There are struggles in people's daily lives that one may find difficult to handle or manage. It can be feeling stressed when having a bad day, relaxing in an overwhelming scenario or task to do, or even falling asleep at night. But there is a method that you can use to help you deal with the said struggles. This article will delve into the breathing technique, also known as the relaxing breath.
Fatherhood has its awesome moments, as the various fathers you may know would probably agree. There's no greater joy than parenting, or so parents will say, even after marathon days of work. Here are some dads who have turned raising children into an art, one that is full of love and laughter, in equal measures.
Sometimes you live with a person, and then suddenly they make something that terrible that you don’t know how to react. For example, they can buy an expensive watch when the family have money only for food, or complain that the dinner is not tasty enough. The heroes of this article revealed what was the last straw in their relationship.
While there are debates about whether otherworldly beings exist or are just products of our minds, certain experiences in life make us question this idea. The tales we’re sharing today center on people feeling or seeing inexplicable events that defy any logic. Regardless of your opinion on these occurrences, one thing remains certain—they’re likely to leave you feeling deeply unsettled.
Swimming is an effortless and efficient training method that can benefit anyone without any hassle. Experts suggest that swimming for at least 30 minutes or completing 20–60 laps can significantly improve your overall health. Incorporating a daily visit to your nearby swimming pool can also yield numerous benefits with no negative side effects. In this article, we will highlight 8 positive outcomes that you can gain from swimming regularly.
When you think of astronauts going to space, you probably imagine those cool things they can do up there. First of all, it’s flying like a superhero all the time! Astronauts hold on to rails and use their arm strength to move among modules. It probably takes some time to get used to this way of moving around, but in a couple of months in space, they can become real acrobats!
At 49, Heidi Klum feels younger than ever and hopes to have another child with her husband, musician Tom Kaulitz. The supermodel is known for her ageless beauty and youthful appearance, which she attributes to her healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and good skincare. And the beauty tips that help her maintain her youthful glow are very easy to follow.
When you think of astronauts going to space, you probably imagine those cool things they can do up there. First of all, it’s flying like a superhero all the time! Astronauts hold on to rails and use their arm strength to move among modules. It probably takes some time to get used to this way of moving around, but in a couple of months in space, they can become real acrobats!
Even medical centers have highlighted the health benefits of owning a pet. For example, owning a dog increases our chances of going outside, exercising, and socializing with others by walking regularly. Moreover, playing with pets is beneficial for our blood pressure. And apart from our physical well-being, having a furry family member can also bring on positive emotions, and our article clearly illustrates this.
Although pregnancy is without a doubt a wonderful time, it often comes with pretty weird and unpleasant symptoms. And some of them might appear very early, even before your pregnancy test comes out positive. From an unusual taste in your mouth to dizziness, there are lots of annoying signs of pregnancy you surely will forget about after you have your baby.
Smoothie recipes abound on the internet, and we can make whatever we want for a specific diet, as a pre-workout drink, or simply to cool off in the summer heat. These recipes are simple to make and can be found in a local store, and a smoothie can provide a lot of nutrition. Smoothies can also be customized to your liking.
In a time of transoceanic travels and rare medical advances, sailors used to fear scurvy, a disease that affected them the most. Today, we know that scurvy is no more than a deficiency of vitamin C in our body and that by simply eating an orange a day, it can be cured.Our Bright Side team wanted to show you all the benefits eating an orange a day can offer your body so that you can stay healthy.
Science says that people are born uniquely when it comes to their ability to forgive. There are differing brain structures for human beings who quickly move on and those who find it difficult to let go. Moreover, forgiving and forgetting are challenging for some of us, and we can say why.
Tomatoes are associated with a compound called lycopene, which has numerous health benefits. Actually, any red vegetable or fruit contains a bit of lycopene — a substance that gives them their bright red color. But tomatoes come with more lycopene than other veggies, with one medium tomato containing about 2-3 grams. Interestingly, tomato juice contains significantly more lycopene than raw tomatoes.
Although maintaining a fulfilling relationship sometimes calls for hard work, all of us strive to enjoy the blissful moments that love has to offer. According to science, being in love may be extremely rewarding — not only emotionally, but also physically. It has the ability to alleviate stress, reduce pain, heal wounds, and a plethora of other unexpected “side effects.”
Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is to offer them comfort, warmth, and love by something as simple as a hug. And if you’re not a big fan of physical touch, you might change your mind when you learn all about how powerful they can be for our mental and physical health. Hugging will communicate to your loved ones that they’re safe and not alone, and we’ve all felt like getting a hug at one point.
A simple smile doesn’t require a lot of effort, but it works wonders for our health, scientists claim. It can boost our immune system, relieve pain, and even lower blood pressure. So, as it turns out, there’s a good alternative to swallowing bitter pills and medications — and all you need to do to feel better is produce a smile or 2.
According to American research, pets can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, raise blood oxytocin levels, and, in some cases, may even reduce direct pain. And while we usually believe that kids and pets have an unbreakable connection, we tend to forget the incredible amount of love and affection between dads and the “family pet.”
Some scientists recommend eating 3 meals and 3 snacks per day, and others recommend eating none. Before panicking, hear us out: this is not a starvation mission. In fact, fasting is one of the most ancient practices in human history. For example, the therapeutic use of fasting dates back to at least the fifth century BCE, when Greek physician Hippocrates recommended it for patients exhibiting certain symptoms of illnesses.
One survey found that 1 in 4 married couples sleep in different beds. And it’s not always because the spark is gone. Sometimes, poor sleep quality due to different bedtime habits or schedules can be the culprit. But great minds have found that sharing the bed with your sweetheart — despite the loud snores and the never-ending battle for the blanket — might actually make you healthier and happier.
It is estimated that each American eats 53 pounds of bread per year. The reasons are very simple since bread is delicious, convenient, and can be easily transported anywhere. However, like most things that taste so good, bread also has its negative effects on the human body. And when our bodies are bothered, they send signs so we can take care of the problem.
It was found through a survey that 55% of pet owners share their bed with at least one dog. Thankfully, many studies have been done researching this matter. Besides making us feel cozy and safe, our furry friends can actually bring some additional benefits to our general health.
From protecting your eyes and boosting your immune system to defending your body against cancer cells. It doesn’t matter if you eat them in your salad, smoothies, dips, or straight from the tree — there’s no denying that avocados are as delicious as they are beneficial to your body.
It may seem like adding one more vegetable to your diet won’t make a big difference — but it really can — as long as you make sure to include it in your meals every day. Because vegetables have so many vitamins and minerals in them, they can provide your body with healthy nutrients and even prevent some unpleasant health issues. For example, bell peppers can keep your skin looking young and toned.
Generally, people strive for companionship and affection in their lives. For example, in 2020, 64% of women worldwide were cohabited or married, but how many of them actually know how love affects them? After you fall for another person, everything from your mood to your life goals can be turned head over heels by your loved one. And some of these changes would remain unnoticed if not for the curiosity of researchers.
Situations like a cramp while swimming, being close to fainting, or getting lost in the woods are not often experienced in our life. Still, 28.8% of people go to the emergency department frequently. To minimize our risk, we need to know how to behave without panicking during extreme situations.
There are many home remedies you can use to regrow your hair. And one of the most interesting techniques that may help you to sprout a gorgeous mane is a practice that requires the rubbing of your fingernails for just 5-10 minutes a day. This alternative reflexology therapy, also known as Balayam Yoga, may help to manage various problems, including hair loss and dandruff.
We all know how important it is to look after our teeth, especially with today’s very sugary diet. But what you perhaps didn’t know is that brushing your teeth prevents harmful bacteria from traveling into your bloodstream and circulating around your body, damaging you along the way. This leads us to believe that brushing our teeth can actually impact our lives more than we realize.
Weighted blankets weigh anywhere from 5 to 30 pounds and they can provide you with therapeutic benefits. This is because they mimic a technique known as deep pressure. In fact, the pressure can be described as feeling like someone is hugging you. At first, this blanket was used by therapists, but it can give you different benefits on daily basis.
Sometimes, after a concert or exposure to excessively loud sounds or noises, we can perceive a buzzing sound. It doesn’t seem to come from any source, and weirdly, we’re only able to hear it when everything else is silent.
Spending time in nature is known to reduce stress and improve our mood but there’s more to it. Recently, research was done to find out whether enjoying nature from the comfort of our own homes delivered the same benefits, and what was discovered was truly surprising.
Studies have shown that affection has a positive impact on your health. For example, according to one, hugging can benefit your heart by lowering your blood pressure. This is great news for all of those who spread love.
We’ve gotten used to thinking that tomatoes are more useful when we eat them raw and make a salad with them. And while this is true, they’re actually a better choice for your stomach when they’re cooked. And there are many more ordinary foods that can surprise you with their changing benefits depending on the way they’re prepared.
When you think about juices, carrot juice is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. Orange, apple, grape, and pineapple juices are a lot more popular. However, if you aren’t a fan of carrots in food, you can turn them into a delicious drink and still get all the health benefits! For example, it can help you get rid of the flu faster.
70% of pet owners say they sometimes sleep with their pets and 65% buy Christmas gifts for them. This bond can be easily explained. Pets can reduce stress and lower blood pressure. But no matter what science tells us, animals can simply become our soulmates.
If you’re feeling down or stressed, you may want to try asking the person sitting next to you for a hug. That’s because a warm embrace has been proven to have many health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and keeping a person calm.