Rumer Willis Reveals She Had to Break Her Own Water While in Labor, “I Could Totally Feel This Little Bag”

Family & kids
10 months ago

Rumer Willis, the 34-year-old new mother shares her enlightening experience with home birth. Alongside the unwavering support of her doula, her loving partner Derek Richard Thomas, and the presence of her mother Demi Moore, she delved deep into the intimate details of this transformative journey.

Recently, Rumer Willis opened up about her remarkable birthing experience, revealing a rapid dilation from 2 to 8 inches in just one hour, all while her water remained intact.

As she followed her instincts and transitioned to the soothing comfort of the bathtub, her doula noticed that her water had not broken, adding to the awe-inspiring nature of her journey.

She was checking me and felt my water bag bulging, but still not popping, which was wild. And so, I was like, ’Well, should we break it?’”

“She goes, ’Well, you can.’ I’m like, ’What?’ I was like, ’Are you serious?’” Rumer Willis said during her recent podcast.

Then the actress decided to break her water by herself, “I reached my finger up there, and I’m feeling, and it was crazy. I could totally feel this little bag — it feels like a water balloon, but with a bit tougher skin.”

She vividly remembers the intensity of the birthing process. With an indescribable force, she pushed harder than ever before, swiftly bringing her baby’s head into the world. Without hesitation, she exerted another push, delivering her baby’s entire body in an instant. There were no pauses, no delays.

In this extraordinary moment, her midwife and partner were by her side, ready to catch the newborn. The scene was exhilarating, as a cord was gently wrapped around the baby’s neck and body, resembling a fashionable prom sash, “Give me the baby! Give me the baby!”

“It’s like, ’Oh, yes. This person who I’ve known and I’ve been waiting for forever, here you are.’”

The magic of birth is an extraordinary and awe-inspiring phenomenon that captivates the hearts and minds of all who witness it. It is a sacred journey that reveals the incredible strength and resilience of the human body as new life emerges into the world.

Preview photo credit rumerwillis / Instagram


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