20+ People Who Found a Way to Say “I Love You” Without Actually Saying It

4 years ago

From preparing a special surprise for someone to simply making sure they sleep comfortably, there are a million ways you can express your love without actually saying the words. While we believe one should never hold back from saying “I love you,” there are times where your caring, loving gestures speak volumes.

We at Bright Side have put together a treasure chest of photos of people being totally wholesome. Have a look below.

1. “First tattoo — decided to get my favorite picture with my son.”

2. “My girls opened up a salon.”

3. “My girlfriend stitched our dogs overnight as a surprise for me.”

4. “I was trying to get a picture of me and my boy under the rainbow but he surprised me with an Eskimo kiss instead.”

5. “Shaved my head in memory of my mother who I lost to cancer.”

6. “After 24 years in the closet, I came out to my mom. She was thrilled.”

7. “My 83-year-old grandma holding a portrait I’ve drawn for her based on a photo from her wedding back in 1961”

8. “They hadn’t seen each other since daycare closed, so their parents arranged a playdate. This is what happened when it was time to leave.”

9. “My grandma made a cross-stitch from a photo of me circa 1987.”

10. “My daughter fell asleep on me and the cat nestled into my arm. Looks like I’m stuck here for a while.”

11. “My single dad was the best mother I ever had.”

12. “My mother was born blind. Every year I hand-braille her cards so she can read them.”

13. “I officially have custody of my 2 tiny monsters! Haven’t been this happy in forever.”

14. “I haven’t seen my parents for a year, so I surprised them. This is my mother’s face when she realized that Santa was me.”

15. “My buddy cosplaying Jasmine and the Genie with his daughter”

16. “Reunited with my sister 20 years after we were adopted by 2 different families.”

17. “My 9-year-old sister gave my grandfather some flowers, and he’s very happy.”

18. “This is how my baby girl watches TV with me!”

19. “My father-in-law’s reaction to seeing my wife on our wedding day”

20. “My 101-year-old grandfather threw a one-hundredth birthday party for his best friend, Bob.”

21. “As my grandpa’s Alzheimer’s progresses, he can’t seem to remember my grandma but you can tell that he still loves her.”

Do you agree that sometimes actions speak louder than words? How do you say, “I love you,” without really saying it?

Preview photo credit Thundermuscle03 / Reddit


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Lost my auntie. Couldn't cope with it. Her and I both loved horses. So I got this tattoo with her initial on

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