 Amazon gems will keep you cozy and warm, no matter where you are. From a cute dog-shaped draft stopper to novelty hand warmers and electric blanket, they’ll use all their power to protect you from nasty weather, while also cheering you up with their eye-catching design.
Fatigue is becoming more and more common today. In the US alone, about 20% of people claim it interferes with living a normal life. And, as it turns out, it’s not just high levels of stress that can lead us to feel sleepy and tired all day. 20%-60% of cases are the result of various physical rather than mental issues, many of which are not that easy to spot.
Pregnancy can be the most blissful time in a woman’s life, but it can also bring unexpected challenges and push a woman’s body to a limit. Moreover, moms-to-be often get unsolicited advice, unwanted attention, and even rude comments. Most women don’t find it easy just to brush this stuff off and get over it, but one mom recently showed everyone how to deal with negativity gracefully.
Whether you’re sipping a hot cappuccino on your way to work or indulging in a sweet latte after a big presentation, it’s hard to imagine a day without coffee. And because it helps you regain energy in no time, many of us can’t resist the temptation to drink several cups to refuel and keep ourselves going throughout the day.
The mango is often referred to as the “king of fruits” in some parts of the world. The reason may be because mangoes are not only delicious but also contain a lot of health benefits. Bright Side found some convincing reasons why you should ditch other sugary snacks and replace them with mangoes instead.
Prunes can do magic by helping you to lose weight, improve digestion, keep your bones and blood healthy, and way more. This dried fruit is full of healthy nutrients that your body craves. And you only need to eat 6 prunes a day to receive all their benefits, so they make for a perfect snack that you can take anywhere.
You may go to sleep and wake up still thinking about eating that tasty piece of chocolate, or perhaps you struggle to live even one day without tomatoes. These kinds of cravings can signify that you’re stressed, but according to some researchers, you may lack certain nutrients as well.
Food groups such as dark leafy greens, berries, and kefir are highly rated as “superfoods” by some health experts. Thanks to research and health specialists, we’re becoming more and more aware of foods that can turn our lives around. Plus, there’s always more we can do for our diet and our health, so why not make it a delicious journey?
A desire to chew ice or to eat something salty all the time can be a sign of a deeper problem or a lack of minerals and vitamins, specialists say. That’s why it’s always a good idea to pay attention to any new developing habits, especially if they arise suddenly from out of nowhere.
Our lips have more than a million nerve endings and are much more sensitive than our fingertips. They need special care. Sometimes they can signal to us that we have some real problems with our health and that we need to pay proper attention to these conditions.
In order to take good care of your health, you should have a full medical examination at least once a year. However, you should also watch out for your health between doctor visits. There are special tests that you can do in order to diagnose a serious illness, even before the first symptoms appear.
Today, nails are mostly regarded as a purely aesthetic feature of our bodies. In fact, it is estimated that the global nail polish market will reach up to $15.55 billion by 2024. However, it turns out that your nails may not just be a platform of contemporary design but also a mirror of your general health status.
Air-built suspiciousness can ruin anyone’s life. But what if together with harmless symptoms you’re also ignoring a more serious one that indicates having a certain illness? It’s worth knowing these changes to be able to notice if something is wrong so you can visit the doctor in time.
According to the Institute of Medicine in the US, adults should consume 400 micrograms of folic acid a day. This substance, also called folate or vitamin B9, is crucial for our health as it helps our body make and repair DNA and produce red blood cells. If your body lacks folate, you may suffer from certain symptoms and even develop anemia, a condition when your internal organs can’t get enough oxygen to work properly.
There is no magic pill to cure all of the diseases. But there are superfoods that will help you lose weight and can improve the condition of your skin and your health, in general. For example, kombucha, a drink that tastes like lemonade. Just drink 2 glasses a day and you’ll see what we’re talking about!
Nuts and seeds have always been popular in many different cultures as snacks or as food ingredients. Scientific research proves that these products are an important part of a healthy diet. If you eat at least some of them regularly, your body will feel a lot better.
Every day our minds process tons of information, our bodies perform thousands of actions. Living in this busy world makes it very easy to miss some messages that your body sends you. And the consequences of not communicating and responding to these signals can be drastic. Bright Side made a list of signs which indicate that your kidneys are not working properly. How many of these signals have your body been sending to you?
Our body is a perfect mechanism where lots of things happen at the same time. And sometimes it gives us signs that it needs help which, if ignored, can lead to health issues. Bright Side would like to tell you about some signals you should always take note of.
The human body is made so that it sends us signals as symptoms to let us know something’s wrong. Sadly, many of us overlook such signs, thinking it’ll be all right anyway. Bright Side has gathered several symptoms that may signal cancer, and we recommend taking them seriously.
Our bodies are one of the most complicated machines there is. Like any sophisticated machine, they constantly send information about defects: in this case, the workings of our internal organs and systems. However, we often ignore what our bodies tell us, and this is a big mistake. We at Bright Side decided to share ten worrying signals that our bodies can send us which you should really pay attention to.
Healthy food isn’t always tasty. But with regards to bananas, this isn’t the case. Which is why it’s doubly pleasing to learn that they not only bring satisfaction to your taste buds but also a great many benefits to your health. We at Bright Side have gathered together all the evidence showing why eating just two bananas a day can seriously improve your health.