10 Adorable Times People Recreated Their Childhood Photos

6 years ago

Posing for a photograph took at least 30 minutes in the 19th century due to long exposure. Of course, these images were rare and of great value. We’re more fortunate. We can not only take new photos every second, but also recreate old ones. It’s a lot of fun and gives us the opportunity to relive those joyful and sweet moments again.

Bright Side wants to share with you some vivid and interesting reproductions of warm memories.

1. Age is the only change here.

2. “Same shirt. Same bike. Same kid. Officially a teen.”

3. “Pizza and a burger, 18 years later”

4. “6 weeks vs 2 years! They grow up so fast!”

5. “My kids, 2002 vs 2014”

6. “1973 and 2020. Same people, same location. Kent, England.”

7. “My brother decided he wanted to recreate this pic from nearly 20 years ago today.”

8. “My mom (~1970) and me (~1997) in the same dress brought from a great-great-aunt from Holland. One day I want a picture of my daughter in the same dress.”

9. “Sisters, 15 years apart”

10. “My sister and I recreated our first picture together.”

Which of these reproductions did you like the most? Have you ever recreated your childhood photos? Tell us in the comments.

Preview photo credit tyrol13 / reddit


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Recreating old photos look like so much fun! Will try with my brothers.


Ksenia Solo (born 8 October 1987) is a Latvian-Canadian famous actress, especially known for portraying Mackenzie “Kenzi” Malikov on Lost Girl (is a Canadian supernatural drama television series that premiered on Showcase on September 12, 2010, and ran for five seasons.


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