Almost every person who cooks regularly has their own culinary secrets that make their dishes especially tasty: their mashed potatoes are tender and airy, steak is juicy, and chocolate biscuits melt in the mouth. We decided to find these secrets, tricks, and lifehacks shared by Internet users. Many of them can literally make the flavor of a familiar dish brighter and richer in just a couple of seconds.
Cooking is often full of surprises, and sometimes, even the most carefully planned meals take a turn for the unexpected. Whether it’s a kitchen disaster or a recipe experiment that didn’t quite go as planned, these 12 cooking attempts led to results no one could have predicted.
Family traditions aren’t just about Sunday dinners or the holiday season—they’re about the little things that bring us closer. It might be a special sauce your grandmother swore by or a dessert so unforgettable, it became a cherished part of every family get-together. So, let’s explore 10 of the most beloved recipes from different generations to prepare a meal that not only fills our stomachs but also warms our very souls.
Autumn is a magical time when the world turns shades of yellow and orange, leaves fall, the air cools, and everything feels cozier. There’s nothing better than a warm cup of tea on a day off, right? Well, maybe some sweet treats to go with it! We’ve put together a list of our favorite autumn desserts that you’ll want to make again once you try them.
Life with kids is always full of surprises! Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, they keep you guessing, turning every day into a mix of fun, laughs, and little unexpected moments. Even the simplest things become new adventures with them around.
For some people, the kitchen is the favorite place in the house, while others prefer to stay away from it whenever possible. Nevertheless, we still have to cook. And you can make your life easier and even enjoy your cooking experience if you pick up a few tricks.
When we were kids, we might not have fully understood how much our parents did for us. But now that we’re older, we can look back and see all the hard work and sacrifices they made to give us a good life, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
Many people enjoy eating food, but very few are certified foodies. If you happen to have such a friend or if you consider yourself a foodie, you definitely need to check out these 14 items. Not only they will offer you a great cooking and eating experience, they will also create a much more fun environment.
When we are young, we get exposed to various flavors and combinations — some of them stick and others don’t. But as we grow up, our taste might change, or we might feel like we need to change our habits for a specific reason. Maybe it’s because we want to stay at a certain weight range or because we are athletes. Or we simply develop flavor habits that seem weird to others, but that are so tasty to us.
Looks like those who have a penchant for the latest technological gadgets aren’t just after the thrill of showing off their status. No-no, they have a deeper motivation: the desire to explore cutting-edge technology that can boost their competence to new heights. Just think about it — imagine having all the latest kitchen gadgets at your disposal. The possibilities for culinary creativity are endless! From cooking up a storm to crafting delectable pastries, you could transform into a true kitchen virtuoso.But this is not just limited to the culinary realm. These gadgets can take your skills to new levels, regardless of your field. With each new innovation, you can uncover new opportunities and reach your full potential like never before. So don’t hold back — embrace the power of technology and unleash your inner brilliance!
She was saying, ’’What’s the point of being alive? I just sit here doing nothing.’’ And a few months later, South African Johanna Mazibuko passed away at the whopping age of 128, making her what is believed to be the ’’world’s oldest woman.’’ Here is a look at her fascinating journey that has expanded over 3 centuries.
Hi everyone! My name is Natalie, and I’m interested in cooking. I love making all sorts of meals at home, and I also enjoy watching famous chefs, like Jamie Oliver, create their masterpieces. But I’d never tried to recreate his dishes, thinking I wasn’t good enough. So, I decided to do an experiment, and for one week, cook one meal a day, using the recipes from Jamie Oliver. Every meal had just 5 ingredients, aside from the always-needed ones, like oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.
A hard-boiled egg will always have a strange little dent on the bottom when it’s peeled. This is caused by a natural air pocket that resides between the white and the shell. When heated, the air expands and escapes through the shell’s pores but not before the egg sets. So the larger end of the egg ends up being flat! If you poke a small hole in the big end of the egg, it lets the air inside escape, giving your egg a much smoother and rounder shape. It may also help with removing the shell after as well!
The art of cooking is like magic — we mix ingredients in different proportions and get a delicious result. But the most interesting thing is that some common seasonings can be used in a totally different way, resulting in a dish with remarkable flavor. Internet users shared the secret ingredients that help them cook like Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay.
If you’re one of those people who love to start their day with coffee — well, first of all, welcome to the club. And secondly, today we’re going to discuss a question you’ve probably asked yourself at least once — is it better to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach? Your cup of joe can help you feel more alert and less tired. Plus, caffeine may boost your brain function, mood, and exercise performance if you like working out in the morning. But also, the bitterness of this drink can make your stomach produce more acid.
You’re watching your favorite cooking show when suddenly, the star chef adds a pinch of salt to some jam that is supposed to go in a dessert. You pick up the phone to call and complain, but right then the chef explains. It turns out that adding salt to fruit is a common thing in different cuisines across the world. In Mexico, they like to spice up mango and citrus fruits with salt and chili powder. You can try mango with a shrimp taste in the Philippines and salted watermelon in the Southern states.
We all want to see only fresh food in grocery stores and supermarkets, however, the reality of this is quite different. Expired foods sit next to fresh ones on store shelves, and it’s not that easy to tell them apart.
There are a few different labels on products that inform you about the freshness of food. For example, “sell by” labels are just so stores know when to pull a product from their shelves. “Best if used by” labels tell us that it might still be safe to eat something after that date, but its flavor might not be the same. So maybe those dates aren’t exactly an indicator that we should throw products away and buy fresh ones.
Vegan, no gluten, low-fat, and even superfood labels are constantly promoted as “healthy” and “guilt-free” options to help you achieve perfect well-being. However, lots of junk ingredients can be sneakily added to them, turning our favorite snacks into less obvious junk food. In the end, we might end up damaging our health and unexpectedly putting on extra pounds.
People are so used to storing food in the fridge that they don’t really think about what’s really worth putting in there and what’s better off being kept at room temperature. Even when the packaging says “store in a cool dry place,” we automatically put the item into the fridge.
Nobody knows what the first person who tried to dip French fries into a milkshake was thinking. But thanks to these experiments, we have this so-called food pairing — the art of combining the tastes of foods that seem impossible to combine.
After we wake up in the morning, the first thing many of us do is down a cup of coffee. But as it turns out, we’ve been doing this wrong the whole time. And believe it or not, there are even more everyday habits that need correcting, according to experts. Let’s have a look at what they are.
Parents are naturally concerned about their children’s health and eating habits, but sometimes, they may be taking the wrong approach simply because they don’t know any better.
The skin on our hands has to put up with a lot of things every day. Itchiness, dryness, and skin irritation are common symptoms for many people that may become worse when they overuse sanitizers or wash their hands too often. But thanks to simple home routines that can be easily incorporated into your beauty regimen, it’s possible to save your hands without putting forth too much effort.
Confusing bananas with plantains or a Golden Retriever with a Labrador may not seem like a big deal at first. But thinking that 2 things are similar, when they’re not, might cause some problems. For example, you’d be very disappointed if you are offered a macaron, but get a macaroon instead. Knowing the right meaning of things can not only simplify your life, but turn you into an expert who can easily win in any argument.
A single-serving of butter whose seal is also a knife, a coffee cup that stops drips from running all the way down to the countertop, and a single-egg carton: These brilliant inventions prove once more that it’s the little things take make all the difference, especially when it comes to design.
Gadget designers boost their creative process by various means and that is when they create masterpieces. They know the struggles of trying to add some butter to your toast when it’s so hard that you can barely spread it, or when you try to catch a spider in your house but it keeps escaping. They’ve managed to come up with some really effective gadgets and we think you’ll want to buy them right away!
We all love food, but we often underestimate how food can change over time and across cultures. After all, chocolate was mostly used to make a bitter drink with chili peppers in Central America long before somebody had the idea of adding sugar to it. One man’s junk food can also be another man’s medicine. Did you know cough drops are sold as candy in some countries? In other words, an ordinary dish can be taken to a whole new level in different countries.
Based on a study that was conducted in 2011, bleach (hydrogen peroxide) is an ingredient that manages to increase the stains on our hair and helps decompose the melanin that it naturally has. Swelling is the first consequence and that’s why damaged bleached hair looks so voluminous. Also, the lack of melanin makes your hair look colorless and it changes to reddish or yellowish tones based on what color the hair dye was.
From time to time, we all face different insignificant issues while cooking. A piece of eggshell that gets in the batter or a piece of beef that you forgot to take out of the freezer to defrost for dinner can easily spoil your mood. In this article, we’ve collected some tips that can help you avoid these and many other problems while cooking.
Even if you don’t particularly enjoy cooking, it’s still something you have to do either on occasion or even every day. But if you want the results to always meet your expectations, you should make use of simple pieces of advice that would make your dishes taste much better. Very often, it’s just one simple step stands between “good food” and “amazing food.”
Want a wonderful dinner without getting stuck four hours in the kitchen? You can always make something brilliant with some potatoes. Some say that simply boiling, baking or frying them with butter and herbs is enough. Sure, it’s certainly tasty, but we decided to look deeper and discovered a far more delicious and mouth-watering variety of ways that you can cook potatoes.
We are all a little crazy about winter holidays; we love the unique atmosphere and joy they bring. We believe in miracles, and we try to make tiny little magical things happen to our kids. If you already missed the spirit of this special season, try out these five cute desserts. Your kids will love them!
Pasta and pizza are the most popular dishes worldwide, and they both came to us from sunny Italy. The traditional cuisine of this truly unique country is so varied and amazing that it would be impossible to encompass in a single article.
Lasagna is the perfect dish for lunch or dinner during the cold season — it’s hearty, tasty and very satisfying. For preparation, you need quite a bit of time and ingredients.
All over the world, people make celebratory meals for Christmas and New Year’s Day that are generally considered to be the best and most delicious in their national culinary tradition. Their reputation has often been proved over generations, with each and every one of them falling in love with their own particular delicacies.