
The Heaviest Teenager Who Used to Weigh Over 1300 Pounds Can Walk Again After Losing 700 lbs

The Heaviest Teenager Who Used to Weigh Over 1300 Pounds Can Walk Again After Losing 700 lbs
year ago

In 1975, only 4% of people aged between 5-19 were considered obese or overweight. This percentage skyrocketed to 18% in 2016 and the number doesn’t seem to be slowing down. One of the most serious cases we’ve heard belongs to a young man named Khalid Mohsen Shaari, who still holds the record for the world’s heaviest teen. And his story proves that determination can completely change you and your path in life.

Brendan Fraser Reveals That His Overweight and Autistic Son Helped Him to Connect to His Character in “The Whale”

Brendan Fraser Reveals That His Overweight and Autistic Son Helped Him to Connect to His Character in “The Whale”
year ago

Not only did Brendan Fraser’s role in The Whale mark his impressive comeback after years away from acting, but it was also a memorable experience for him on a personal level. The actor candidly opened up about his highly praised portrayal of the English teacher and how it made him feel, and he explained how his son, who ’’lives with obesity’’ allowed him to connect to his character on a deeper level.

He Was the Heaviest Person Ever Lived

He Was the Heaviest Person Ever Lived
year ago

His name might not be familiar to you, but Jon Brower Minnoch [Minn-awk] was quite a heavy guy. In fact, he holds the record for being the heaviest human ever recorded! At his peak weight, he weighed a whopping 1,400 pounds!

I Suspect the Delivery Driver Is Eating My Food

I Suspect the Delivery Driver Is Eating My Food
3 months ago

Emma, a stay-at-home mom, found herself in a troubling situation with her food deliveries. She suspected that the delivery driver was tampering with her orders. Emma was worried about her safety but didn’t want to give up the small joy of having food delivered after a long day of caring for her family. Unsure whether to confront the issue or play it safe, she turned to Bright Side for advice.

Sleeping Separately Reduces Many Health Risks, Experts Say

Sleeping Separately Reduces Many Health Risks, Experts Say
10 months ago

Only two-thirds of Americans want to share a bed with their partner, challenging the conventional belief that a shared bed is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. In fact, sleeping in separate beds or rooms has been found to reduce disturbances during sleep cycles, alleviate sleep-related issues, and contribute to overall well-being. More people are realizing the benefits of sleeping alone, so we explore why this change is happening and how it positively affects both physical health and relationships.

11 Surprising Outcomes of Not Sleeping Enough and Sleeping Too Much

11 Surprising Outcomes of Not Sleeping Enough and Sleeping Too Much
year ago

The adverse effects of sleep deprivation on one’s health are well-known. However, it’s worth noting that oversleeping can also have negative consequences on one’s well-being and may be just as harmful. As per scientific recommendations, individuals aged between 26 and 64 should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, with any deviation from this range having potential health implications.

“It’s Become Impossible” Judi Dench Reveals She’s Unable to Read Scripts Anymore Due to a Disease

“It’s Become Impossible” Judi Dench Reveals She’s Unable to Read Scripts Anymore Due to a Disease
year ago

The Academy Award-winning actress, Judi Dench, spoke openly about her disease, boldly detailing the challenges that come with it. And despite the significant impact the disease may have on a person’s quality of life, Dench’s attitude demonstrates that it’s possible to adapt and find ways to pursue one’s passions in spite of the obstacles. Her resilience and determination to continue working are an inspiration to us all.

What Could Happen to Your Body If You Have Too Much Screen Time

What Could Happen to Your Body If You Have Too Much Screen Time
2 years ago

We all have to admit that we spend a large part of our day on our phones. As the world becomes increasingly dependent upon technology, our lives have also begun to revolve around our screens. Although there are many ways in which phones have made our lives significantly easier, there are many negative effects that excessive screen time can have on our bodies and minds.Bright Side found 6 ways too much screen time can impact you and wanted to share them with you.

8 Subtle Things That Can Affect Your Baby’s Appearance

8 Subtle Things That Can Affect Your Baby’s Appearance
Family & kids
2 years ago

Genetics is not the only factor that impacts a baby’s appearance, because what happens during the pregnancy could also influence the child’s health and future looks. From the food that mommas-to-be put inside their bellies, to the conditions of their surroundings, there are many surprising factors that can affect the growth and development of newborns.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83
Family & kids
2 years ago

Bringing a child into the world is the greatest joy in the history of a couple, and although it is most common to have a child between our second and fourth decade, there are occasions when the miracle of life can surprise us in old age. That was the case with Argentinean doctor Alberto Cormillot, who married a woman 48 years younger than him and became a father at the age of 83.

5 Reasons Why Sleep Is Important for Fat Loss

5 Reasons Why Sleep Is Important for Fat Loss
2 years ago

How much sleep you get may be just as important as exercise and what you eat. If you don’t get the necessary sleep your body requires, your brain will search for energy elsewhere, such as high-calorie foods and sugars. There are 2 hormones that control your appetite, one of which is known as the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and the other, as the fullness hormone (leptin). These 2 buddies are there to balance out your cravings, but lack of sleep makes them unbalanced.

6 Reasons Why Eating Together as a Family Is Better for Kids

6 Reasons Why Eating Together as a Family Is Better for Kids
Family & kids
2 years ago

Most of us remember those movies where the perfect families eat breakfast together. Turns out we should do this too and not because it used to be an old tradition. In fact, eating together has multiple benefits for kids. A family meal can fix almost anything (maybe not straight away, but it will definitely bring them benefits later).

5 Good Things Cocoa Can Do to Our Bodies

5 Good Things Cocoa Can Do to Our Bodies
year ago

Everybody enjoys eating chocolate from time to time and making a warm cocoa drink, but few realize the substantial health benefits that cocoa provides for the body. Cocoa is a powder made from its seeds by crushing them and removing the fat. It was first used by the Mayans and later introduced to Europe, where it was used as medicine in those times. It’s time we reverse the old into the new and use cocoa as a medicine today as well.

What Can Happen to You If You Sleep With the Lights On

What Can Happen to You If You Sleep With the Lights On
3 years ago

We can all probably remember a time when we’d fall asleep with the lights on when we were children. It was the only way to protect ourselves from the closet monsters. What’s more, some adults might prefer to leave the lights on as well, and not because of darkness. But it turns out that the real danger has been hiding in the lights all this time.

What 9 Winners From “The Biggest Loser” Look Like Now

What 9 Winners From “The Biggest Loser” Look Like Now
3 years ago

Weight-loss TV shows are not just good entertainment for many viewers, but also a nice example of how people can reassess their lives. However, the methods used in these shows that allow the participants to achieve their amazing results are often criticized. They say that a strict diet and extreme physical exercise are done just to impress viewers and that they actually lead to bigger weight gain in the future.

Why We Don’t Need to Force Our Kids to Clean Their Plates

Why We Don’t Need to Force Our Kids to Clean Their Plates
Family & kids
3 years ago

Parents often complain that their children eat like birds, a little bit here and there, but they rarely finish all their food. While families play a major role in kids’ eating behavior, it’s important not to make mistakes that will negatively influence your children. And while every third family pressures their kids to eat, it’s time to ditch the classic notion of “the more the better.”

Why Body Positivity Doesn’t Actually Promote Obesity

Why Body Positivity Doesn’t Actually Promote Obesity
3 years ago

Around 91% of American women are not satisfied with the shape of their bodies, and only 5% actually possess the so-called perfect body shape promoted by the media. Meanwhile, body positivity, the movement intended to promote a positive body image, is often severely criticized in promoting health issues like obesity.

How to Calculate the Perfect Time to Fall Asleep and Wake Up

How to Calculate the Perfect Time to Fall Asleep and Wake Up
3 years ago

We spend one-third of our life, sleeping, or attempting to fall asleep. And yet, the statistics say that every third adult in the US doesn’t get enough sleep. That’s a lot of tired people! The time when we are in dreamland is crucial for our brain, which recharges our health, and even our beauty. This problem could be easily solved if we would just go to bed at a certain time.

Why Chewing Gum Can Make You Chubby

Why Chewing Gum Can Make You Chubby
3 years ago

Chewing gum has existed side by side with the human race for around 10,000 years. Today, it helps us to care for our teeth and even lose some weight! However, don’t rush to eat a whole pack of gum in one sitting. We at Bright Side are sure that moderation is a key factor, and even the healthiest things can do more harm than good when used unwisely. So, let’s chew on things that we need to keep in mind. At the end of the article, you can find bonus tips on how to chew gum rationally.

7 Foods That May Help You Fight Cellulite

7 Foods That May Help You Fight Cellulite
4 years ago

80% to 90% of women may get cellulite at some point in their lives. And although there are many medical ways to treat cellulite, such as laser therapy, cool sculpting, or surgery, they all are quite unpleasant and expensive. And the easiest way to combat those annoying dimples is to invest in a nutritious and healthy diet that will benefit your whole body.

4 Types of Poor Posture and How to Fix Each of Them

4 Types of Poor Posture and How to Fix Each of Them
4 years ago

Human spines are supposed to have natural curves, but when there are too many of them, some health problems can occur. Good posture not only provides us with stability and control over our bodies and improves our general appearance, but it also influences the work of our internal organs and nervous system. But we often ignore the discomfort in our backs until really troublesome signs occur.

How Humans Have Evolved in Just 150 Years and 7 Big Changes in Our Bodies

How Humans Have Evolved in Just 150 Years and 7 Big Changes in Our Bodies
4 years ago

The origin and evolution of the human species are taught in classrooms as an event that took place thousands of years ago. The study of this process is addressed as if it belonged to history and not precisely as a biological question. We think that hominization, or human evolution, ended with our ancestors, the Homo rhodesiensis, and we ignore the fact that the human body of today has also undergone adjustments in recent years.

8 Things About Your Body That May Mean You’ll Live Longer

8 Things About Your Body That May Mean You’ll Live Longer
4 years ago

Healthy habits aren’t the only thing that can increase your lifespan, but there are some signs that can indicate that you’ll live a long life. For example, you can have a massive body and eat a lot, but if you don’t have belly fat it may be a big bonus on the way to living to be 100.

15 Stories That Prove Animals Are Way Smarter Than We Think

15 Stories That Prove Animals Are Way Smarter Than We Think
4 years ago

We’re used to thinking that our pets make their own weird life decisions. They often do inexplicably stupid things and if they obey our rules, they only do it because we trained them to. But in reality, this is not always the case. Sometimes they show such ingenuity or a very deep understanding of the situation that even their owners cannot immediately understand what’s going on in their heads.

Why Eating With Chopsticks Can Be Good for You

Why Eating With Chopsticks Can Be Good for You
2 years ago

Eating with chopsticks may look like a tough task to take on at first glance, but they’re a blessing in disguise for your metabolism. The way you have to hold them and how they handle the food can make you slow down while you eat, which can be a solution for fitness problems and weight control.

Studies Show That Your Waist Size Is Linked to Your Gut Bacteria

Studies Show That Your Waist Size Is Linked to Your Gut Bacteria
2 years ago

Losing inches around the waist is one of people’s constant struggles. Some have tried everything from exercise to plastic surgery. However, scientists recently discovered that gut flora also plays a part in defining the measurements of this body area, as hard to believe as it may sound.

9 Nutrition Mistakes That Are Making Us Fat

9 Nutrition Mistakes That Are Making Us Fat
2 years ago

Obesity is an epidemic, and we all want to escape it. So, if you have put on a few unwanted pounds, the urge to immediately lose them can sometimes cause you to make mistakes. In our over-zealousness and because of all the misinformation flooding the internet, it is very possible that we might unknowingly be committing mistakes, like doing the wrong exercises or eating the wrong things.

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking
year ago

Good news for the gym haters: walking is a great workout that has a lot of health benefits for the body. It lowers obesity rates, it’s good for your heart, and it helps fight depression. Walking is gentle enough for people of all body types, so a person of any fitness level can enjoy it while shaping their body, especially their buttocks and legs. Combined together with a couple of simple exercises, it brings results in no time.

Crying for Your Ex Can Help You Lose Weight, According to a Study

Crying for Your Ex Can Help You Lose Weight, According to a Study
2 years ago

The average person cries around 16.5 gallons of tears during their lifetime, according to scientists. However, it seems that people prefer to bottle up their emotions and are sometimes even ashamed of them. But what if we were to tell you that emotional crying is another way to stop you from gaining extra weight? We think that this fact is enough to help us finally find the right exit for the gallons of tears that are buried deep inside our hearts.

Psychologists Warn Us About What Can Happen If a Child Spends Too Much Time on a Smartphone, and It’s More Serious Than We Thought

Psychologists Warn Us About What Can Happen If a Child Spends Too Much Time on a Smartphone, and It’s More Serious Than We Thought
Family & kids
2 years ago

Almost all of us are believers that smartphones have made our lives safer: we can reach our children wherever they are at any minute of the day or night. But since this is not the only function of these devices, they’ve also become a really big part of our children’s life. Childwise, in a new report, found that kids spent around 6.5 hours a day in front of screens. A third of the respondents noted that they couldn’t live without their devices and now scientists are warning us about the consequences of this behavior.