I wish there was more kind people like her in the world saving our animals.
Animals can't speak so the love they give back to please humans us is unconditional. I would do the same thing for any animal.
A Woman Rescued a Baby Elephant, and Now He Loves Her So Much He Follows Her Everywhere
People usually have pets like cats, dogs, parrots, turtles, or fish, but how often do you see someone with a pet elephant? These majestic creatures belong to the wild, but one little fella found
Roxy Danckwerts is the founder of Wild Is Life, which is an animal sanctuary in Zimbabwe. And one day, while working, she stumbled upon a baby elephant that seemed to
Roxy spent a lot of time with the baby elephant, giving the baby 18 liters of specialized formula every day. They spent a lot of time together, and Roxy even slept with him, so it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that he became so fond of Roxy and now follows her everywhere she goes.
The baby elephant is now 5-years-old and growing up fast. His name is Moyo, which in African translates to “Of The Heart.” Moyo has become so attached to his savior Roxy, that he sees her as a second mother and doesn’t let her out of his sight. That’s very sweet and all, but someone should tell Moyo that he’s growing
While there’s plenty of room for him to go play outside in the wildlife sanctuary, Moyo seems to
And with the selfless help of the people at the Zimbabwe sanctuary, Moyo and other orphaned and injured animals like him get special care and lots of love and attention to overcome their fears and traumas.
Roxy’s undivided love and attention helped Moyo grow up to be a healthy and happy elephant.
Do you agree that the world needs more people like Roxy? What do you think of her bond with Moyo? Tell us all about it in the comment section.

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