so true
I agree with this
but I don't know why people don't understand this
People Reveal 20 Common Etiquette Rules They Disagree With and Don’t Follow Anymore
2 years ago
We live in a society largely governed by laws as well as rules of conduct. Of course, what’s common etiquette in one country might just border on rudeness in another, given that various cultures have different behavioral guidelines. For instance, many people in Asian countries, like India, often eat with their hands, using minimal cutlery, something many people in the Western hemisphere frown upon.
Bright Side found some “acceptable behavior” beliefs that a growing number of people have chosen not to follow in order to make their lives simpler and happier.
- “Kids are expected to share their favorite toys. And, of course, the other kid wants THE FAVORITE toy. No. This is where boundaries are taught. You can share all the other toys, but you do NOT have to share your favorite toy. And the other kid learns boundaries too. You don’t get to take anything you want. Some things are precious.” — Reasonable-Low4120 / Reddit
- “Children being forced to hug someone just because they’re a relative or old family friend. If a child doesn’t want to hug me, please don’t make them just because we share some genetic material. It’s not cool.” — OldTiredAnnoyed / Reddit
- “The pressure to attend and remain engaged in family gatherings for multiple hours without retreating from the group or just leaving when you’ve had enough. Lately, I’ve decided I’m done caring whether it seems rude to seek solitude. I just don’t have the energy to endure such prolonged social interaction. It’s not their fault or anything; my entire extended family is all wonderful people, no exaggeration. It’s simply that their baseline level of energy completely drains mine in about half an hour.” — YoshiAndHisRightFoot / Reddit
- “That a man should pay for everything because it is expected of him. If I had money that I’d like to save and spare for the future, why should it be imposed on me to spend it all because a woman expects me to?” — maqsmalone / Reddit
- “I’ve always struggled with eye contact. People seem to think that if I’m not staring at their eyes, that I’m not paying attention. It’s usually the opposite. When I focus so much on maintaining eye contact, I have more trouble retaining what they said. Plus, it feels really awkward and almost confrontational.” — Rach_Prok / Reddit
- “Men should remove their hats inside a building. Why just men? Why is it disrespectful for a man to have a piece of cloth on his head? Also, dress codes in general. Unless you’re on the clock, or your clothes present a safety or hygiene concern, what you’re wearing is nobody’s business but yours. I wear blue denim 365 days a year, if you find that offensive, that’s your problem.” — upthecounty / Reddit
- “Respect is earned, not given. I disagree. Respect should be given (at least in the action of acting respectful toward others) until it is lost.” — Kuli24 / Reddit
- “Not taking the last piece of food on a shared platter. The number of times I’ve seen a perfectly good piece of garlic bread go cold and get thrown away.” — w***forever_slurp_ / Reddit
- “I hate when people say eat all your food, people are starving in Africa. Am I sad that people are starving over there? YES, very much. Am I supposed to give them the food off my plate? I don’t even live in the same country. Me not finishing the food on my plate has nothing to do with a certain person not eating over there. But if I could give them my food, I would.” — Situation-Foreign / Reddit
- “Returning someone else’s Tupperware with something else in it. Why do I have to make something just to return your container? Is thank you not enough?” — SoupFanatic365 / Reddit
- “I have a real hard time with the ’keep your elbows off the table’ rule.” — Madfemaletrafficwrkr / Reddit
- “I think eating with your hands is often fine to do, even when most people would disagree.” — DarthDinDjarin / Reddit
- “Don’t discuss salary. This gives your employer more power in salary negotiations. You can’t argue, ’Wait, Steve’s been here 3 years less than me, why does he get paid so much more?’ Or anything like that.” — Xiao_Qinggui / Reddit
- “The customer is always right. Nope. I can tell you you’re wrong in a nice way, but I’m gonna tell you you’re wrong regardless.” — MyLollipopJam / Reddit
- “Being fashionably late for meetings. No, it’s rude to be over 20+ minutes late for meetings without a word. When I say, ’Be here at 6,’ I don’t mean, ’Start getting ready at 6:10 and out the door by 6:20 to arrive at 6:30,’ I mean, ’Start getting ready at 5:30, be out the door by 5:40, and be at the location by 6.’” - Ahstia / Reddit
- “Upholding small talk just because someone else started it. It’s not a conversation, it’s a verbal hostage situation.” — JonnySnowflake / Reddit
- “Inviting all your relatives to your wedding. Some relatives don’t even care if I’m getting married, but sure will be offended if I don’t invite them.” — CatG8 / Reddit
- “That a gift must still be sent for a wedding you do not attend.” — C_J_Money / Reddit
- “Having to send thank you cards. Why isn’t a verbal thank you enough? I already spent so much time planning whatever event and entertaining, can’t people just take my heartfelt thank you in person and move on?” — prettycote / Reddit
- “This might not be a rule per se, but it’s something I’ve encountered. The idea of not communicating so that you avoid hurting someone’s feelings. In my opinion, communication is ALWAYS the best option, just say what’s really going on so that I can either do something about it or move on. Don’t leave me wondering.” — haagendaz*** / Reddit
What is the one rule of etiquette that you’ve found more of a bane than a boon? Are there any you’ve stopped following?
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