
Sing 2 Cast: Who Stays Behind Images of Our Favorite Characters

Sing 2 Cast: Who Stays Behind Images of Our Favorite Characters
8 months ago

Sing has gained massive popularity among audiences of different ages. And this is well-deserved! The captivating plot, adorable characters, and incredible musical hits along the way. It was not a surprise that the audience waited for the follow-up, which was — Sing 2. This time, the creators went even further and invited a lot of famous and talented actors and musicians to provide their voices to our beloved characters. We decided to look into how the Sing 2 cast looks in real life!

Revealing Your Personality Based on the First Thing You See

Revealing Your Personality Based on the First Thing You See
year ago

If you’ve ever thought about how these quizzes work but couldn’t figure it out, you’re at a good place. We’re here to explain. The human brain is divided into two main parts: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. These two sides function differently, yet they work in tandem, not independently. How we think and process information is influenced by which side of the brain is more dominant or active at any given time. It’s a fascinating interplay of both hemispheres shaping our thoughts and perceptions.

Secret Room Inside the Rock Where Ancient People Lived

Secret Room Inside the Rock Where Ancient People Lived
year ago

“A comfortable abode with a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean Sea will serve as a perfect rain shelter” — this is what a real estate advertisement might have looked like for Neanderthals 100,000 years ago. Welcome to weird and wonderful caves you could live in — or not. Of course, back then, neither real estate and advertising had been invented yet, never mind the fact that Neanderthals couldn’t build houses and often lived in caves. Yet, one of those caves looks an awful lot like a residential building. It’s situated inside a high limestone cape called the Rock of Gibraltar. If the Neanderthals had had an economy, the caves inside this rock would have cost a bundle.

NASA Astronomers Discovered a “Bear” on Mars

NASA Astronomers Discovered a “Bear” on Mars
year ago

Imagine being one of the first people sent to explore Mars. As you’re approaching the Red Planet, something strange and creepy draws your attention. There, yes, right there! Doesn’t it look... like a mammoth bear’s head?! What — or who?! — could possibly create a bear’s snout in the middle of a crater?

What If You Were Hit by a Penny Falling From a Skyscraper

What If You Were Hit by a Penny Falling From a Skyscraper
year ago

If you’ve ever watched a cartoon about an elephant, you’ve surely noticed a scene where this huge animal is running from a small mouse. That’s because the myth surrounding them — the one about elephants being scared of mice — is as big and powerful as these animals are. It turns out elephants do not have any particular dread of these small rodents. But they don’t see well and tend to move a bit slowly. So, they may be spooked by a faster-moving animal or even a bird if they are caught off guard. Speaking of myths surrounding animals, we’ve all been told at one point that bats are blind.

27 Hidden Secrets of Famous Logos Revealed

27 Hidden Secrets of Famous Logos Revealed
year ago

Ah-hem. The earliest logos can be traced back to ancient family crests. In the Middle Ages, people with pubs and shops started using various symbols to present what they did and to distinguish themselves from others in their line of business. But why is it so important for a brand to have an impactful logo? Well, because first impressions count, even for businesses. A well-crafted logo can send the right message to potential customers and help people learn more about your business at first glance. With so many logos to look at nowadays, especially since the beginning of e-commerce, it’s easy to overlook the hidden meanings and symbols in everyday products.

What If You Left Solar System and Didn’t Stop

What If You Left Solar System and Didn’t Stop
year ago

You’re standing on the bridge of your super-modern spaceship. Today, your mission is to fly to the uncharted areas of space. You travel past beautiful nebulae, spinning pulsars, and black holes. Soon, you’ll arrive at the planet where life might exist in the most unusual forms. You’ll “shake hands” with a strange bug the size of an elephant and maybe even establish diplomatic relations with it. This might happen in the future. For now, humanity is just trying to get farther into space.People first took to the air in 1783 when French engineers built the world’s first hot air balloon. But it only rose above the ground for a third of the height of the Statue of Liberty. In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first flight in a controlled airplane. Since then, people have been reaching higher and higher. These days, modern airplanes can climb to an altitude of 8 miles! It’s like 34 Empire State Buildings stacked one on top of another.

What Would Happen If Earth Fell into a Black Hole

What Would Happen If Earth Fell into a Black Hole
year ago

Black holes are some of the most enigmatic and sinister phenomena in the universe. They can swallow up entire stars and planets, bending the very fabric of space and time. But what if Earth, our home planet, were to be caught in the grip of a black hole’s event horizon? Hmm. What would we see before the inevitable end? Let’s have a looksee, okey dokey?

14 Famous Women Who Love Their Meaningful Tattoos

14 Famous Women Who Love Their Meaningful Tattoos
Girls stuff
year ago

All of us have probably wanted to get a tattoo at least once in our lifetime. Some people dreamed of getting ink when they were rebellious teenagers, others thought about it later in life. Anyway, celebrities are just like us. They also have different tattoos, some of which have a deeper meaning.

An Artist Sees Magic in Ordinary Things and Creates Real Shadow Theatre

An Artist Sees Magic in Ordinary Things and Creates Real Shadow Theatre
3 years ago

A Belgian filmmaker and artist knows with certainty that all great things start accidentally. Once, while he was working on a new script, he suddenly noticed how the shadow of a teacup on his desk looked like a little elephant. He completed the image with a few lines, took a picture, and shared it on Instagram and YouTube. The reactions were so positive that he challenged himself to make one of these “shadow doodles” every day. And he hasn’t stopped since.

20 Baby Animal Facts That Make Us Want to Thank Mother Earth for All the Smiles

20 Baby Animal Facts That Make Us Want to Thank Mother Earth for All the Smiles
3 years ago

A study has concluded that looking at endearing animal pictures can improve focus. And if we add in baby animal facts to the mix, it’s double the joy. Like a baby elephant who has no idea about what to do with that “arm” on its face, or a pygmy marmoset infant “talking” just like babies do — even the size of a panda bear cub at birth — we just can’t get enough.

15+ Photos That Prove an Angle Can Change Everything

15+ Photos That Prove an Angle Can Change Everything
3 years ago

What might look like ordinary vines from one angle could end up looking like an elephant from another. Also, a simple shadow could give you some nice stockings, or you could get a killer shot from 3D burnt-out marks. It’s not easy to take a confusing photo since all you need is the perfect angle — and you could easily miss it by standing in the wrong position. But luckily, these people were in the right place at just the right time.

How 9 Modern Animals Would Look as Dinosaurs

How 9 Modern Animals Would Look as Dinosaurs
2 years ago

We have no idea what actual dinosaurs looked like and our only source of inspiration is bones. Often not even a complete skeleton, just limbs, and a tail. The problem with this is that artists, who specialize in drawing ancient animals — called paleoartists — tend to just cover these bones with skin, disregarding any possible fat, muscles, and other stuff.

14 Times When Even Psychologists Failed to Understand Children’s Logic

14 Times When Even Psychologists Failed to Understand Children’s Logic
3 years ago

Psychological tests can be very puzzling, even for adults. But children seem to be able to find a solution in any situation, even though their solutions can also be very confusing. Maybe they draw eerily dark pictures, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re depressed. Sometimes they’re just really developed for their age, and they can scare even a licensed professional.

The Generosity of These 12 Celebrities Speaks Louder Than Their Fame

The Generosity of These 12 Celebrities Speaks Louder Than Their Fame
3 years ago

Science says that helping others makes you want to help more. When you remember your past good deeds, it stimulates you more than the kindness you’ve received. And some celebs have fully experienced this for themselves. Despite their busy careers and fame, they think about others and actively participate in charity.

16 People Who Saw Things That They Didn’t Believe With Their Own Eyes

16 People Who Saw Things That They Didn’t Believe With Their Own Eyes
4 years ago

Many of the things we know about from different stories and books don’t quite look like we expected in real life. Some of them turn out to be strikingly different in shape, size, or even color compared to the things we’ve imagined. In fact, some things may open up from a new side thanks to an inconspicuous detail. And other things can completely change the perception of ​​the world as we know it. For example, after learning about where a squid’s teeth are located, or seeing a real elephant skull, you’ll likely perceive these creatures in a whole new way.

11 Iconic Movie Scenes That Looked Realistic but Now Seem Absurd

11 Iconic Movie Scenes That Looked Realistic but Now Seem Absurd
4 years ago

There are many videos online where experts in different areas break down the scenes from movies and talk about how realistic they are. Some episodes are unique and others can be seen in many different movies, for example, when pilots talk on the radio during turbulence or when someone starts a fire with friction.

15 Times Things Only Pretended to Be Plain and Normal

15 Times Things Only Pretended to Be Plain and Normal
4 years ago

Sometimes we see things that make us lift our eyebrows and say, “Sorry, what did I just see?” Like when you decided to make a cupcake that turned out looking like an elephant or when you burned a match that looked like a microphone. Such coincidences make us believe that the world still has something new to reveal to us.

10+ Animals That Exceeded Their Life Expectancy and Lived Many Long, Happy Years

10+ Animals That Exceeded Their Life Expectancy and Lived Many Long, Happy Years
4 years ago

Perhaps lots of people would love to live for over a century. Humans might be able to live up to more or less than 100 years, but the number might pale in comparison to the life expectancy of some animals. Some animals have surprised us with unexpectedly long lives, especially, a turtle that could have met Darwin back when he was still traveling to the Americas or a parrot that “spoke” to Winston Churchill.

17 Tom Hanks’ of the Animal Kingdom Who Totally Deserve a Pawscar

17 Tom Hanks’ of the Animal Kingdom Who Totally Deserve a Pawscar
4 years ago

Among cinema lovers, few know that the award for best animal-acting performance exists and that it’s called the PATSY Award. There are so many animal actors we’ve loved on screen and it can be said that sometimes they even overthrew their human co-stars. Some of those sweet creatures were so exceptional in their roles that a thousand treats and cuddles are not enough to reward them.

8 Images That Can Reveal the Deep Truths About You

8 Images That Can Reveal the Deep Truths About You
year ago

If you’ve always wanted to understand your personality more, there are some tests that might help you. Just relax, get comfortable, and take a look at the images below. Don’t think for too long or try to understand the picture. The only thing you need to do is to answer the question and have a look at the result.

22 Animal Moms That Conquered Us With Their Tenderness

22 Animal Moms That Conquered Us With Their Tenderness
2 years ago

Maternal instinct is probably one of the strongest feelings that animals and humans alike can experience. No wonder elephants endure 22-month pregnancies and crocodiles carry their offspring more gently than they breathe. After all, the way the motherly instinct is expressed is truly magical, whether it’s a lioness licking her cub or a monkey tenderly holding its baby.

18 Kind Animals That Adopted Other Species

18 Kind Animals That Adopted Other Species
4 years ago

Children should always be surrounded by love, warmth, and care. This rule even applies to baby animals. Those in the animal kingdom instinctively know this and they prove it by their own example. This article will show you unbelievable examples of animals adopting the cubs of other species and it just might touch your heart.