12 Freezing Photos That Prove Winter Is a True Challenge

6 years ago

People who can survive harsh winters and beat the winter blues gain indispensable survival skills and a great sense of humor. Read the article if you don’t believe us!

12. “This is the path my dog made after he realized how cold and snowy it was.”

11. “My wife’s hair after 15 minutes in −20ºF while basking in some hot springs.”

10. New anti-theft system: winter edition

9. “Mother nature made some ice art on my car this morning.”

8. Winter’s come.

7. “It’s so cold outside that the ghost that haunts the house froze.”

6. It’s a good thing he put his wiper blades up.

5. Frosty freshness...

4. “It’s so cold in the bathroom at work that the toilet water froze today.”

3. “Bringing my soda to the stadium was a really bad idea.”

2. “Her first Swedish winter came as quite the surprise!”

1. Another of mother nature’s masterpieces

Do you like winter? How do you deal with it?

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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Some really phenomenal acts of winter weather captured in these photos, they're fabulous!


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