15 People Who Can Tell You How to Lose Weight Better Than Google

2 years ago

The journey toward weight-loss is not an easy one to start. There are old habits to kick and new ones to adopt. But if you have lots of motivation, you can do anything, and the heroes of the article you’re reading now can prove this with their own examples.

To motivate you, Bright Side is sharing 15 amazing stories of people who transformed their bodies by deciding to put their health and happiness first. If they can do it, so can you!

1. “I lost 161 lbs in 11 months. I changed my lifestyle, am enjoying life more, and all with no surgery. I’m almost there.”

2. “October 2016 vs June 2019. Still have a little bit more body fat to lose, but overall really happy!”

3. “From 360 lbs (163 kg) to 180 lbs (82 kg) in 72 months. I can now even run marathons!”

4. “From 400 lbs (181 kg) to 265 lbs (120 kg) in 10 months. Surprised to see muscle for the first time in my life.”

5. “These shorts used to be so tight, I had friction burns after 10 minutes, lol!”

6. “Just finished my third triathlon and shaved 24 minutes off my previous time! 25 lbs (11 kg) left!”

7. “Our wedding day vs Our second anniversary”

8. “My son lost 135 lbs (61 kg) in 52 weeks. I’m proud of him.”

9. “From morbidly obese to fit. What an amazing journey it has been!”

10. “I honestly hardly recognize the person on the left. So glad to finally be happy with how I look!”

11. “Finally hit my next big milestone! Celebrated with a size 12 jumpsuit (down from a 28).”

12. “Lost 137 lbs in 14 months. I’m so close to being under 300 lbs!”

13. “Same chair, 3 years later.”

14. “I lost 100 lbs! I did it!”

15. “I finally reached my goal weight after 3 years. I’m so excited!”

Which transformation do you think is the most striking? Let us know in the comments! And if you know of any inspiring stories like these, share them with us as well!

Preview photo credit Danshu / reddit


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it always makes me smile when couples decide to lose weight together, and they manage to do it :)


people, you're awesome.

I used to be pretty chubby too as a teenager, but when I turned 20 I decided I had enough and decided to start swimming (as I enjoyed this activity the most). In 1 year I lost 10 kilos :)


"19 People Who Can Tell You How to Lose Weight Better Than Google" ??? - On YouTube you would call this clickbating, because the title is misleading people to look at the pictures.

Not that I need it, but if the title says "How to..." then I would like to know "how" they did it.

I don't see any story, just pictures. And that's why I doubt most of the fotos, you can't even recognize most of them after losing weight.

Not a good report....


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