12 People Who Experienced Eerie Things in Childhood Along With Their Parents

11 months ago

Children experience eerie phenomena as much as any adult would. However, they are often not believed in when they tell someone what happened. Fortunately for a few, their parents witnessed everything and reassured them that they hadn’t imagined anything. Years later, they decided to share their stories with the world and leave the rest of us spooked with their mysterious memories.

  • I don’t actually remember this, but my mom told me about it. My grandfather died when I was a year old. Prior to his death, he loved to play with me and would make me laugh in this very specific way.
    The night he died, my mom heard me making noise. So she goes in assuming I’m crying, but I’m not. I’m staring at the ceiling, laughing hysterically, just like my grandfather used to make me laugh. She’s still convinced he came to say goodbye to me. © alkakfnxcpoem / Reddit
  • One time my brother, his friend, and I saw lights in the sky that darted around like UFOs. We went to get my mom, and she was totally nonchalant about it. «Yep, those are UFOs,» she said, and went back in the house. Her response was so subdued that we figured she was humoring us, and they weren’t actually UFOs.
    Years later, I asked her about it, and she said she had to force herself to act calmly because she was terrified. © funky_grandma / Reddit
  • When my family went to the Georgian mountain region, we rented a cottage. Two bedrooms, so my brother and I took one and our dad took the other with his girlfriend. I woke up in the middle of the night to three figures in the room, all standing in various places, none of which were visible from the entrance of the room.
    I woke my brother up, and we screamed for our dad, but when he came into the room, he refused to look at the figures and just told us to hide under the covers. It wasn’t exactly confirmed, but his refusal to look where they were standing after begging him was telling. It still scares my brother and I. © doctorjason42 / Reddit
  • When I was young, I apparently had a few odd interactions with animals. I would know a person had animals before we went in the house, they tended to come over to me before my parents, mostly just little things that were probably explainable by me, a fairly observant little kid.
    The one that sticks out to my parents though (telling it the way they do) is we went to a new car garage to have them work on our car. As we pull up, the owner has a big old black Labrador laying in the middle of the lobby. The guy informs us the dog is comfortable with people, we can pet him if we want. I shake my head and say, «He’s sad, though.»
    Dad looks at me and asks why I think that. I reply, «He lost his ball, he’s sad now.» Dad said the owner went pale, stared at me for a minute, and then looked at dad and said, «He’s had a favorite ball for ten years that just went down the sewage drain yesterday and I couldn’t get it back out.» © Nybear21 / Reddit
  • When I was around 11 or so, my mom and I were going about 40 miles outside of town for a typical orthodontist appointment. The trip typically took about 35 minutes, give or take a few for traffic. However, this one time I kind of zoned out while being driven and upon arriving we both remarked, «Wow, that was fast.» We were earlier for my appointment than usual, despite leaving at a consistent time for each appointment.
    Upon looking at our vehicle’s clock (and confirming with a watch my mom had on) it had mysteriously taken us only 10 minutes to drive the usual 35-minute distance. We have no recollection of anything happening during those 10 minutes, and it never happened again, but it left us with a very weird feeling. We still wonder what we drove through to this day. © Texan92 / Reddit
  • I woke up one night when I was 12 because I dreamt that my older brother got into a car accident. I got out of bed and wandered downstairs to the kitchen to get something to drink. My mother was sitting there and asking me why I was awake. I told her, «Had a bad dream and need something to drink». I got a glass of water when it ringed at our door.
    My mother went to look who is there in the middle of the night. Two police officers that asked if they could come inside for a moment. After the two officers left, my mother came back to the kitchen, completely pale, and told me that I should go to bed now. I asked her what was wrong when she informed me that my brother was in a car accident, and she needed to wake up my dad and go to the hospital.
    When I pointed out that this was the bad dream I had before waking up, she only looked at me for a couple of seconds. I prepared myself for comments like, «Don’t be silly and go to bed now» but instead she said «Me too.» So basically, we both had the same dream of my brother having a car accident. And we both woke up minutes before the police came over to tell us it really happened.
    My brother survived with some minor injuries, and we’ve seen the photos of the accident in the newspaper the next day. It looked 100% like in my dream, to the smallest detail. © OneMorePotion / Reddit
  • My mom said that I used to have «premonitions» when I was little, under the age of 10. My great-aunt and great-uncle were like grandparents to me and used to come visit in the summer from Mexico (to the US). I would miss them terribly, then they would go.
    One year, when they were leaving, I cried and cried. My mom said, «Don’t worry! They’ll be back next year.» I remember sobbing and throwing a small child fit. Apparently, I said to my mom, «No, you don’t understand! Tío (great-uncle) is NEVER coming back!» She kept trying to reassure me they’d be back next year. I kept repeating, «He’s never coming back!»
    Sure enough, he passed away and never came back. My mom said it was really creepy. © geekgirlweb / Reddit
  • I’m a parent of toddlers and kids now, and I have a creepy story from last year. We were driving with my then three-year-old son in the car, and stopped at a red light next to a cemetery. Out of nowhere, my son looked over at the cemetery and said, «There are people laying down there, and they can’t get up.»
    My wife asked my son what he was talking about, and he pointed to the cemetery and said, «All of the people laying down in the park are stuck.» My wife and I just looked at each other in silence, completely freaked out. At this point in our son’s life, there had been no deaths in the family, and we had never discussed death with him. I’m still creeped out when I think about it. © flyzapper / Reddit
  • When I was little, my dresser (it was long but pretty short) sat against the wall with one of the ends pointed to my door. That dresser is heavy, an old wood one with all sorts of kid stuff neatly arranged on top. Since it was in my bedroom, the floor was carpet, so I always slept with the door closed.
    One night, with no explanation, the dresser tipped over. But instead of falling forward, it fell 180 degrees to the side, falling in front of my door, all the kid stuff spilling to the side. My mom ran to get me, but couldn’t open the door as it was being blocked by the dresser.
    Eventually, with her pushing and me pulling on the dresser, she was able to slip in and move the dresser out of the way. Nothing was damaged, not even the glass figurines I had. My dad helped put it upright the next day and we moved on.
    Years later, I remembered the incident and asked my mom about it, expecting to learn that I blew it out of proportion, and it only fell forward or something like that. Nope, she remembered that night as well. However, she added one detail that I could never figure out. She thought she heard me jumping on the bed that night, and that was why she thought the dresser tipped over. I had been asleep, I have no idea where she heard that noise coming from. © Appropriate_Moose_ / Reddit
  • I don’t remember this, but my mom tells me about it. I was close to my grandma until she died when I was two. We used to play this game where she’d go «Shh, listen!» and we’d shut our eyes and get quiet and just listen to the world.
    Well, when she died I didn’t go to the funeral since I was 2, and afterward mom takes me to the cemetery to take me to her tombstone to explain some stuff. When we get there, as mom’s parking, I suddenly go, «Shh! Listen!» and cover my eyes and go quiet.
    Mom doesn’t think much of it, but then she gets me out of the car, and I just book it into the cemetery and somehow end up finding some family tombstones, not my grandma’s, but she’s close by. I had never been here before, I couldn’t even read the tombstone names.
    My mom says it freaked her out. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, my mom used to work at a small grocery store, and she went there before breakfast to get fresh bakery goods when she had the afternoon shift. Then she used to wake me up for school, and ask how I slept, and I used to tell her what dream I had that night (if any).
    One morning, I told her I dreamt that two guys broke in to the store, and they left a red screwdriver on the floor. My mom was shocked because there really was a break-in that night, that is why she couldn’t buy stuff for breakfast that morning.
    I then went to school, my mom did the afternoon shift and in the evening, when she came home, she told me that the police really did find a screwdriver on the scene, which belonged to the burglar(s). My mom made me fill out a lottery ticket the next day but never won with it and I never had such dreams since then. © _garo_ / Reddit
  • At my parent’s house, I used to hear my mom calling out to me when she didn’t, and she confirmed she’d hear me call out to her when I didn’t. That was a common occurrence.
    Also, whenever I’d be alone for a little while if my mom was late from work or at the grocery store, I’d usually be in the main living room playing a Nintendo 64. I would oftentimes hear loud banging sounds from upstairs, as if a heavy piece of furniture tipped over. I’d go check and nothing was out of place. Both my mother and grandmother have confirmed similar experiences when they’re alone in the house.
    There was also the time I was downstairs on my laptop, everyone else was in bed, it was after midnight and I didn’t realize just how dark everything had gotten without the lights on. I’m zoned out when I begin to hear what sounds like a murmuring from behind me. Like the low rumble you’d hear at a gathering when people are talking, and you can’t make out conversation. The hairs on my neck immediately stood up, and my body locked up from fear.
    Tears ran down my face from the physical reaction my body was having. I refused to acknowledge it and kept staring at my laptop screen in silence. It took forever for my body to go back to normal. Some time later I told my mother what happened, and it freaked her out because she said she’s heard the murmuring as well.
    I’ve always hated that house. © CerberusC24 / Reddit

As children, we encounter puzzling events that stick with us into adulthood, fueling curiosity about the unexplained. From eerie encounters to supernatural feelings, these memories linger, sparking online discussions where people can share their stories without fear of judgment.


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