Wow these guys talk really loud. sure of it.
The Generosity of These 12 Celebrities Speaks Louder Than Their Fame
Science says that helping others makes you want to help more. When you remember your past good deeds, it stimulates you more than the kindness you’ve received. And some celebs have fully experienced this for themselves. Despite their busy careers and fame, they think about others and actively participate in charity.
We at Bright Side would like to tell you about 12 celebrities who have kindness as their middle name. And their good deeds deserve our attention.
Robin Williams
You may not know this but Sharon Osbourne struggled with colon cancer. And at some point, she felt she didn’t have the power to continue this battle and was ready to give up. At that moment, Ozzy called Robin Williams and he came to them to cheer Sharon up.
Something magical happened: she laughed hard together with Robin and the next day decided to continue her treatment. And she fought and beat the disease.
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande started her charity work at the early age of 10 years old. Since then she’s been supporting a huge number of campaigns and organizations. But she’s never forgotten about animals. First of all, she has 10 rescue dogs living with her. She also paid the fees for 15 pups and gave an opportunity to her fans to adopt them at her concerts. And finally, she and her friends opened an Animal Rescue Center called “Orange Twins Rescue.”
Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman
This is an old yet very touching story. Suzie Wilson, the mom of Mara Wilson who played Matilda, was diagnosed with cancer. Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman helped the little girl survive this hard time. They became her second family and went together to see movies and plays, and even arranged sleepovers.
Wilson worried that her mom wouldn’t be able to see Matilda. But DeVito managed to show it to her in the hospital before she died, and the movie itself was dedicated to her.
System of a Down
You may not have known that this band has its roots in Armenia. After a 15-year break that ended in 2020, the musicians released 2 new songs to raise money to help this country. They managed to collect more than $600,000 and gave it to the Armenia Fund. Also, Serj Tankian, the lead singer, donated money himself and even participated in an online concert to raise more funds.
Russell Wilson
This Seattle Seahawks quarterback has started a great charitable tradition. Each week, on his days off, he visits the Seattle Children’s Hospital. He comes alone or takes his wife Ciara and teammates with him. They spend time with kids trying to cheer them up.
He even fulfilled the wishes of a terminally ill girl and became her godfather. He also hosts a football camp for youth and donates money to various organizations that help kids and people in need.
Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran is a well-known volunteer. He donates his clothes, raises money for charity, and has several foundations. Along with this, he helps kids to learn music. He even paid special music course costs for a school teacher. With this knowledge, he made it possible for them to introduce musical creation to kids with learning disabilities.
Jamie Foxx
Before Ed Sheeran became one of the highest-paid musicians, he went to LA where nobody knew him. At that time, Jamie Foxx was doing a radio show, helping various artists, and Ed asked him to listen to his songs. In addition to arranging a performance for him at a club, Jamie took the singer into his home for 6 weeks, gave him food, and supported him.
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer has been helping others for many years. She participates in a Stand Up to Cancer show, appears in charity videos, and even has a GLAAD’s Vanguard Award for her activism for the LGBT community. The actress actively donates money and supports numerous charity organizations. She believes that people who are living a fortunate life should use this opportunity to help others who are not as lucky.
Cher has been fighting for many years to save an elephant named Kaavan. He lived in terrible conditions for 35 years in a zoo in Pakistan, was overweight, and was used for entertainment and collecting money from visitors.
After his partner died in 2012, he was left alone and was even called the loneliest elephant in the world. And due to the singer’s efforts, Kaavan will live among other elephants in a sanctuary in Cambodia. If you want to read more about the elephant’s journey, go to our other article.
Michael Jordan
A famous NBA player opened 2 free clinics over the course of several years. The first hospital had already helped more than 3,500 people, while the second one started to work just recently. The main idea is to provide necessary medical care for those who can’t afford it or don’t have the proper insurance. Jordan donated $7 million to make this possible. He says he is not going to stop with this and plans to continue doing even more.
Dwayne Johnson
The Rock, who is known for his big kind heart, had no place to live at one point in his teen years. Then he accidentally met a guy named Bruno, who took him in and became a close friend. He gave Dwayne lots of support, took him in a second time a little while later, and even helped him buy his first car with the last of his money.
And recently, the Rock decided to pay him back. He surprised Bruno with a new car to thank him for all the things his long-time buddy had done for him.
Daniel Radcliffe
As it turns out, Daniel Radcliffe is not only an actor but also a designer who is involved in charity work. He created the special Cu-bed and gave all the money he earned with the project to Children’s Hospice. In addition to donating money himself, he urges fans do the same and support charities. The actor also has a Hero Award for participating in the Trevor Project that helps LGBT youth.
What acts of kindness impressed you the most? Have you ever done good things for strangers? What did you do?
What MIchael Jordan did it's amazing more in a country like USA where the cost of healthcare is very high.

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