
Scotland Makes Period Products Free and Signals to the World to Do the Same

Scotland Makes Period Products Free and Signals to the World to Do the Same
3 years ago

About half a billion girls and women on a global scale can’t afford to get period products nor do they have the facility to take care of their feminine hygiene, which can lead to different medical problems and complications. So Scotland became the first country to fight it. The Scottish government made tampons and pads free for everyone on the 24th of November 2020.

“My Brain Was Misfiring,” Brendan Fraser Recalls Starving While Filming “George of the Jungle”

“My Brain Was Misfiring,” Brendan Fraser Recalls Starving While Filming “George of the Jungle”
year ago

Brendan Fraser is a well-known actor admired for his talent, good looks, and charming personality, which have left a strong impression on people. He’s done amazing acting in big movies like The Mummy and George of the Jungle, which many people loved. Even though he took a short break from acting at one point, he’s back now, and his fans are really excited to see him on the big screen again.

The Bennington Triangle: The Gateway to Another World?

The Bennington Triangle: The Gateway to Another World?
year ago

Imagine taking a hike on Glastenbury Mountain in Vermont. Sounds like a dream, right? Don’t get too excited, though, there’s a catch. If you decide to tackle the Long Trail, don’t go alone. Why? Well, let’s just say that if you wear red, you might end up being the star of a real-life vanishing act.

You Can Set Your Clock by This Thundercloud

You Can Set Your Clock by This Thundercloud
year ago

Have you ever felt so happy that you were up on Cloud Nine! In truth, they don’t actually number these guys, but they’re cool nonetheless, and I can show you super rare phenomena related to clouds.Hey, what time is it? Hmm, I see Hector, so it must be 3 pm. Umm, who is Hector? Oh, Hector isn’t a person. It’s a thundercloud cluster. It forms almost every afternoon from September to March over the Tiwi Islands in northern Australia. Since Hector has this consistent timing, airline pilots and boat captains have used it as a navigational guide for decades.

Titanic’s Sinking Was Predicted 26 Years Before It Happened

Titanic’s Sinking Was Predicted 26 Years Before It Happened
year ago

No one could ever have imagined that the “unsinkable” Titanic would collide with an iceberg. Except for one man — William Thomas Stead. Well, not directly, of course. It’s not like he jolted out of bed one day, envisioning the fall of the Titanic. Rather, he wrote an empowering short story called “How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid-Atlantic by a Survivor” on March 3, 1886 — 26 years before Titanic sank.

The Loneliest Whale in the World (You Might Cry After Watching This)

The Loneliest Whale in the World (You Might Cry After Watching This)
year ago

Imagine crying out to someone not knowing that they can’t hear you. This is the story of the loneliest whale swimming in the oceans. Scientists can only refer to the whale as a 52-Hertz whale or 52 whale for short. They call it that because they picked up its sound pitch similar to a Blue whale’s frequency which is between 10 and 39 Hertz. Whales, like many animals, communicate with frequencies that only they can understand. This whale in particular is known as the only one of its kind since no other whale produces the same frequency.

13 Countries Where Skirts Are Usually Worn by Men

13 Countries Where Skirts Are Usually Worn by Men
2 years ago

Most of us might not know this, but skirts are actually the second-oldest type of clothing in the history of the world. These days, they are predominantly regarded as women’s clothing, but way back in the day, skirts were unisex garments, and men wore them with pride. Even nowadays, they are part of the traditional clothing of several cultures around the world.

9 Cool Facts About Everyday Things That You Don’t Learn in School

9 Cool Facts About Everyday Things That You Don’t Learn in School
2 years ago

School is undoubtedly one of the places that mark our existence. In it, we learn much of the knowledge that guides our lives. However, if we wanted to learn everything that exists in this world, we would need a lifetime in the classroom. The world is so vast and enigmatic that even when we think we know everything, there are 10 more things that we had no idea about.We at Bright Side were able to collect curious and interesting facts that you probably weren’t aware of. So we want you to put your intellect to the test with this list and tell us at the end how many of these cool facts blew your mind.

12 Romantic Stories of How Royals Met and Made Their Relationship Official

12 Romantic Stories of How Royals Met and Made Their Relationship Official
3 years ago

When we think of fairytales with happy endings, it’s hard to not picture our beloved princesses from the animated series we used to watch during our childhood years. And while their life seems to be full of ballroom dances and happy endings, they also had to face some trouble before getting there. Well, in most cases, real-life princes and princesses also have their own unique stories to tell, and even if, for many of them, finding love has been an easy task, the truth is that this is not a rule that applies to all of them.

10 Times Royal Outfits Sent Us a Subtle Message

10 Times Royal Outfits Sent Us a Subtle Message
3 years ago

Communicating through their clothing is an old tradition, carefully maintained by the members of the Royal Family. Whether they want to talk about their feelings or send a hidden message to the rest of the family, or to the public, their wardrobe becomes a powerful tool. Colors, subtle accents, and accessories — every single detail matters here.

10 Funny Situations That Can Only Happen When You’re Abroad

10 Funny Situations That Can Only Happen When You’re Abroad
3 years ago

One of the first things you might experience when you’re in a different country is culture shock, especially if you go somewhere very different from where you live. For example, people that have been to Chile say that people there are not very serious about time or responsibilities. For example, “tomorrow” might mean “next week,” and “next week” may turn out to be “never.” When you go to a different country, you sometimes end up finding yourself in really funny and unexpected situations.

Here’s What 14 Royals, Who Were Portrayed in Movies and TV Series, Looked Like in Real Life

Here’s What 14 Royals, Who Were Portrayed in Movies and TV Series, Looked Like in Real Life
4 years ago

Monarchies around the world have thousands of years of history under their crowns and many of them have survived the passage of time. They are home to many well-known and some not so well-known characters who have done great things, some with the welfare of their subjects in mind. If you have ever felt curious to know what a monarchy is all about, you have probably asked yourself who these royals were, what they looked like, and what they did when ruling their kingdoms and empires. But it’s also true that information comes in such great quantities, that it can be overwhelming. So instead of sitting down to study tons of books about their lives, we thought we’d bring you a more interactive way to learn: watching TV series and movies!

The Story of a Netflix Star Who Was Once Homeless and Now Has Millions of Fans Worldwide

The Story of a Netflix Star Who Was Once Homeless and Now Has Millions of Fans Worldwide
2 years ago

Ncuti Gatwa, who plays one of the main roles in Sex Education, a series on Netflix, has had a lot of difficulties in his life. He experienced struggles with his family after moving to Scotland from Rwanda, racism at school, and even almost being beaten up for saying he’s Scottish. But he grew up strong and optimistic and that helped him a lot. Especially when further difficulties happened in his life.

Residents of 10 Countries Share the Things Tourists Do That Annoy Them

Residents of 10 Countries Share the Things Tourists Do That Annoy Them
4 years ago

Overtourism is a new term that is used to describe the negative consequences of a mass flow of tourists to different countries and cities. Last year the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) published a list of the 50 cities that suffer from overtourism the most. Of course, it’s local people who get affected by these inconveniences the most. It’s one thing when polite and well-educated travelers visit a country, and quite another when crowds of tourists violate the norms of behavior that are acceptable in these places.

6 Large Families That Impressed the World

6 Large Families That Impressed the World
Family & kids
4 years ago

How does having almost 100 children sound to you? Adults are biologically made to feel attracted to babies’ adorable faces and round cheeks, and some people don’t want to stop having those lovable faces around. You’ve heard of people having 3 kids, 5, or maybe 7, but the families we’re about to introduce you to are way bigger than the average ones.

9 Unique Traits That Make Redheads So Special

9 Unique Traits That Make Redheads So Special
2 years ago

Redheads used to be somewhat mysterious and attracted people’s attention. In the Middle Ages, they were considered to be witches or vampires, and sometimes society treated them cruelly. But fortunately, these times are long gone, and now we can enjoy people with this beautiful hair color. But hair color isn’t the only distinguishing feature that redheads have.

15+ Must-Visit Places Where Nature Went Crazy With Landscapes

15+ Must-Visit Places Where Nature Went Crazy With Landscapes
year ago

If you think you’ve already seen everything and have visited all of the greatest places on our planet, we’ve got a surprise for you! Here’s a list of some unknown places you might have missed and should definitely put on your bucket list because they are even more charming than you can imagine. This article will help you explore the world and surprise people with your breathtaking stories.

Mom of 4 Showed What Childhood Is Like Without TV and Gadgets

Mom of 4 Showed What Childhood Is Like Without TV and Gadgets
year ago

Niki Boon began taking photos as a hobby while living in Scotland. However, she later had to give it up because of changing life circumstances. Her passion for photography rekindled after she settled in one of the rural areas in New Zealand and gave birth to four children. Boon started to observe how her kids interacted with nature and perceived the world around them, and this became a major source of inspiration for her art. Niki called the photo series of her four children’s technology-free life "Childhood in the Raw." With the author’s permission, we at Bright Side publish some of the photos that impressed us the most.