
People Reveal 20 Common Etiquette Rules They Disagree With and Don’t Follow Anymore

People Reveal 20 Common Etiquette Rules They Disagree With and Don’t Follow Anymore
2 years ago

We live in a society largely governed by laws as well as rules of conduct. Of course, what’s common etiquette in one country might just border on rudeness in another, given that various cultures have different behavioral guidelines. For instance, many people in Asian countries, like India, often eat with their hands, using minimal cutlery, something many people in the Western hemisphere frown upon.

10 Etiquette Rules From the Past That Might Seem Funny Today

10 Etiquette Rules From the Past That Might Seem Funny Today
2 years ago

From childhood, we’ve been taught proper rules of behavior that exist in society. This science is called “etiquette.” And each epoch had its own version of etiquette. In Ancient Greece, for example, it was okay to have dinner lying down, and just 150 years ago, it was considered indecent to put your gloves on in the street.

12 Crazy Etiquette Rules From the Past Everyone Had to Follow

12 Crazy Etiquette Rules From the Past Everyone Had to Follow
2 years ago

There are many things from the past that might seem weird to us today, and some historical etiquette rules are definitely included. But people in the past had to take these rules seriously if they wanted to fit into society. That’s why even though they might seem strange from a modern perspective, they can offer us a broader understanding of what everyday life looked like in the past.

17 Unspoken Rules of Etiquette We Should Remember

17 Unspoken Rules of Etiquette We Should Remember
3 years ago

Many things in our lives are regulated by rules of etiquette. But there are minor things that many of us forget about sometimes that cause unpleasant reactions in those around us. At the same time, we can avoid fights by just saying a couple of nice words or doing something simple.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

There are many times when we wonder why we do things a certain way, and usually, there’s a very rational reason behind it. For example, Queen Elizabeth is known for always carrying her handbag in her left hand because she wants to keep her right hand free for handshakes. The only time she will change her purse placement is if she wants to let her staff know that she wants to end a conversation.

9 Etiquette Rules That Can Help You Thrive in Life

9 Etiquette Rules That Can Help You Thrive in Life
2 years ago

Every place in the world has its own rules on what is proper and what isn’t. That said, there are a few things that can always help you survive everyday situations, make friends, and leave a good impression of yourself on others. These are the basic rules of etiquette.

9 Etiquette Rules We’re Constantly Breaking

9 Etiquette Rules We’re Constantly Breaking

Why would a modern person need to know etiquette? Our lives are fast, we eat on the go, stay all day in pajamas, and drink tea and coffee from paper cups. But sometimes it’s really useful and beneficial to slow down, dine at a fancy restaurant, and make a good impression. Being polite and looking good is never out of fashion.

21 Simple Dining Etiquette Rules to Impress Others With Your Manners

21 Simple Dining Etiquette Rules to Impress Others With Your Manners
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Nowadays many people consider etiquette to be unnecessary and obsolete. But the point of having good manners is not about following hundreds of little rules and formalities blindly, but first and foremost it’s about respecting other people no matter who they are. As Jean de La Bruyère, a French philosopher and moralist said, “The point of being polite is the ability to speak and act so that other people are not bothered by us.”

I’m a Wife, Not a Nanny — I Refuse to Babysit My Husband’s Children

I’m a Wife, Not a Nanny — I Refuse to Babysit My Husband’s Children
Family & kids
month ago

In family dynamics, navigating the balance between responsibilities and fairness can be tricky, especially when it comes to financial contributions. Our reader's story sheds light on a unique situation where she decided to charge her husband's ex-wife for babysitting their kids. This unexpected move raises important questions about the role of payments and boundaries within blended families.

I Don’t Wear a Bra to Go to Work and Now My Colleagues Are Side-Eyeing Me

I Don’t Wear a Bra to Go to Work and Now My Colleagues Are Side-Eyeing Me
5 months ago

In workplaces where conformity often reigns supreme, one simple act can stir whispers and sideways glances. For many, the choice not to wear a bra under professional attire might seem insignificant, yet for others, it challenges deeply ingrained norms. Join us as we navigate the complex interplay between personal expression and professional expectations in the modern workplace.

16 Things We’re Used to That Are Unacceptable in Japan

16 Things We’re Used to That Are Unacceptable in Japan
year ago

Japan’s intricate web of social conventions and behavioral norms can perplex first-time visitors, who often stand out due to seemingly minor cultural blunders. While the Japanese tend to be understanding of well-intentioned tourists inadvertently breaching their etiquette, it’s better to familiarize oneself with these nuances to avoid any misunderstandings.

A Girl With a Hidden Disability Refused to Give Up Her Seat to an Elderly Woman, and Now Feels Bad About It

A Girl With a Hidden Disability Refused to Give Up Her Seat to an Elderly Woman, and Now Feels Bad About It
year ago

Public transportation can be a source of many controversies, especially when it comes to the etiquette of giving up seats. A recent incident that went viral on social media shows how an elderly woman demanded that a girl with a prosthetic leg should give up his seat for her, claiming that she was not disabled enough. The details of this encounter are revealed in our article.

19 People Who Regretted Their Hospitality

19 People Who Regretted Their Hospitality
6 months ago

Having family or friends over can be enjoyable, but it can also be challenging, especially if some of them aren’t familiar with how to act respectfully in someone else’s space. It’s quite astonishing to see how many people struggle to adhere to basic etiquette.

9 Facts About Qatar’s Unique Culture That Leave the Rest of the World Perplexed

9 Facts About Qatar’s Unique Culture That Leave the Rest of the World Perplexed
year ago

Middle Eastern countries often attract our attention, either for their landscapes or unique culture, which is different from the way of life in the West. These places have fantastic customs and some particular rules of etiquette. Qatar, a small country neighboring Saudi Arabia, is a perfect example. If you’re considering traveling there, we have prepared a list of their habits and culture.

20 Tiny “Titanic” Mistakes Real Fans Saw as a Gigantic Iceberg

20 Tiny “Titanic” Mistakes Real Fans Saw as a Gigantic Iceberg
year ago

It’s been more than twenty years since the premiere of Titanic, but the movie is still in everybody’s mouths because it’s still as moving as the first time we watched it. Over time, it has become a reference for modern cinema due to its multiple recognitions and awards. Despite this, not even a production of such magnitude is spared from making mistakes. Thanks to their eagle eye, viewers have noticed what diehard fans will see as critical oversights.

11 Rules of Social Behavior That Each of Us Should Remember

11 Rules of Social Behavior That Each of Us Should Remember
2 years ago

Everyday etiquette is not just about choosing the right fork for eating a salad. It is also expressing respect to oneself and to those around. Sometimes seemingly insignificant actions can show a person’s good manners, or, on the contrary, characterize them as a person who could easily insult others.

What Rules You’ll Have to Follow If You Ever Happen to Meet a Royal

What Rules You’ll Have to Follow If You Ever Happen to Meet a Royal
2 years ago

Not many people meet members of the British royal family in person. If you ever happen to be one of these few people, you’ll have to follow certain rules of the royal protocol to show your respect. From curtsying and bowing to choosing a proper topic for a conversation, there are so many things to bear in mind, and every detail matters.

10+ Weird Things From the Past That’ll Keep You Amused for a Long Time

10+ Weird Things From the Past That’ll Keep You Amused for a Long Time
3 years ago

New times bring new values and behavioral norms to people. For example, the ways to show good manners continue to change and reflect the features of the epoch in which they arise. For example, in medieval France, people would wipe their hands on the tablecloth and drink soup straight from the bowl. Today these gestures would hardly be perceived as a sign of good manners.

7 Awkward Things Most Guests Don’t Like but Rarely Talk About

7 Awkward Things Most Guests Don’t Like but Rarely Talk About
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

Between classic etiquette rules and the rules that we follow in movie theaters, libraries, restaurants, and on planes — there are lots of things we have to keep in mind every day. However, we often overlook one really important thing: the rules of having guests. We all want our guests to be happy when they visit us, but in reality, we often make silly mistakes that might disappoint people vising us.

10 Times Royals Sent a Secret Message With Their Outfits

10 Times Royals Sent a Secret Message With Their Outfits
3 years ago

Most people know who the members of the Windsor family (better known as the monarchy of the United Kingdom) are. Almost all of us also know how they always look very stylish. However, not everybody knows that clothes are one of the most effective ways Royals have to send a subtle message. Tributes, secret messages, and even criticisms: anything and everything can be behind the choice of a color or the design of a dress.

15 Facts About the Middle Ages That Movies Get All Wrong

15 Facts About the Middle Ages That Movies Get All Wrong
3 years ago

We think of the Middle Ages as a time when the entire world was in darkness, covered in mud, and full of never-ending wars — or we view the time as a period of romance with beautiful princesses living in big castles alongside brave knights and noble kings. We have these stereotypes in our minds thanks to movies and popular literature. They’re responsible for creating a lot of myths about the Middle Ages that often have nothing to do with what that time period actually looked like. Don’t forget that this historical period lasted from the fifth to the fifteenth century, and many things changed beyond recognition during this long stretch of time.

16 Examples of Good Manners That Show You Are Dealing With a True Lady

16 Examples of Good Manners That Show You Are Dealing With a True Lady
Girls stuff
3 years ago

In the Middle Ages, it was the wives of British lords who had the title of “ladies.” In today’s world, this word has a broader meaning. A lady in the current world is a woman who can behave decently in any situation, whether it’s a meeting with an old friend or in an elite society. People turn around when she passes and look at her with awe, and even the most avid of cynics and skeptics can’t help but compliment her. Of course, true ladies have little secrets that help them always stay on top. Ultimately, a lady is a woman who commands and gives respect, within reason.

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word
3 years ago

If you want to convince someone of something, speak in a low voice. Low-pitched voices have more influence on people and work when trying to make them agree with you. At the same time, don’t forget about using pauses and changing the volume of your voice, drawing attention to the most important moments. All these tips show people that you know what you’re talking about.

16 Popular Fashion Rules That Are Too Outdated to Follow

16 Popular Fashion Rules That Are Too Outdated to Follow
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

The saying, “Rules exist to be broken” — is extremely true for fashion. Today, it’s no longer possible to follow the rules of style that were instilled in us by our mothers and grandmothers. It’s time to reconsider this outdated concept of style — some things should be forgotten completely, and others should be just slightly updated.

9 Things Waiters Pay Attention to When They Serve the Customers

9 Things Waiters Pay Attention to When They Serve the Customers
4 years ago

A person demonstrates their good manners, or lack thereof, with their attitude toward their waiter. And you can expect anything from people who go into a restaurant and already think that they’re the most important one there. Waiters have learned to spot customers who may cause problems and serve their tables without much personal involvement.