Elizabeth Taylor

Why Elizabeth Taylor Opted Not to Marry for the 9th Time Despite Meeting a “Wonderful” Man

Why Elizabeth Taylor Opted Not to Marry for the 9th Time Despite Meeting a “Wonderful” Man
year ago

Elizabeth Taylor spent her final days in a wheelchair, but that didn’t hold her back from looking as glamorous and stunning as ever. While on the brink of being married for the ninth time, she told her story and revealed some facts about her late life and husbands. It turns out she was also a lovely grandma who was there for her grandkids when they needed her. Read on to learn about Taylor’s off-screen life.

20 Most Beautiful Women of All Time, Ranked by Ordinary People

20 Most Beautiful Women of All Time, Ranked by Ordinary People
year ago

Beauty is subjective and influenced by various factors. Not every person deemed attractive today was considered beautiful in the past. Nevertheless, people want to acknowledge and commend beautiful women worldwide, creating rankings similar to this one to celebrate these individuals.

Science Proved That Kelly Brook, 43, Has Ideal Body Proportions

Science Proved That Kelly Brook, 43, Has Ideal Body Proportions
year ago

It’s time to honor the real embodiment of perfection: Kelly Brook with her stunning, curvy figure. Bid farewell to oppressive beauty ideals and welcome a new era of body positivity. Kelly showcases that curves aren’t just beautiful; they’re mesmerizing. Let her be a constant reminder that beauty transcends all shapes and sizes.

Only 8% of People Have This Body Feature + 17 Rare Body Features

Only 8% of People Have This Body Feature + 17 Rare Body Features
year ago

Most people have 12 pairs of rib bones, which means 24 ribs in total. But, some have 25. One in 200 people is born with the so-called cervical rib. It forms right above the first rib and grows at the base of a person’s neck, above the collarbone. A cervical rib can be located on the left, right, or both sides. You can have it without even knowing about it. This extra rib doesn’t necessarily form completely. It can be just a thin strand of tissue fibers not even an X-ray can see. In most cases, it’s really not a big deal — unless it starts putting pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

20 Women Who Were Voted the Most Beautiful Women of All Time by Ordinary People

20 Women Who Were Voted the Most Beautiful Women of All Time by Ordinary People
2 years ago

People say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and depends on many factors; for example, not every attractive person was considered beautiful in the past. However, a few people online voted the most beautiful famous women of recent times. We present you, then, the top twenty of the ranking, and we also tell you a word about them.

10+ Rare Traits That Make People a Special Exception to the Rule

10+ Rare Traits That Make People a Special Exception to the Rule
year ago

There’s an extra set of DNA that gives some people eyes that are different colors — a condition called heterochromia. It’s very rare, but also harmless. Generally, eye color describes the ring of muscle around your pupil called the iris. It allows light to enter your eye. And the color of the iris depends on the pigment melanin. The more melanin you have, the darker your eye color is. The majority of people have the same amount of melanin in both eyes which is why they match — unless you have a genetic mutation like heterochromia.

Model at 73, How Colleen Heidemann Shows Us Age Is Nothing but a Random Number

Model at 73, How Colleen Heidemann Shows Us Age Is Nothing but a Random Number
2 years ago

While the beauty industry keeps pushing the “never-aging” idea to women’s ears, not everyone is entirely obsessed with this trend. More and more women prefer to age naturally, gracefully, and with style. One such person who’s making a breakthrough in her fight against beauty stereotypes is a model named Colleen Heidemann, who turned 73 in 2022. This woman inspires many with the way she treats her gray hair and wrinkles as a beautiful accessory, and we’d love for you to take a dose of inspiration from her today.

12 Rare Body Traits That Actually Make You Unique

12 Rare Body Traits That Actually Make You Unique
2 years ago

In the past, artists and scientists were very intrigued by the anatomy of the human body, its perfection, and the understanding of each part. During the Renaissance, various studies of anatomy were done that were at the service of painters who sought perfection in their work. These studies opened a door to the mysteries of the human body. And over time, the body continues to fascinate us.

We Imagined How 17 Old Hollywood Stars Would Look If They Were Our Contemporaries

We Imagined How 17 Old Hollywood Stars Would Look If They Were Our Contemporaries
2 years ago

Movies filmed during the Golden Age of Hollywood have their own special magic and charm. Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Rita Hayworth and other stars of that epoch look at us from black-and-white film frames, their hair curled in sleek continuous lines, their eyelashes covered with thick layers of mascara, and their eyebrows super thin. Times have changed, and the stars of modern movie hits look completely different.

9 Legendary Dresses of Old Hollywood That Can Easily Outshine Modern Ones

9 Legendary Dresses of Old Hollywood That Can Easily Outshine Modern Ones
2 years ago

When talking about Hollywood divas of the past, we normally recall Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, and Marilyn Monroe wearing dashing dresses. The gorgeous outfits were usually created by designers of movie companies who stayed in the history of fashion like world-famous couturiers. Every one of these dresses hides a big story, and they even have their own secrets.

13 Iconic Book Characters Who Were Played by Different Actors and Actresses (Not All of Them Were a Success)

13 Iconic Book Characters Who Were Played by Different Actors and Actresses (Not All of Them Were a Success)
3 years ago

People often have very opposite opinions about actors in book adaptations. Some don’t like it when the movie character looks different from the book description, and others, thanks to talented actors and actresses decide to read the book. Today, almost all popular novels have 2 or more movie adaptations, so we can compare several “versions” of the same character.

10 Celebrities With Special Features That Actually Make Them One of a Kind

10 Celebrities With Special Features That Actually Make Them One of a Kind
3 years ago

It’s no secret that inside the Hollywood industry, everything is about looks. Often, we see photoshopped pictures in magazines and social media making fake expectations about beauty standards. But, it turns out that celebs are normal people just like us. And in the same way that nobody is perfect, one of the most fascinating things in life is that nobody is built the same.

6 Past Beauty Standards That Are Dominating the World Right Now

6 Past Beauty Standards That Are Dominating the World Right Now
2 years ago

There are some looks that Hollywood falls head over heels for whether they are eternal iconic styles that seem to never fade away or temporary trends that we know will be far gone when the next fashion season hits. We can’t deny that the stars who grace our silver screen or pop culture scene have a similar type of spark that shines brighter than the sun.

10 Times Costume Designers Perfectly Recreated Real Historical Outfits

10 Times Costume Designers Perfectly Recreated Real Historical Outfits
3 years ago

Creating costumes for biopics seems to be an easy thing to do — all you need is to recreate the existing costumes. However, sometimes creating veracious outfits takes much more time and effort than creating characters’ styles from scratch. It’s necessary to thoroughly analyze the image of the character, study the historical period, and find the right fabrics and jewelry.

7 Vintage Wedding Dresses of Celebrities That Look So Classy, We’d Wear Them Today

7 Vintage Wedding Dresses of Celebrities That Look So Classy, We’d Wear Them Today
3 years ago

Choosing that one special wedding dress is never easy. If you can’t find the design of your dreams in modern magazines, try flipping through some vintage celebrity photos. Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Priscilla Presley, and many other famous women of the past wore wedding gowns that looked so stylish and beautiful, they continued to inspire brides around the world for many decades.

13 Royals Whose Stories Made It to the Big Screen and What They Looked Like in Real Life

13 Royals Whose Stories Made It to the Big Screen and What They Looked Like in Real Life
year ago

Over the course of history, we’ve gotten to know many rulers that became popular for different reasons, and in many cases, thanks to their bad qualities as well. These rulers have transcended their time thanks to works of art, novels, theater, and, in recent years, cinema and television. Today, many celebrities are proud to bring to your screen the stories of these famous rulers, in order to inspire you and the rest of the public to learn more about humanity’s past.

14 Crazy Things Women Used to Do to Be Considered Beautiful (Some Are Still Done Today)

14 Crazy Things Women Used to Do to Be Considered Beautiful (Some Are Still Done Today)
Girls stuff
3 years ago

Did you ever imagine that nightingale droppings could help you keep your skin moisturized and flawless? Or that you could wear lipstick made from crushed ants and beetles? Or, better yet, that shaving the hair off the upper part of your forehead would make you look more noble or intelligent? These and other practices were very common among women over the centuries. And some of them are still in use today, even if we don’t realize it.

What Was the Trendiest Hairdo the Year You Were Born

What Was the Trendiest Hairdo the Year You Were Born
Girls stuff
5 years ago

Hairstyles are something that truly accompany us throughout our whole life. Always changing, they represent the vibe, the mood, and the fashion of an exact time in history. From the “Poodle” and chignons to edgy messy punk styles or more elegant locks — every year restless women come up with something new and fresh. Most of these styles became iconic and won’t ever be forgotten.