Well, with some facts I can agree. I have noticed it myself that taller people and people with wider forehead seem smarter. It's true! ?
10+ Body Parts That Can Expose Your Intelligence
We’ve all heard the stereotype that people who wear glasses are smart. According to a study from the University of Edinburgh, there might be some truth to this. According to science, there are many ways a person’s body features can influence how smart they are, and some are more surprising than others. We might have been right about people who wear glasses being smart, but let’s just say a lot of other stereotypes are completely off.
Bright Side brings you some body parts that science suggests could be a sure sign of higher brain power in people.
1. Lack of ear symmetry
One study found that people who are less symmetrical, like those who have one earlobe or finger longer than its twin, make better leaders and are able to avoid self-interest. It’s possible that people’s reactions to these unusual body parts cause them to develop stability.
2. Being tall
Taller people are often smarter than shorter people. According to one theory, being tall helps give people status, so historically, taller people had more opportunities for leadership, allowing them to get more access to information. They would then pass down their height and status to their children. Taller people tend to have better jobs, allowing them to better educate their children who will likely inherit their height, continuing the cycle.
3. A pointy chin
Humans have also grown to recognize the way a man’s chin looks to determine how smart he is. A smaller, pointy chin suggests a man is intelligent. A big chin suggests that a man was less than smart.
4. Larger breasts
According to one study, women with larger breasts tend to have higher intelligence. Not only did women with larger breasts appear to be the most intelligent overall, but women with average breasts were also shown to be smarter than women with small breasts. This should serve as a reminder to always take stereotypes with a grain of salt.
5. Body hair
Men with thicker body hair were found to have higher IQs. Hairier men were found to be better students. A study involving American medical students claimed that nearly half of male trainee doctors in the country were quite hairy.
6. A big head
While there is debate over how much the size of the brain contributes to intelligence, having a big head can make you smarter, but not for the reasons you think. Lower neuron density within the brain can help your brain work efficiently.
7. Smaller index fingers
Finger length can predetermine SAT scores. One study claimed boys with smaller index fingers were better than math and girls who had smaller index and ring fingers also appeared to be more intelligent.
8. A broad forehead
According to the practice of Chinese face reading, having a broad forehead is a sign of intelligence and skill. Generally, they are also believed to be able to finish tasks earlier and usually don’t need things explained to them.
9. Being left-handed
Left-handed people on average have a larger corpus callosum which helps them process information quickly. They also tend to have a better developed right-brain hemisphere.
10. Smaller waists than hips
Women with smaller waists than hips or who have an hourglass figure are found to be smarter than slimmer women in one study; this was believed to be because they had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which give more energy and even help pregnant women to develop their babies’ neurodevelopment.
11. Average weight
Weight, however, could make a difference in another way. One study claimed that overweight men and women often had less grey and white brain matter in needed areas than not.
Do you know any features that can showcase intelligence? In addition to that, are there features that you associate with intelligence? Let us know!
I was told that the oldest child is the smartest. it is true!
most stupid article I've read in a long time
I'll tell you the body part that reveals intelligence: your brain you idiots.
Haha fr

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