Brazil makes you think of the sun, the sand, and everything exotic. Home to the Amazon rainforest and football mania, the culture of Brazil comes as a surprise to most tourists. To be able to buy bikinis on the beach from hawkers is funny enough. Even the TV remotes have an emergency football watching button.
Usually people go to a restaurant for delicious food and pleasant conversation, but they don’t realize that in addition they can get unforgettable adventures. In this article, you will learn about what happens when a guy tries to impress a girl and what surprises await in a pizzeria.
In a situation that’s left her feeling overlooked and disrespected, a wife finds herself fuming after discovering that her husband has invited his mother on their trip—without consulting her first. What was supposed to be a special getaway for the two of them has suddenly turned into an unexpected family affair, and she’s struggling to contain her frustration.
G. Miranda’s stunning photographs, commissioned by Survival International, provide a unique insight into the isolated lives of different uncontacted tribes around the globe. From the mysterious Sentinelese people of North Sentinel Island, India, to the indigenous tribes of the Amazon near Brazil’s Javari River valley, these images offer a mesmerizing aerial perspective.
In the world of miracles and mysteries, the story of identical triplets from Brazil emerges as a captivating saga of awe and joy. Michele Kaiser and her husband, Mauricio, found themselves on an unexpected journey when they discovered they were expecting not one, but three bundles of joy.
In a world where millions of children wait in orphanages, their stories are often untold, and their futures are uncertain. A remarkable tale of love, faith, and resilience emerges from Brazil to America. It’s a story that begins with four brothers, whose lives filled with neglect and adversity, but who ultimately find their way to a loving family in North Liberty, Iowa.
In the bustling streets of Brazil, between daily life, there exists a tale of human kindness and compassion that has touched the hearts of many. It’s the story of Marcos, a homeless man with a simple wish on his birthday — a slice of cake and some company to ease the burden of loneliness. Little did he know, fate had something extraordinary in store for him, in the form of an angel named Murilo.
G. Miranda’s breathtaking photographs, captured for Survival International, offer a rare glimpse into the secluded existence of various uncontacted tribes worldwide. From the enigmatic Sentinelese on North Sentinel Island, India, to the Amazon tribes near Brazil’s Javari River valley bordering Peru, these images provide a captivating aerial view.
Family jewels not only have special charm, but also convey family history spanning decades. In addition, vintage jewelry is often distinguished by a unique design that is almost impossible to find today.
A hairdresser has become a hero for many for dedicating his time to help build up the confidence of children affected by hair loss in some way. He applies hair prostheses on children entirely for free, and with the push of social media, his emotional transformations are soaring higher than ever.
Tattoos serve as powerful self-expression and can reflect our deepest values and beliefs. Therefore, choosing the right design and artist is crucial. The ideal tattoo artist can bring our ideas to life with precision and artistry. Yet, Helena Fernandes, a tattoo artist renowned for her style, is a unique exception to this norm. Her work is often described as unconventional or “ugly.”
A 21-year-old woman claims she wasn’t allowed to board her flight after arriving at the gate in a bikini. The woman explained her reasons, but she still felt it was unfair, sparking an online debate.
Taylor Swift has been touring the US on the first part of her showcase and is set to perform in Europe for several shows in 2024. And in a video that’s gone viral on social media, Taylor is seen enthusiastically greeting fans as she exits the stage, while her alert bodyguard scans the stadium for dangers.
Whoosh — waaaa! You’ve just been pushed out of an airplane up high in the skies of Brazil, and there’s nothing but you, your parachute, and the ground far below you. And it’s getting closer by the second. Open, open, you useless backpack! Phew, finally. But you notice you’re now gliding straight...Oh no, you’re falling down into the Amazon River! There’s nowhere to escape now — splash! You’re in the water, covered by the heavy canvas. You push it aside, struggling for breath and trying to find your bearings. But as soon as you free yourself from the parachute trap, you notice some strange movements underwater.
There are islands on our planet that have not been touched by the hand of modern man. Not even his fingers. Nature in these places has remained unchanged for thousands of years.What if people lived on one of these islands? They wouldn’t know about civilization’s progressive benefits or have seen a modern person. This island actually exists, and traveling to it is unlawful and involves many dangers.
We cherish this type of love in our lives and won’t settle for anything less. Finding such love is no easy task, but Bruna de Sousa discovered it. Right when life seemed to be against her, her husband stepped up to support and care for her. It’s genuinely inspiring all that he has done!
Do you know the feeling when you’ve been trying to solve one mystery for your entire life? Nope? Well, Detective Anderson does. During almost thirty years of working for the police, he solved many riddles, caught hundreds of robbers, and helped save thousands of lives. There’s a huge number of successfully solved cases on his record.At the age of 25, he caught a thief who changed his own face with plastic surgery once a year. When Anderson was 30, prisoners started breaking from jails all over the world. The detective successfully solved this case. At the age of 38, he discovered the secret base of a forbidden order in a volcano’s mouth. By his 50s, he managed to explain all the most inexplicable things in the world. But there was something he couldn’t solve. These were two mysteries from the 50s, cases of missing planes. All these years, Anderson has been scrolling through the details of this puzzle. Unfortunately, he was too young when this story began. All he had were guesses and notes.
The concept of an ideal man’s appearance differs from country to country. Like women, many men strive to adhere to popular beauty trends to enhance their attractiveness. Discovering the cultural variations in what is considered universally beautiful can be surprising.
Beatriz Pugliese, a lovely woman from Brazil, has a unique birthmark that covers 80% of her body. Despite this unique challenge, Beatriz has found love and has been in a loving relationship with her husband for the past nine years. She has chosen not to undergo further surgery to alter her appearance.
This husband had the most unhinged reaction when his wife didn’t get crowned in a beauty competition. The man’s uncontrolled moves and brutal acts as he got up on stage left everyone in utter disbelief, and what he did to the winner’s crown turned this peaceful beauty competition into an unforgettable night.
This is the kind of love we want in our lives and we won’t settle for less. We know it’s not easy to find something like this, but Bruna de Sousa sure did it. Just at the moment when life seemed to turn against her, her husband was there to take care of her. It’s admirable everything he’s done!
Let us play a little guessing game, shall we? Can you name the sixth-largest river on Earth in terms of volume? That’s the amount of water that flows through a waterway. The first couple of rivers are easy to list. Number one is, of course, the Amazon River [South America]. Then we have the Congo [Africa] and the Ganges [India]. Feel free to name all the rivers on the planet. You won’t get any closer to the answer. Why? Because this river is not on the surface but underneath the waves of the Black Sea.
It is often the case that when visiting a new country, people do not make an effort to learn about the local customs and way of life. However, this can be a mistake because things that are considered normal in our own culture may be viewed as unusual or even offensive in other countries. By gaining this knowledge, travelers can avoid awkward or humorous situations and make their trip smoother.
Picture a ghost town: abandoned buildings covered in graffiti, rusting remains of cars, cracks in the roads. And now add to that a thick blanket of black smoke coming from under the ground. And the ground itself is hot to the touch. You’re entering Centralia, Pennsylvania. Centralia used to be a lively place during the 1800s and up to the 1960s: its rich coal mines attracted a lot of people to work and live there. But in 1962, one of those mines accidentally caught fire, which started to spread underground. Coal is a slowly burning fuel, so the citizens continued to live peacefully for almost another two decades. Until the fire began to undermine the town.
I bet that’s not what you imagine when you think of cashews, but a Redditor found them like this in a store in Brazil. It turns out they’re not “true” nuts. Cashews emerge at the tip of a cashew apple. There’s a special word for a fruit with a seed inside — “a drupe.” So, cashews are drupes, just like almonds and pistachios. Brazil is the homeland of cashews. The tree was brought to India by the Portuguese in the middle of the 16th century. And from there, it spread further to Asia and then to West Africa. Today, these regions are the largest producers of cashews. The biggest consumer is the USA — they get 90% of the world’s harvest.
And there’s the kick-off. Imagine watching your favorite team square up with its rivals. If you’re in the stands cheering them on, then it’ll be even better to see them run up and down a cool-looking patch of green grass. That’s why most pitches have different grass patches for your entertainment. The only player on the pitch who’s allowed to touch the ball is the goalkeeper, and you can easily identify them by the different colors of their jerseys. They were asked to wear different colors so that they can pick them out from the crowd. This tradition started more than 100 years ago when jerseys looked slightly different and the pace of the game wasn’t as fast as today.
The Javarri Valley in Brazil is an untouched jungled area of 33 thousand square miles, slightly larger than Austria. This place is protected to stop outsiders from entering. This isolated area is home to one of Brazil’s largest indigenous territories. Here, uncontacted tribes with no understanding of the outside world can live peacefully in the jungle. Observation is only made by officials from the air. It provides a small glimpse and a better understanding of how early hunter-gatherer societies once lived. Up to 3,000 inhabitants, within 14 different tribes, live deep inside the reservation, in up to 19 villages. This makes the Javarri Valley one of the largest concentrations of isolated peoples in the world. It’s illegal for outsiders to enter this area, as contact with outside humans would be volatile to the natives’ health. These remote tribes haven’t evolved an immunity to the many bacteria that we have. So, it’s crucial they are left alone.
On July 30, 1930, thousands of fans were watching the first ever FIFA World Cup final in Montevideo, Uruguay. 13 nations participated in the championship. Finally, the hosts defeated its neighbors, Argentina, with a score of 4-2. That day, team Uruguay lifted the FIFA main trophy for the first time in history.
Cotton Candy is a restless cat who lives with his owner in Florianópolis in southern Brazil. One day, he brought an enormous portion of fun to his owners, coming home after an unforgettable walk. And not only his owners but thousands of people were left in stitches after reading the post dedicated to Cotton candy’s shenanigans. After reading their story, we bet you’ll have a massive laugh too.
Supermodel Gisele Bündchen better watch out because there’s a girl in Brazil who might be coming for her career. Paula La Croix is 21 years old, but her life drastically changed when she was just 16. One day, she became an internet sensation. Let’s find out how her life has become different since someone first noticed her resemblance to the world-famous supermodel.
Imagine crying out to someone not knowing that they can’t hear you. This is the story of the loneliest whale swimming in the oceans. Scientists can only refer to the whale as a 52-Hertz whale or 52 whale for short. They call it that because they picked up its sound pitch similar to a Blue whale’s frequency which is between 10 and 39 Hertz. Whales, like many animals, communicate with frequencies that only they can understand. This whale in particular is known as the only one of its kind since no other whale produces the same frequency.
Fraser Island sits off the coast of sunny Queensland, Australia. But don’t fall for its beauty; it’s home to the most dangerous beach in the world. There’s nowhere on the island to seek medical attention. So if you do run into danger, you’re on your own.Dingo attacks are super common here. If you don’t know what a dingo is, it looks like an adorable dog but beware; this wild breed is extremely dangerous. And the dingo’s gnashing teeth aren’t the only thing to be scared of; the seas around the island are swimming with great white sharks. There’s jellyfish in the water too. Fraser Island is home to some of the world’s most dangerous kinds, including the Portuguese bluebottle. One sting from its venomous tentacle is enough to take down an adult human.
The Amazon River travels through 9 South American countries at a length of over 4,000 miles. Still, it’s impossible to cross it by a bridge. With the river being the main highway traveling through this dense forest and so few areas populated around the river, there’s just no reason to have one. The river can rise up to 30 feet, and the river crossings that were only 3 miles wide can expand to over 30 miles in just a few short weeks in certain spots, making a bridge nearly impossible to build here.
Watching a football game is exciting enough. However, what’s more exciting is watching a match where things end up weird. During a match between Austria and Denmark, a mysterious hole popped up from nowhere and stopped the game. The players were furious but also confused by this weird deep hole. It was a Danish player who brought this to everyone’s attention when his leg got stuck — the hole was deep enough to consume his ankle. Luckily he found it before the game started: such a situation lead to a career-ending accident. He was just showing everyone how deep the hole was. On top of that, the match was delayed by 90 minutes due to a power outage. The fans were confused: some were frustrated that the team they wanted to support couldn’t play, while others found it... amusing!
Growing up with very little money certainly shapes our future and the way we view things. And it might create a stronger motivation to succeed in life and reinforce our determination and focus to achieve bigger goals. And when we look at people who came from nothing and made it big, we notice that most of them never forgot their past and are always ready to support others. Because no one knows the way to fight poverty better than someone who has experienced it firsthand.
Sometimes we get easily discouraged and feel powerless when encountering difficulties. That’s the perfect time to look within ourselves to find courage and determination. And luckily, there are some extraordinary people out here to remind us that we can do much more than we think. These incredible real-life heroes are pushing boundaries, proving that anything is possible.