10+ Ways to Survive a Wildfire

In case a wildfire breaks out and you need to escape, having some options could save your life. Always have in mind 3 possible options for escaping, weigh the pros and cons immediately, and choose the best option. Once you choose one, without wasting time, you’ll be able to then move on to option 2 right away if the first one doesn’t work.

1. Try to stay upwind of the fire at all times. Use the wind’s direction as a guide to escape the approaching fire.

2. Keep your clothes wet.

3. Look for a large, non-flammable piece of terrain.

4. Seek safety near or in water (the sea, a lake, or a river).

5. Stay low to the ground, smoke rises.

6. If you are in a car, roll up the windows and close the air vents to keep the smoke outside.

7. If you are in a building, close all the doors, windows, and vents, but do not lock them — so that you can escape if needed.

8. Remove curtains from windows and doors and keep flammable furniture in the center of the house.

9. Turn on all the lights outside and in every room, to be visible to the rescuers through the smoke.

10. Wet the area using hoses or sprinklers to keep the fire out.

11. Find safety in an already burnt area.

Please note: This article was updated in March 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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