when they make films about medieval times, I think it's normal that they kind of "adjust" the makeup and don't make it 100% correct with how it used to be, historically.
Back in the days the fashion was way different and I think a lot of people might not like it. They want to make characters appealing t us, so they make them look more modern, something we are used to and we accept
10+ Times When Makeup and Costume Artists Really Messed Up
Of course, it is extremely difficult to perfect every last detail in a film. But viewers hope that they won’t see really obvious bloopers, like times when a costume appears in the wrong time period or when objects mysteriously appear and disappear. Of course, some people think it’s not a big deal, but we still don’t like it when we see these things.
We at Bright Side have seen some moments like this. And if we missed something else, tell us in the comment section below!
The makeup of the Edwardian era was quite different from what we see on the face of Rose, the main character of Titanic. Lips were supposed to be red, and rouge was applied to get that healthy rosy flush on the cheeks. Also eye make-up wasn’t that common, as the eyebrows were the main focus in this era.
- In Doctor Strange, doctors are doing brain surgery without masks. For surgeons, their assistants, and scrub nurses this is impossible in real life.
- Here’s another example of changing history in order to make the look more interesting. Cleopatra ruled from 51-30 BCE, when there could be no clothes that even remotely resembled those worn by Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra. But Taylor, as the Egyptian Empress, was very memorable in this role.
- Angelina Jolie in Alexander looks stunning, but there are a few mistakes. At the time, fabrics weren’t sewn together, also a noble woman would never appear in public without a belt. The Ancient Greek costume was a chiton (an undergarment draped about the body) and a cloak on top of it called a peplos.
- In To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, the cardigan Lara Jean is wearing was inside out in one scene and then looked normal in the next one.
- Unfortunately, even the creators of The Lord of the Rings made a mistake. When Sam says goodbye to Frodo, we first see Sam wearing a vest that disappears in the next shot.
- In Slumdog Millionaire, the jewelry on the face of the girl appears and disappears.
- In Silver Linings Playbook, the main character played by Bradley Cooper wrapped his feet with duct tape while sitting on the floor. But in the next shot, the tape is gone and Jennifer Lawrence is wrapping his feet for him.
- In The Dark Knight, the Joker changes his hair color from brown to green in a matter of seconds.
- You can see a piece of the puffy jacket Sam Tarly is wearing in Game of Thrones.
Do you think that these mistakes in movies are important or are they not a big deal? Share your opinion with us in the comment section below!
Angelina Jolie’s relationship with her adoptive daughter Zahara and biological daughter Shiloh has been a subject of interest. Despite the challenges Zahara faced in her early life, Jolie’s bond with her runs deep, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and adversity in forging strong relationships.
actually, the one about Lord of the Rings....they realised that the actor made this mistake and they had to reshoot it.

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