10 Logic Puzzles That Will Increase Your IQ
Solving different kinds of logic puzzles is the best way to keep your brain active and sharp. Even if you graduated a long time ago, it doesn’t mean you should stop challenging yourself.
We at Bright Side want you to try solving these 10 puzzles that will make you scratch your head. And if you can’t find the answer, they’re waiting for you at the end.


1. According to the order of operations, things in parentheses get calculated first. That’s how you get this: 6 ÷ 2×3 = 9.
2. #3.
3. The boys have 12 chocolates together.
4. According to Archimedes’ Principle, the weight of the submerged piece of ice is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the ice. At first, the water level was lowered. But when the ice melted, it turned into water of the same weight. That’s why the water level won’t change.
5. To solve this puzzle you need to "turn back" time. First, 1 hour and 10 minutes back, then 1 hour and 20 minutes, and finally 1 hour and 30 minutes. Therefore, if you do the same to clock #4, you’ll get the time that clock #5 shows: 5:35.
6. Here’s the correct pattern: 7 — 3 = 4, 7 + 3 = 10, 7 * 3 = 21.
If you put the answers together, you’ll get 41021.
7. Any object submerged in water has an apparent weight loss equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. The stone takes up more space than the iron balance weight. Therefore, the stone will displace more water and thus will become lighter. That will tilt the balance.
8. One of them gets an apple with the basket.
9. These are the correct symbols:

10. There are 10 numbers in this picture:

the use of number 3 in the Square root to solve 8 8 8 is not valid. You use another number.
we can solve the 4 4 4 as (4-(4:4))! without using Square root.
Cut four apples in fifths and give four fifths to five people. And have one in the basket
my iq level is a 115 and im only 9 years old!
I saw 3 numbers 604

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