15 Christmas Gifts Had People Saying, “What Were You Thinking?”

2 months ago

Looking for some Christmas gift inspiration? Well, here’s a list of gifts that puzzled the people. Whether you're laughing at others' holiday fails or just glad you didn’t give (or get) something like this, this list will definitely make you rethink your gift-giving game.

  • My cousin once gave me an autographed picture of himself. Which was funny, so I didn’t mind. TheZ_27 / Reddit
  • A comic book was lying around the house for several months, which I read twice in this period. I didn’t know it was supposed to be my surprise present. Cheap_Stay2750 / Reddit
  • I participated in a voluntary office Christmas exchange in 2012 with a $30 limit. My gift was a CD-R of the giver’s favorite album. I was less than enthused, but nonetheless slid the disc into my car to check it out, only to find out that it was blank. The person had written the band name/album title on the disc, but forgot to actually burn a copy. SpaceGhost817 / Reddit
  • When I was 10 years old, my grandparents gave me an unwrapped suitcase for Christmas. In the interests of convenience, they used that suitcase for the wrapped presents for my sisters. ragedandobtused / Reddit
  • An ex gave me an engagement ring for herself, with the idea that I would use it to propose to her. She also gave specific instructions on how and when I should do it, as well as stipulations that she would be the one planning our wedding. We had a terrible relationship and I had been planning on breaking up with her right after the holidays (which I did).
    I couldn’t understand how she thought we were even close to being on the same page, and once it was all over I realized the obvious and what everyone was trying to tell me for 3 years—I was in a toxic relationship. Still, who buys a ring for someone to give back to them? It’s just bad gifting. BlackLetterLies / Reddit
  • A ceramic jar for holding dog treats when I was 15 when we had JUST given him away. sulfuricZoologist / Reddit
  • My grandpa was planning on giving me a tissue box with money in it (still not sure why). Anyway, he wrapped the wrong box and I opened a box of tissues on Christmas morning. Hummussed / Reddit
  • My dad, his first Christmas divorced and living alone, first time ever shopping for us clearly lmao because my mom did all the shopping before, got me a nose hair trimmer... I was 12. And definitely did not understand why I got that gift. ThisSorrowfulLife / Reddit
  • My sister’s birthday is about two weeks before Christmas. On her birthday, my older brother gave her a single shoe. My sister was extremely confused as to why my brother gave her only one shoe for her birthday.
    2 weeks later on Christmas, my brother gave my sister her Christmas present. Her Christmas present was the second shoe that belonged in the same pair as the first shoe she got for her birthday. LuisMD19 / Reddit
  • I got my old boss in secret Santa and bought her the biggest pair of knickers I could find. She was a size 8, and I found a lilac flowery pair in size 56. She put them on over the clothes, and I don't think I have ever laughed so much in work. thatisyucky / Reddit
  • Peanut M&Ms dispenser. My own mother forgot about my nut allergy that year. Silverism / Reddit
  • My brother gave me a bright orange wallet. Because you like orange so much, he said, while flashing the wallet I gave him a few years ago. It's red. He's color-blind. Whole-Arachnid-Army / Reddit
  • I once got a beard trimmer only to discover that it had been used and put back in the box with curlies! KonichiwaJones / Reddit
  • My grandparents gave my parents a framed picture of a random little boy, and nobody knows who it is. iamnotahermitcrab / Reddit
  • When my wife and I first got married, her parents hated me. One year, they got me a woman’s sweater. The next Christmas, I wore it over, and my MIL asked my wife why I was wearing a woman’s sweater. RichLyons*** / Reddit

Picking the perfect Christmas present isn’t always easy, but some people really went above and beyond—to the point of giving downright bizarre gifts.

Preview photo credit RichLyons*** / Reddit


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