14 Flawless Examples of Child Logic That Left Us Speechless

Family & kids
6 years ago

If parents could predict their children’s actions, their lives would be way easier. But they only can guess what’s going on in their kids’ heads. Children are unpredictable, but we still love them more than anything in this world.

Bright Side has collected some examples of child logic that can make parents laugh and cry at once.

14. Don’t make things complicated.

13. Genius!

12. This boy nailed it. Creativeness matters.

11. You have to defend your opinion.

10. My brother asked, “Since when is there a Christmas squid?”

9. These parents don’t know yet that their child is a future designer.

8. “A birthday present from my 9-year-old”

7. “She’s upset because she can’t have the corn oil that she’s convinced is apple juice.”

6. This method definitely works.

5. “The way my son eats bananas”

4. “Asked the 2-year-old to brush his teeth and left him unsupervised...”

3. When you can’t decide how to drink:

2. Don’t use your own fingers if you have a dog.

1. Happiness is a choice.

Have your children ever done anything funny? Share it with us in the comments!


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Children are so creative because their imagination isn't contaminated by cliches and stereotypes, we all should learn from them


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