I Was Called ’Monkey’ Because of My Birthmark, but I Stopped Surgeries and Found Love

year ago

Beatriz Pugliese, a lovely woman from Brazil, has a unique birthmark that covers 80% of her body. Despite this unique challenge, Beatriz has found love and has been in a loving relationship with her husband for the past nine years. She has chosen not to undergo further surgery to alter her appearance.

“They told me I looked like a monkey.”

Meet Beatriz Pugliese is a lovely 28-year-old woman from São Paulo who was born with a nevus birthmark. This condition is incredibly rare and only affects one in 500,000 people.

When asked about her outlook on life, Beatriz shared an inspiring perspective: “I’d always tell others that we have to learn to be happy with what we have, in every sense of life but specifically in our differences. We have to see what we are inside.”

It may sound cliché but it’s the truth, we all have to embrace ourselves the way we were born.

After undergoing her last surgery in 2008, she made the courageous decision to no longer pursue further procedures and instead fully embrace her unique appearance. In her own words, she expressed, “I hope to inspire other people to embrace who they are, and to be confident in their own skin.”

Despite enduring childhood teasing, where she was compared to a monkey, Ms. Pugliese has developed a deep love for primates and other animals. She now aspires to work closely with these fascinating creatures, as her passion for nature continues to grow.

Love doesn’t ask for any specific skin type.

In addition to her inspiring journey, Ms. Pugliese has also discovered love in her life. Her husband, Fellipe Koroboff, 30, is a cook, and they have been together for nine years. Their paths crossed during the 2014 World Cup held in Brazil while they were both watching the same match. Since then, their relationship has blossomed.

Ms. Pugliese shared, “My birthmarks have never been a problem for him.” Her husband loves and accepts them, which has helped her feel more confident in her own skin. “He provides me with all the support I could ever need.”

She is thankful to her family for never treating her differently.

Ms. Pugliese expressed deep appreciation for the constant support she received from her family. She emphasized how they consistently made sure she never felt like she stood out from other children. They provided her with the freedom to wear any clothing she desired, and they never urged her to conceal her skin from others.

Their unconditional acceptance and encouragement played a vital role in nurturing her self-confidence and embracing her uniqueness.

People with birthmarks are walking canvases of uniqueness and personal stories, showcasing the beauty of our diverse world. Their distinctive marks radiate charm and serve as a reminder that embracing our differences adds vibrant hues to the tapestry of humanity.

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