Eye contact

10+ Simple Ways to Read People’s Body Language

10+ Simple Ways to Read People’s Body Language
9 months ago

Sometimes, even the smallest things we do with our body parts can send an important message to the people around us. Even though we don’t do them consciously, some gestures can honestly describe how we feel inside and say a lot about us. Understanding body language can be helpful in various situations, so it’s important to know what these things mean.

15+ Realities of Life in Austria That Can Puzzle Newcomers

15+ Realities of Life in Austria That Can Puzzle Newcomers
year ago

Austria, located in the heart of Europe, remains a perennial favorite among tourists. Its magnetic allure attracts visitors from far and wide, seeking to explore renowned ski resorts and immerse themselves in its abundant historical and cultural treasures. The captivating landscapes of Austria never fail to inspire, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to experience them. Once enchanted by its beauty, it is no wonder that visitors yearn to return to Austria time and time again, drawn by its irresistible charm.

How to Get All the Respect You Need in a Few Tricks

How to Get All the Respect You Need in a Few Tricks

Respect. Everybody wants it, right? But that doesn’t mean we get the fair share of respect we think we deserve. What if I told you that there are some easy tricks you can use in your daily life to be more respected? We’re going to break down some classic body language that automatically conveys more self-confidence. And who knows, maybe you’ll walk out of this article acting like a queen or king yourself.

Don’t Go Near a Dog If It’s Wearing a Red Collar

Don’t Go Near a Dog If It’s Wearing a Red Collar
year ago

You walk in the park and stop because you come across the cutest puppy. While admiring it, you notice a red collar and remember red is the universal sign for stop. All over the world, you see it on stop signs and stoplights! This cute pup is one you shouldn’t get too close to! A red collar on a dog signals that the animal is aggressive and should be given space by humans and other animals! These dogs may be more likely to snap, bite or lunge at any passersby. You may find this hard to believe, given how happy the dog might look when you see it with its handler! You’re right! It probably is delighted because it loves its owner and may also be super protective of them!

People Reveal 20 Common Etiquette Rules They Disagree With and Don’t Follow Anymore

People Reveal 20 Common Etiquette Rules They Disagree With and Don’t Follow Anymore
2 years ago

We live in a society largely governed by laws as well as rules of conduct. Of course, what’s common etiquette in one country might just border on rudeness in another, given that various cultures have different behavioral guidelines. For instance, many people in Asian countries, like India, often eat with their hands, using minimal cutlery, something many people in the Western hemisphere frown upon.

16 Signs That Show Someone Loves You | How to Know If Someone Loves You

16 Signs That Show Someone Loves You | How to Know If Someone Loves You
2 years ago

When it comes to meeting someone new after a few dates, one of the most common questions is how to know if someone loves you. We want to look for genuine signs that tell you that you are loved. You might always begin to pay attention to every little detail or ask mutual friends, but we have some secrets for you. And the good news is that finding out if someone is in love with you is easier than you think.

10 Psychological Tips to Know If Your Partner Really Loves You

10 Psychological Tips to Know If Your Partner Really Loves You
2 years ago

An American survey found that approximately 34% of people claim to have experienced love at first sight. It is universally known that love is the deepest emotion we can feel that requires both compassion and affection. As a result, it is crucial for us to know whether our partner we have invested time in is in love with us. As Bright Side strives to spread love throughout its audience, we decided to share these psychological tips on how to tell if your partner really loves you.

6 Secrets About Blinking We Didn’t Know, According to Studies

6 Secrets About Blinking We Didn’t Know, According to Studies
2 years ago

It comes as natural as breathing, it occurs about 10 to 15 times per minute, and we spend around 10 percent of our waking hours doing it. That’s closing our eyes during blinking! And apparently, it serves a lot more functions than “just” cleaning our eyes or keeping them moist and oxygenated.

7 Body Signs That a Person Is Not Trustworthy

7 Body Signs That a Person Is Not Trustworthy
year ago

Regardless of the conversation, people can’t always control the messages their bodies convey. Understanding body language basics can help you identify significant behavioral red flags before putting time and effort into social interaction. After reading our article, you’ll finally discover if that lovely neighbor next door is truly as sweet as they seem to be.

9 Body Language Mistakes That Can Give Others the Wrong Impression of You

9 Body Language Mistakes That Can Give Others the Wrong Impression of You
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

It’s been said that people form an impression of you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. And our body language is more important for making a good impression than what we say, verbally. So, it’s important that we focus on the person we are meeting from the very first moment rather than try to reverse a bad impression at a later date. Not that correcting a bad impression is undoable, but why resort to that when you can enchant someone from the get-go?

8 Ways to Spot a Con Artist Before It’s Too Late

8 Ways to Spot a Con Artist Before It’s Too Late
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

Money doesn’t grow on trees, so it’s important to protect ourselves from skilled predators who might try to con us into giving them our hard-earned money. These fraudsters know every trick in the book when it comes to manipulating us. But we can beat them at their own game by recognizing the danger signs.

8 Body Language Tips That Can Make You Seem More Self-Confident

8 Body Language Tips That Can Make You Seem More Self-Confident
3 years ago

Body language is a powerful and effective method to communicate messages in a subtle way. In fact, it’s just as powerful as words, and even more so if you manage to combine them properly, like when we try to look confident in front of others. With our posture, gestures, and movements, we can convince others that we’re confident, even if deep down we actually feel a little nervous or tired. Whether we want to make the best impression on our next date or at our next job interview, paying attention to our body language is the key to making any of these things happen.

9 Subtle Signs That Someone Secretly Doesn’t Like You

9 Subtle Signs That Someone Secretly Doesn’t Like You
3 years ago

If you are not very sure if a person is fond of you or not, and you can’t ask them directly, we will give you some tips. Pay very close attention to the way somebody talks to you or the gestures they make. For example, if they purse their lips while talking, this may show a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.

12 Child Development Tricks That Parents Will Be Thankful For

12 Child Development Tricks That Parents Will Be Thankful For
Family & kids
3 years ago

Your baby’s vision is blurred in the first months of life, so try to make eye contact with them as much as possible. This way, they will get familiar with the faces around them. Then, later on, incorporate different activities like peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek, which are great tools for early learning. There are also a few more tricks specifically for each stage of development.

8 Tricks to Help You Get Away From Awkward Situations

8 Tricks to Help You Get Away From Awkward Situations
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

You may feel like you want to be timid with a certain person or start hiccupping just before an important meeting. Such situations can happen to anyone and they can bring on a lot of stress. But with some simple tricks, you can help yourself and avoid feeling awkward.

Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss

Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss
3 years ago

The longest kiss in the world lasted for 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. While we don’t know how the couple managed to hold out for so long, we do have an answer to the golden question we’ve all wondered about at some point: Why do people kiss with their eyes closed?

10 Tricks From Meghan Markle That You Can Use to Charm Everyone

10 Tricks From Meghan Markle That You Can Use to Charm Everyone
year ago

Most of us feel uncomfortable in an unknown circle of people and it often evokes a desire in us to take our mobile phone from our pocket and pretend as if we’ve gotten an important message. Still, we all dream about making new acquaintances easily and instantly winning the love of those surrounding us. The good news is that we can learn it from a woman whose incredible charisma could enchant not only a British prince, but also millions of people around the world.

What to Do When Someone Is Following You on the Street

What to Do When Someone Is Following You on the Street
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

Normally, getting followers is a good thing, but only if they stay within social media’s reach. Statistics say that 16% of women have experienced being stalked. And if you feel like someone’s getting on your tail, it’s always good to know how to safely manage the situation.

10+ Psychological Tricks That Will Make People Flock to You

10+ Psychological Tricks That Will Make People Flock to You
4 years ago

Humans are social beings. We crave interaction because it’s a synonym of well-being, entertainment, and support, and while there are naturally sociable people, most of us have difficulty starting conversations, talking in public, and making new friends. The good news is that there are a few psychological tricks you can learn to attract people around you and be the center of attention, like matching body language, wear red clothes, or even chewing gum.

15+ Mixed Signals We Get From Our Bodies That Often Make Us Feel Awkward

15+ Mixed Signals We Get From Our Bodies That Often Make Us Feel Awkward
4 years ago

If you disable the sound while watching movies, you can notice how much we actually use our facial expressions and body language. The information communicated this way is easily received by other people and it gives an emotional context to our words and actions. Joe Navarro, an expert at non-verbal communication, reveals the secrets for how to manipulate people to get them to do what you want in his books and public speeches.

9 Psychological Tricks to Help You Get the Upper Hand in Any Situation

9 Psychological Tricks to Help You Get the Upper Hand in Any Situation
4 years ago

There is a reason why classical literature authors put so much attention into the movements of the eyebrows and eyelashes of their characters. Modern researchers have proven that we transfer up to 93% of information non-verbally. By the way, non-verbal communication is not just our body language and mimics, but even the smells and the objects we surround ourselves with.

15 Body Signs That Show He’s Totally Into You

15 Body Signs That Show He’s Totally Into You
4 years ago

Like anything else in this world, the era of modern technology has both its advantages and disadvantages. Having shifted most of our communication online, we’re starting to lack the ability to read people’s true feelings as well as express those feelings, especially when it comes to love. The good news is that our gestures can say a lot for us while the ability to read body signals can open up curtains to the truth.

11 Things That Destroy a First Impression Immediately

11 Things That Destroy a First Impression Immediately

Research shows that the first impression is formed within 7 seconds of meeting somebody. If you have a job interview, the manager can make a decision about hiring you in just 30 seconds. Avoiding the common mistakes that ruin this first impression could increase your chances of finding a job, a friend, a client, or a life partner.