Human body

19 Photos That Prove the Human Body Is a Wonderland Indeed

19 Photos That Prove the Human Body Is a Wonderland Indeed
2 years ago

The one definite thing about the human body is that it’s full of mysteries and variables that medical science cannot explain. For example, both Catherine O’Hara and Enrique Iglesias have situs inversus, where all of their organs are on the other side of the body than the norm. Each of our bodies may house something rare, without us even noticing it, even if it’s not as dramatic as the examples below.

10 Facts About the Human Body That’ll Change Your Perception of Yourself

10 Facts About the Human Body That’ll Change Your Perception of Yourself
2 years ago

Nature has made our bodies wondrously full of marvels and curiosities that scientists are still researching today. For instance, most of us can hold our breath underwater for 90 seconds, without training, and yet in 2016, Spain’s Aleix Segura Vendrell clocked a time of 24 minutes. While he breathed in pure oxygen before immersion, scientists are still trying to figure out how he was able to do that.

8 Jaw-Dropping Facts About the Human Body That You Probably Don’t Know Yet

8 Jaw-Dropping Facts About the Human Body That You Probably Don’t Know Yet
2 years ago

The human body is as complex as it is fascinating. Our tiny little systems interact with each other in a chain reaction of responses, caused either by the environment or through our own personal decisions. It has been studied for thousands of years, and yet we are still discovering new things about it. That’s why we at Bright Side want to take a look at these 8 jaw-dropping facts that you’ve probably never heard before.

8 Ideas About the Human Body We Never Questioned

8 Ideas About the Human Body We Never Questioned
2 years ago

Every myth starts with some amount of common-sense logic and a pinch of misinformation. Since people have a tendency to share these falsehoods and present them as scientific facts, we are now surrounded by numerous inaccurate facts about our bodies. Thankfully, scientific research enables us to fact-check those claims.

10 Fascinating Things the Human Body Does Right Under Our Noses

10 Fascinating Things the Human Body Does Right Under Our Noses
3 years ago

While the scientific discoveries of today shed light on so many things there are fantasy movies out that seem even more realistic than what we might read in a scientific journal. Even if we are only talking about things that have to do with the human body — they can become an inspiration for a new super hero character. Tasting with our nose? A super-fast eye? These could all be considered hidden superpowers.

11 Effects of Coffee You Don’t Expect

11 Effects of Coffee You Don’t Expect
11 months ago

Coffee, with its high caffeine content, can have significant effects on the human body. Upon consumption, caffeine quickly enters the bloodstream, stimulating the central nervous system and blocking the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and sleepiness. Besides this well-known effect, there are some other curious outcomes.

Mom of Triplets Plays It Cool After Being Body-Shamed for Her Huge Belly

Mom of Triplets Plays It Cool After Being Body-Shamed for Her Huge Belly

Brittany Schneider’s TikTok pregnancy update went viral as she prepared to welcome triplets in April. The emotional video, posted on the morning of her C-section, garnered millions of views and comments, with people expressing astonishment at the size of her baby bump. Despite the unexpected attention, Schneider embraced her body’s transformation with grace and positivity.

17 People Whose Body Full of Wonderful Treasures

17 People Whose Body Full of Wonderful Treasures
year ago

Our bodies shed 30,000 dead skin cells every hour, and our skin is entirely renewed every month. This implies that we wear 1,000 different new skins throughout our lives, making us exceptional unique as individuals. However, some individuals are even more unique, such as those with fewer than five fingers or curly hair that resembles a corkscrew.

Shrek’s Story: He Was Inspired by a REAL Person

Shrek’s Story: He Was Inspired by a REAL Person
year ago

It is interesting to note that Shrek, the popular animated character that we all know and love, bears a striking resemblance to a real-life person, known as the French Angel. Yes, you read that right. However, something very tragic happened to him, which inspired the creation of this beloved character we know today — the one and only, kind-hearted Shrek. Let’s see how he came to be.

15 Strong Women Break Stereotypes About How the Body “Should” Look

15 Strong Women Break Stereotypes About How the Body “Should” Look
Girls stuff
year ago

There are women out there who are challenging societal norms and breaking free from the constraints of what the media tells us we “should” look like. These 15 women are not just strong physically, but also mentally and emotionally as they pave the way for body positivity and self-love. Their stories are inspiring, empowering, and proof that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the human body.

What If You Were Hit by a Penny Falling From a Skyscraper

What If You Were Hit by a Penny Falling From a Skyscraper
year ago

If you’ve ever watched a cartoon about an elephant, you’ve surely noticed a scene where this huge animal is running from a small mouse. That’s because the myth surrounding them — the one about elephants being scared of mice — is as big and powerful as these animals are. It turns out elephants do not have any particular dread of these small rodents. But they don’t see well and tend to move a bit slowly. So, they may be spooked by a faster-moving animal or even a bird if they are caught off guard. Speaking of myths surrounding animals, we’ve all been told at one point that bats are blind.

8 Amazing Things About Your Body That You Probably Didn’t Know

8 Amazing Things About Your Body That You Probably Didn’t Know
year ago

Many things in the world are so complex that we must continue studying them to understand how they work. Our body is one of them. Science has spent decades learning new things about us, and we still don’t know everything. There are some facts that can surprise us. Here are some exciting things you probably don’t know about the human body.

What Happens When an Asian Giant Hornet Stings You

What Happens When an Asian Giant Hornet Stings You
year ago

You’re trembling. Drops of sweat are dripping down your face. Your frightened eyes look up, watching a big flying bug. The Asian Giant Hornet, the size of a thumb, is hovering above you. It’s one of the most dangerous insects on the planet. And not just because its sting looks like a needle. This insect can cause a real economic crisis all over the world and lead to the mass extinction of many species of living creatures on Earth.

15 People Who Prove Every Body Is Unique

15 People Who Prove Every Body Is Unique
year ago

The human body is probably one of the most complex organisms on Earth. For example, our tongue has approximately 8,000 taste buds, each containing up to 100 cells to help you taste your food. Apart from its complexity, each body can be called unique because of the different DNA it is made up of. To illustrate this, we have collected pictures of people with special physical features.

How Actress Emma Thompson Rewrites the Rules on Accepting Our Bodies and Chooses Not to Glorify Hollywood Beauty Standards

How Actress Emma Thompson Rewrites the Rules on Accepting Our Bodies and Chooses Not to Glorify Hollywood Beauty Standards
year ago

At the sheer age of 13 years old, 53% of girls say they are unhappy with their bodies. By the time girls reach 17, this percentage jumps to 78%. In a utopian universe, all of us would be happy about the house in which we live — our powerful bodies.Actress Emma Thompson, who’s now in her sixties, needed decades to make peace with her own body. The way she carries herself and the way she undisputedly admits to having had quite a journey until she got to this point are worthy of being shared. Let’s find out together how we can be a little bit kinder to ourselves and grow a more authentic bond with our bodies.

7 Things Our Body Can Do That Totally Amaze Us

7 Things Our Body Can Do That Totally Amaze Us
2 years ago

Descartes once wrote that the body is a machine, and since then, biomedicine and scientists have adopted this definition. The human body is a wonderful machine that works with precision with each of its parts. And with so many features, the human body never ceases to amaze us.

10 Little Known Facts About Our Bodies That Sound Unreal but Are Actually True

10 Little Known Facts About Our Bodies That Sound Unreal but Are Actually True
2 years ago

There is no doubt that the human organism is a busy place, and every day carries a lot of processes, some of which have a surprising impact on our lives. For instance, the sense of smell may play a bigger role in our social interactions than we realize. Our body odor chemistry can predict whether we will become friends with a stranger or not, as individuals who smell similar do get along better. Here are some facts, once again, proving that your body truly is a wonderland.

6 Strange Things That Can Happen if Our Body Parts Grew Continuously

6 Strange Things That Can Happen if Our Body Parts Grew Continuously
2 years ago

The human body is a miraculous thing with several organs and cells that work tirelessly to keep it in good shape. Consider what would happen if these elements worked a little bit too much and our bodies continued to grow. This wild thought is partially valid because the cells of a healthy body continue to divide and multiply at a predictable rate. Let’s explore this hypothesis of having body parts that would grow relentlessly and see how it would impact our bodies, everyday lives, and the world around us.

13 Unexpected Ways Your Body Can Surprise You

13 Unexpected Ways Your Body Can Surprise You
2 years ago

Everything our body does is jaw-dropping. Let’s take eating for instance. The way we taste the food using our different taste buds. Followed by how the brain differentiates between various tastes and flavors. And how we efficiently chew our food and swallow it until our brain signals that we’re satiated. There are also many complicated things going on inside our bodies that only a few people get to experience.

8 Things Your Body Might Be Hiding From You

8 Things Your Body Might Be Hiding From You
2 years ago

Science has taught us that there are many aspects of our body that we still do not fully grasp. The human body is a complex machine, and it can be extremely difficult to fathom all of its secrets. Researchers have attempted to scratch the surface of many questions, but they’ve done so in vain. For example, consciousness still remains a mystery. While the scientific community is still studying this topic, here are some fascinating facts your body is keeping a secret.

6 Tips to Decode Messages Your Body Is Sending You

6 Tips to Decode Messages Your Body Is Sending You
2 years ago

The human body is such a complex “machine” that scientists still don’t know much about it for sure. Like why we still do such odd and “useless” things like sleeping or even more pleasant ones like laughing. There are many speculative theories. Though many of the functions require less explanation and have been thoroughly studied a long time ago.

Why We Still Need These 11 Body Parts That We Don’t Really Need for Survival

Why We Still Need These 11 Body Parts That We Don’t Really Need for Survival
2 years ago

The human body is extremely capable of adapting to changes — we can lose many organs and still function properly, unless it’s done all at once, then that wouldn’t be healthy. However, if you do lose a majority of your body parts that play important roles, there is always a solution, like adding vitamin supplements to your diet. Either way, it won’t have much impact on your life and you can still lead a fulfilling life.

9 Harmful Positions You Probably End Up in Without Noticing and How to Avoid Their Side Effects

9 Harmful Positions You Probably End Up in Without Noticing and How to Avoid Their Side Effects
3 years ago

Popular wisdom says that the human body is wise. When something’s not okay, our body has its own way of letting us know. It sends us signs or, in other words, symptoms to make sure we do something about it. For instance, you could have a headache and when going to the doctor you find out that it’s due to a contracture or cervical problems. Many people often complain about this, but don’t do anything to get to the root of the problem and fix it. So the first step is to locate and treat the areas where we feel discomfort. But then, it’s essential to try to prevent certain movements or practices that might have caused that pain in the first place.

16 Pictures That Only Very Short or Very Tall People Will Be Able To Relate To

16 Pictures That Only Very Short or Very Tall People Will Be Able To Relate To
3 years ago

If you’ve ever felt concerned about your height, don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are many people out there like us, wondering what it would be like to be a few inches taller or shorter. Still, chances are you are average-sized but have you considered what it’s like to be so tall you can’t fit in the bathroom? Or so short you can’t reach the ATM? Well, Reddit users helped us find out a bit more about what life looks like for people who are either very tall or very short. There are pros and cons, but one thing is for sure: all the users that uploaded their pics to Reddit have a great sense of humor and self-acceptance!

24 People With Endless Beauty Who Made Us Gasp in Admiration

24 People With Endless Beauty Who Made Us Gasp in Admiration
5 years ago

Beauty doesn’t have a strict definition. Sure, we love ourselves, our bodies, and think of ourselves as of gorgeous people. However, we also know how to appreciate the beautiful features of other highly attractive people. Those few are so good-looking, they’ve become a testament to the beauty of the human body, and who come from all continents, and in all different sizes and ages.

15 Unique Body Features Almost No One Has

15 Unique Body Features Almost No One Has
year ago

Each person is unique — sometimes more than we think. Even though we all have the same number of limbs and similar features, some small details make everyone an X-Man of sorts. Bright Side has discovered 15 unusual features of the human body that we rarely notice. Perhaps you possess some of them too?

These Artists Are So Incredibly Talented That You Won’t Believe Your Eyes

These Artists Are So Incredibly Talented That You Won’t Believe Your Eyes
year ago

Some artists possess abilities which break all the boundaries of what we thought was possible. Whether they use oil or acrylic paints, charcoal, ball point pens or just a plain pencil, they can produce still life images which are literally impossible to distinguish from photographs. With their persistence and talent, these artists can craete something that’s far more impressive than a simple photocopy — instead, they’re can be a real window into an alternative world, shaped by the vision of the artist.