19 Celebrities That Are Actually Proud of Their Grey Hair

2 years ago

According to statistics, more than 50% of men and women start getting grey hair when they are over the age of 30. And after the age of 50, about 95% of people go grey. Interestingly, gender only determines that: men usually get grey temples, and women, near the forehead. It’s quite natural to have grey hair but society is only just learning to treat this as the norm.

We at Bright Side are sincerely inspired by the stars from our compilation that are not ashamed of their grey hair.

Charlize Theron

Jennifer Lopez

Demi Moore

Tom Hanks

Salma Hayek

Andie MacDowell

Sharon Stone

Queen Letizia

Jane Fonda

Katie Holmes

Kyle MacLachlan

Elizabeth Hurley

Rita Moreno

Jodie Foster

Diane Keaton

Kate Moss

Hilarie Burton

Rachel McAdams

Danny DeVito

What do you think about grey hair?


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