
20+ Pics That Prove People Keen on Science Are Not Nerds but Really Cool Guys

20+ Pics That Prove People Keen on Science Are Not Nerds but Really Cool Guys
2 years ago

During school years, many of us got an opinion that A students are boring people and nerds. But that’s just a stereotype. Many of those who are really keen on science are talented and cool guys. They can express their love for learning about the world through art. For example, they can make a tattoo in the shape of a molecule, assemble a dopamine lighter or synthesize human insulin into a necklace.

15+ Astonishing Photos That Show the Connection Between Science and Everyday Life

15+ Astonishing Photos That Show the Connection Between Science and Everyday Life
2 years ago

Perhaps, as teenagers, each of us was lazily turning the pages of our chemistry, physics, or biology books thinking, “Why would I need this subject in my life? I am not going to become a scientist after all.” But the connection between these interesting sciences and everyday life is actually there and we can be sure of that once again thanks to these finds from internet users.

Terrific News: You Can Help Science and Earn $1,500 by Napping

Terrific News: You Can Help Science and Earn $1,500 by Napping
2 years ago

Taking nap when you feel exhausted feels so sweet, but this topic has still not been studied thoroughly. Some scientists talk about the benefits while others highlight the negative effects of napping. This difference of opinion suggests one thing — more research is necessary. For this, your help is needed, and to top it all off, it’s for a good reward.

Science Explains Why Butterflies Are Often Caught Drinking Reptile Tears

Science Explains Why Butterflies Are Often Caught Drinking Reptile Tears
2 years ago

Wildlife photographers from around the globe continuously share stunning pictures of sights that are strange and amazing all at once. The heads of large, scary, and powerful crocodiles and little turtles are crowned with colorful butterflies that drink away their tears. These scenes look so sweet that they could be part of a new Disney cartoon, but in reality, they have a scientific explanation.

11 Scientific Facts About Romantic Relationships That Made Our Hearts Tingle With Joy

11 Scientific Facts About Romantic Relationships That Made Our Hearts Tingle With Joy
2 years ago

Although maintaining a fulfilling relationship sometimes calls for hard work, all of us strive to enjoy the blissful moments that love has to offer. According to science, being in love may be extremely rewarding — not only emotionally, but also physically. It has the ability to alleviate stress, reduce pain, heal wounds, and a plethora of other unexpected “side effects.”

10 Scientific Facts That Are Strangely True

10 Scientific Facts That Are Strangely True
2 years ago

To this day, 65% of our Earth — excluding dry land — is still shrouded in mystery, and 86% of the world’s species are unknown. But science is constantly making progress, and it seems that researchers always have something to surprise us with. For example, we recently discovered that pigeons can learn art and sheep can recognize your face.

15 Eerie True Events That Defy Any Rational Explanation

15 Eerie True Events That Defy Any Rational Explanation
month ago

We try to make sense of life’s events through science and knowledge, yet there’s a side to our existence that remains shrouded in mystery and enigma, and that’s what makes it so fascinating. In the stories we have for you today, people shared experiences and memories they couldn’t explain, no matter how hard they tried. These moments eventually turned into chilling occurrences that still give them goosebumps whenever they think about them.

16 Times People Realized Their Lives Had Changed Forever

16 Times People Realized Their Lives Had Changed Forever
2 months ago

There are important moments in life when everything shifts, and we realize things will never be the same. Often unexpected and profound, these instances leave a lasting mark on our lives. In this collection, we explore 16 powerful stories where people experienced such transformative moments, forever altering their paths and perspectives.

8 Celebrities With Bodies That Fit Universal Beauty Standards, According to Science

8 Celebrities With Bodies That Fit Universal Beauty Standards, According to Science
3 months ago

Beauty has always been a matter of personal opinion, but now, science has pinpointed certain measurable traits that fit our idea of beauty. When scientists look at famous celebrities using these measurements, interesting information comes to light about the women often seen as the most beautiful. By considering proportions, symmetry, posture, and other measurable factors, studies have identified the celebrities with the most perfect looks.

20 Unpopular Opinions About Movies That Many People Don’t Agree With

20 Unpopular Opinions About Movies That Many People Don’t Agree With
6 months ago

Sometimes even the most rated and most popular movies make mistakes or contain scenes that, in the eyes of some movie fanatics, do not hold their place. Generally speaking, we will all find fault with something even if it is perfect for others. Take a look at unpopular movie opinions and see if you agree with any of them.

The Story of Einstein’s Wife Who Was a Genius Overshadowed by Her Husband

The Story of Einstein’s Wife Who Was a Genius Overshadowed by Her Husband
7 months ago

In scientific history, certain names shine brightly, while others remain in the shadows. One such obscured figure is Mileva Marić, known to many merely as «Albert Einstein’s wife.» Yet, Mileva was more than just a spouse—she was a brilliant mathematician and thinker in her own right, whose influence on Einstein’s work is only now gaining recognition.

People Found “Alien Mummies” at Peru Airport, But Scientists Just Revealed Something Disturbing

People Found “Alien Mummies” at Peru Airport, But Scientists Just Revealed Something Disturbing
8 months ago

The discovery of “alien mummies” at a Peru airport has captured global attention. Previously, journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan showcased the specimens during a congressional event on UFOs. Maussan boldly asserted that the bodies, purportedly discovered near the enigmatic ancient Nazca lines in Peru, bore no resemblance to terrestrial life forms. However, as scientists delve deeper into the enigma surrounding these mysterious artifacts, they have unveiled something even more unsettling.

What Are Our Favorite Bones Cast Doing Right Now

What Are Our Favorite Bones Cast Doing Right Now
9 months ago

For nearly 12 years, the Jeffersonian’s forensics team and FBI agents have been solving dark secrets and unsolved cases on the small TV screen in the Bones series. Even though the cases were the main idea behind the series, the relationships that the characters developed over time won the fans. The Forensic Anthropologist and the special FBI agent stood by their side in sickness and health, in extreme challenges and happy situations during the series, but what are the Bones cast doing now? Let’s see.

It Comes Out We Have Two Brains

It Comes Out We Have Two Brains
11 months ago

In February 2020, Canadian babies unwittingly became part of a groundbreaking scientific endeavor, shedding light on a new frontier in science known as the Gut-Brain Axis. This emerging field explores the intricate relationship between the gut and the brain, challenging traditional notions of consciousness and cognition.

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past
11 months ago

Have you ever experienced those moments where time seems to sprint by in some instances and crawl at a snail’s pace in others? Whether it’s the joy of spending time with a cherished friend or the tedium of being stuck in sweltering traffic, time can play tricks on our perception. Yet, despite these fluctuations, time itself is often believed to be constant, ticking away at the same steady rate, or so we thought.

My Husband Got Me and Another Woman Pregnant at the Same Time, and Here’s the Decision I Made

My Husband Got Me and Another Woman Pregnant at the Same Time, and Here’s the Decision I Made

All families have probably faced situations where it’s hard to make a decision in the moment. But Jenna Herrera’s family experienced a real-life miracle, with Jenna and another woman getting pregnant at the same time by Jenna’s husband. The amazed woman posted a video on TikTok explaining how her pregnancy almost coincided with another woman’s, and what she and her husband are planning to do with the whole situation.

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science
Girls stuff
year ago

The quest for beauty has always been a topic of fascination, often subject to changing trends and individual perceptions. While the concept of beauty remains subjective, an intriguing formula rooted in the golden ratio has ignited discussions about the proportions of the human body and their perceived attractiveness. In a world where celebrities often set the standards for beauty, it’s no wonder that people are curious about who possesses the “most perfect” bodies according to this unique approach.The golden ratio, often referred to as the divine proportion, has captivated artists, architects, and mathematicians for centuries. Its presence in nature and art lends an air of mystique to the concept. Applied to the human body, this ratio translates into specific proportions that are said to be aesthetically pleasing. But is it possible to distill the complexity of human beauty into a formula?Enter the list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science.” This intriguing compilation has captured attention, sparking both curiosity and controversy. The concept that science could quantify and rank beauty seems paradoxical, yet it taps into our innate desire to understand and quantify the world around us. Through the lens of the golden ratio, these women’s bodies are evaluated and compared, inviting discussions on whether such an approach can truly encapsulate the allure of human beauty.However, it’s important to remember that beauty transcends numbers. Every individual possesses a unique charm that defies standardized calculations. The diversity of human bodies, cultures, and preferences makes it clear that no single formula can encompass the essence of beauty in all its forms. What the “9 Famous Women” list does accomplish, though, is to fuel conversations about the influence of media, societal ideals, and our perceptions of attractiveness.In a world that’s increasingly valuing inclusivity and redefining beauty standards, the golden ratio’s role in determining beauty might appear antiquated. The charm of imperfection, the allure of individuality, and the celebration of diverse bodies all contribute to a richer understanding of beauty. While the formula might hint at certain proportions that humans have historically admired, it’s the stories, personalities, and achievements of these women that truly make them inspirational. The idea of identifying the “most perfect” bodies through a scientific formula is captivating, but it’s important to remember that beauty encompasses more than just proportions. The list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science” highlights the interplay between mathematics and aesthetics, but it’s the uniqueness and individuality of each person that truly defines beauty in all its splendid forms.

The 20 Most Attractive Nationalities According to Ordinary People

The 20 Most Attractive Nationalities According to Ordinary People
year ago

According to various Reddit posts that discussed attractiveness, numerous nationalities were mentioned as being particularly appealing. The scores were based on the number of posts, comments, and upvotes each country received in discussions revolving around terms like ’attractive,’ ’beautiful,’ ’handsome,’ ’gorgeous,’ ’good-looking,’ and ’pretty.’ It’s important to note that beauty is subjective, and these rankings are based on the opinions of ordinary people participating in online discussions.

“Is that your grandpa?”: Salma Hayek Shares a Photo With Her Husband And Causes a Stir Among Fans

“Is that your grandpa?”: Salma Hayek Shares a Photo With Her Husband And Causes a Stir Among Fans
year ago

“You only married him for the money,” one user wrote. Salma Hayek is head over heels with her husband, the French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, who she met in 2006 at the opening of the Palazzo Grassi exhibition in Venice. They were both smitten with each other and since then, their love has been stronger than ever. However, one innocent Happy Birthday post on Instagram caused a major stir among fans.

Why Men Find Women With Hourglass Curves More Attractive, According to Scientists

Why Men Find Women With Hourglass Curves More Attractive, According to Scientists
year ago

Science has just unveiled one of life’s juiciest secrets: men can’t resist curvy women! From ancient instincts to modern desires, the allure of curvier women has stood the test of time. It’s a celebration of fertility, health, and sensuality, leaving men in awe of the timeless elegance and undeniable allure of curvier women. So, ladies, shake what your mama gave you and embrace those curves.

10 Unusual Jobs That Don’t Exist Anymore

10 Unusual Jobs That Don’t Exist Anymore
year ago

We live in a world where most of the things we want are just one click away. From products to services, we can access everything on the web. What about the jobs we want to have — will they be replaced by AI soon? Experts say about 300 million of them will be. Change is the only constant in our lives and when it comes to jobs, we felt inspired to go back to the old times and see what were the most interesting occupations that have vanished or just turned into a nice read in a history book.

What 12 Celebrities Would Look Like If They Were Born With Symmetrical Faces

What 12 Celebrities Would Look Like If They Were Born With Symmetrical Faces
year ago

In theory, symmetrical faces should be the most attractive to us. One experiment, however, disproved that notion by showing that perfection is boring, and our true beauty lies in our unique features. We also wanted to carry out our own experiment and have chosen the following 12 celebrities to see how different their faces would’ve looked like, had they been perfectly symmetrical.

15 People Whose Ideas Are Certainly Out of the Ordinary

15 People Whose Ideas Are Certainly Out of the Ordinary
year ago

Throughout history, individuals have challenged the norm with their unique ideas. They’ve pushed the boundaries of science and art, leaving a lasting impression on society. The incredible and captivating tales of these people serve as a reminder of the transformative power of unconventional thought. We’ve gathered a collection of photos that will inspire you to think outside the box and explore new possibilities.

They Found Something Unbelievable Under Antarctica’s Ice

They Found Something Unbelievable Under Antarctica’s Ice
year ago

Do you know that NASA explores not only stars, planets, galaxies, or black holes? Hard to believe, but yes! The agency also works on discoveries here on our home planet Earth. So what has NASA recently discovered? Is there life under the ice? While they were analyzing data recently, they discovered something unbelievable hiding under Antarctica’s ice! And this discovery not only changes everything we know about the whole water system of the Earth, but it may also help with research about life in space! Humankind’s existence might depend on understanding Antarctica and its secrets! So, the recent discoveries reveal vital information about our survival!

15 Pics That Reveal More With a Closer Look

15 Pics That Reveal More With a Closer Look
year ago

Optical illusions and visual tricks have long been explained by science, but they still continue to fascinate us. Many of us have accidentally taken a picture that made us do a double-take, wondering if our minds were playing tricks on us. These 15 pictures may make you think your eyes are deceiving you but they are just clever optical illusions if you look close enough.

16 Rarest and Most Expensive Mining Finds

16 Rarest and Most Expensive Mining Finds
year ago

It’s kinda weird, but mining finds are often some of the most exciting discoveries. Ready for a treasure hunt? Hmm, or maybe we can just take a look at what other people found? Without leaving our comfort zone, you know.

When Skies Turn Yellow: Are You in Danger?

When Skies Turn Yellow: Are You in Danger?
year ago

You’re in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere, when it happens. You look up at the sky and notice that it’s taken an ominous yellow hue. Suddenly, a terrifying thought pops up in your mind — haven’t you read somewhere that the yellow sky means an approaching tornado? Wait, stop running! Let’s figure out if it’s true!