A Man Devoted His Whole Life to Taking Care of His Wife Who’s in a Vegetative State

This is the kind of love we want in our lives and we won’t settle for less. We know it’s not easy to find something like this, but Bruna de Sousa sure did it. Just at the moment when life seemed to turn against her, her husband was there to take care of her. It’s admirable everything he’s done!

This story quickly became viral on social networks due to its touching nature. It is about David César, a resident of Brazil who has dedicated several years of his life to the care of his wife, Bruna de Sousa, who is in a vegetative state. As a result of this situation, David became unemployed and is now seeking help through social media to meet all future expenses. The story of love and courage of this man has been shared repeatedly on the Internet, as he fights tirelessly for the welfare of the woman he adores so much.

It was 2018. David César and Bruna de Sousa were watching TV on a normal day when, suddenly, Bruna started having convulsions due to cardiorespiratory arrest. In an interview, David, 28, recalled, “In a matter of three minutes, she lost all vital signs. We rushed to the hospital, and after 25 minutes, they managed to resuscitate her, but she had been without oxygen for a long time.”

According to David’s account, Bruna suffered from a disorder that does not affect the basic functions of the nervous system but does prevent her from perceiving her surroundings. In other words, his wife was left with permanent sequelae and in a vegetative state.

Bruna was hospitalized for almost two years, and since June 2019, David has devoted all his time to taking care of her in his own home. However, being unemployed, he could not meet all the needs of his partner. And yes, although she is at home, she needs the help of specialists, medications, food, and other things.

The truth is that what David was earning as a driver was not enough to cover his wife’s needs. For this reason, he was forced to start raising funds.

Although many charitable souls took pity on them, Bruna’s expenses kept increasing. David himself acknowledged this at the time: “We haven’t managed to get her retirement yet. But two volunteer lawyers are helping us. We are living on donations.”

Fortunately, after going through so many difficult moments, there was still hope. David learned of treatment in Canada thanks to the information provided by the neurologists. If he could get access to it, Bruna would have to take the medication for three years and combine it with physiotherapy. However, the cost of this option was around $19,000, so the couple had to resort again to raising funds through donations.

More than five years have passed since the day life changed for Bruna and David. Through his Instagram account, the young man captures some of the memories he has of his relationship with her. In addition, he keeps his followers up to date on his wife’s progress.

Undoubtedly, they are not going through an easy situation, but if something can be clearly perceived, it is the great and unconditional love that David professes and shows to Bruna. How many of us can boast of having received so much loyalty and care of a couple? But let’s be more honest, how many of us would be willing to do something like that for our partner?


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