
I Refuse to Ruin My Own Happiness to Save My Grandchild

I Refuse to Ruin My Own Happiness to Save My Grandchild
Family & kids
4 months ago

We all aim to ensure the comfort and joy of our loved ones. Nonetheless, there are moments when attending to our own requirements becomes crucial. Betty, a 72-year-old widow, had been diligently saving for a much-anticipated vacation. Her intentions were disrupted when her grandson became gravely ill, and her family asked for the funds she had saved. Betty’s decision not to provide financial assistance resulted in a significant family dispute. She has now reached out to us for guidance.

I Refuse to Sacrifice My Happiness to Save My Grandson

I Refuse to Sacrifice My Happiness to Save My Grandson
Family & kids
4 months ago

We all strive for our families’ well-being and happiness. However, there are times when we must prioritize our own needs. Betty, a 72-year-old widow, had been eagerly saving for a long-awaited trip. Her plans were upended when her grandson fell seriously ill, and her family requested the money she had set aside. Betty’s refusal to assist led to a dramatic conflict. She has now written to us seeking advice.

Mandy Moore Gave Birth to Baby Number Two, and Her Story Proves That You Can Find Happiness Even After a Painful Divorce

Mandy Moore Gave Birth to Baby Number Two, and Her Story Proves That You Can Find Happiness Even After a Painful Divorce
2 years ago

While some people get it right with the first partner they pick, others have to “kiss several frogs” to find their prince. Mandy Moore, unfortunately, didn’t luck out with her first partner, and she spent a few years of her life unhappy. However, luck smiled at her, eventually, and today she is living her best life with her husband and their 2 little boys while having a fruitful career at the same time.

20 Photos That Can Instantly Boost Your Level of the Happiness Hormone

20 Photos That Can Instantly Boost Your Level of the Happiness Hormone
2 years ago

Scientists claim that to feel happy, we need to eat more food that contains tryptophan. It can be found in milk, butter, peanuts, and egg yolk, in addition to many other products. But as it turns out, we can buy some happiness for ourselves at the nearest market. In today’s article, we’ll deliver you some cheerful vibes, and while you won’t have to eat anything, prepare your eyes and heart for a dose of sweetness.

20 Pics That Can Evoke a Hurricane of Happiness in Your Soul

20 Pics That Can Evoke a Hurricane of Happiness in Your Soul
2 years ago

Happiness can be inherited by kids from their parents, according to scientists. In a study, many pairs of identical twins were compared, and the result is fascinating: as it turns out, around 50% of the twins’ happiness came to them in their genetics. Today’s article is meant to add to your stash of joy so that you can generously share it later with your nearest and dearest.

17 People Whose Happiness Could Outshine the Brightest Star

17 People Whose Happiness Could Outshine the Brightest Star
2 years ago

It can be a precious moment when your grandma genuinely smiles or when you meet your child for the first time. Such moments of joy and excitement deserve to be shouted from the rooftops because they simply feel too good to be true. And that is what these people in this uplifting compilation have done by sharing moments in their life of sheer joy and happiness online, to preserve them forever.

Happiness Shared Is Happiness Doubled and We Found 17 Pics That Prove It

Happiness Shared Is Happiness Doubled and We Found 17 Pics That Prove It
2 years ago

A study concluded that for every negative experience, we have 3 positive ones on any given day. Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep us happy throughout our lives. Even so, a total stranger across the globe uploads a picture with a short backstory and has the power to make us feel good, even if we’re thousands of miles apart.

15+ Pics That Prove Happiness Comes in Different Shapes and Colors

15+ Pics That Prove Happiness Comes in Different Shapes and Colors
3 years ago

Sometimes, it can take the simplest of things to make our day. From small wins, like animals being reunited, to life-changing events, like a career move; happiness really does come in all shapes and sizes. At Bright Side, we love to see inspiring and feel-good stories and the extraordinary things people can achieve. So today, we’ve found 18 examples of happiness to lift your spirits!

20+ Pics Showing Happiness is Always Within Reach When You Appreciate the Simple Things

20+ Pics Showing Happiness is Always Within Reach When You Appreciate the Simple Things
3 years ago

Happiness embraces us in all our experiences — yet we sometimes aren’t fully aware of it. All it takes is to slow down from our hectic lives and take a look around us. The grandmother who’s learning to write for the first time, the comfort of a cozy hug, no matter where it comes from, the man who finally gets to see colors thanks to a special present from his wife.

19 Pics That Hold So Much Happiness They’ll Disperse the Gloomiest of Clouds

19 Pics That Hold So Much Happiness They’ll Disperse the Gloomiest of Clouds
3 years ago

Peter Pan sang that thinking of the happiest things is the same as having wings. And we absolutely agree! We also can assure you that looking at photos depicting merry moments in other people’s lives lifts the spirit as well as having your own merry moments. Like seeing a newborn baby cuddling with a newborn kitten or a puppy leaning out the window with his favorite hooman.

18 People That Prove True Happiness Lies in the Little Things

18 People That Prove True Happiness Lies in the Little Things
2 years ago

Happiness is the thing that inevitably happens when you practice being grateful for the smallest things in life. It’s when you smile because you finally finished the painting you’ve been working on, or when you grin as you chat with your loved ones. It is all about appreciating the tiny joys in life and being able to laugh, even for the most peculiar reasons.

20 People Who Shared a Piece of Their Happiness With the World

20 People Who Shared a Piece of Their Happiness With the World
year ago

Cooking dinner with your daughter, making your mother’s wishes come true, falling in love, or finding your lost cat — the world is full of things that make our hearts beat faster. And it’s a real piece of luck when you have a camera at hand to capture these happy moments and share these overwhelming emotions with the rest of the world.

8 Toxic Habits That Are Stealing Your Happiness Day by Day

8 Toxic Habits That Are Stealing Your Happiness Day by Day
5 years ago

A lack of money or entertainment doesn’t stop us from being happy. It’s actually our toxic habits that sneak up on us and steal away our joy. It’s high time we shed light on this issue because if you know what you’re doing wrong, it’s easier to take the first step in stopping self-destruction and making room for happiness.

25 Photos Where True Happiness Has Been Captured

25 Photos Where True Happiness Has Been Captured
4 years ago

Happiness comes in many different forms. It can be an everyday happiness that is expressed in small details such as the purchase of a new hat or the view of the first snow. It can also be a really great happiness such as overcoming a severe disease or love that lasted through the years. Whatever kind of happiness it is, the very moment when we feel it is valued more than gold. Bright Side collected 25 photos that show pure happiness as it truly is.

15 Moments of the Purest Joy People Were Lucky to Capture

15 Moments of the Purest Joy People Were Lucky to Capture
2 years ago

Happiness is not a constant, lasting condition; it is a compilation of small everyday moments of joy that make our lives vivid, psychologists say. It is crucial to notice those regular tweaks to achieve a life-long sense of happiness. The heroes of our compilation were able to notice and even capture them, depicting the happiness in pictures.

15 Celebrity Parents Who Enjoy a Big Family Tree

15 Celebrity Parents Who Enjoy a Big Family Tree

Psychologists can name a dozen reasons why it’s in people’s nature to want to have kids, and one significant point is finding the ultimate parental happiness in their little ones. While some of us can only handle raising a small family, beloved Hollywood parents are up for the challenge and find joy in not only 3 but 4 or more children in their brood.

18 People Who Were Lucky to Capture Priceless Memories

18 People Who Were Lucky to Capture Priceless Memories
year ago

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with happiness and joy, we need to shout about the things happening to us from the rooftops. We can relive the moments we cherish and create strong bonds with those around us while sharing stories, photos, and other keepsakes. These 17 photos prove it’s best to keep your camera ready to capture the most precious moments you’d like to share with everyone.

20 Amusing Pics That Brought Us Immense Joy Today

20 Amusing Pics That Brought Us Immense Joy Today
year ago

Sometimes, having a full-time job, a partner, and kids can be overwhelming, and we can get caught up in our daily routines. Although your mental health can benefit from having a daily regimen, breaking it from time to time can also save you from feeling trapped. This is why we looked for 20 pics that exude happiness that can help you start your day off on the right foot.

10 Celebrities Share the Reasons Why They Enjoy Being Single

10 Celebrities Share the Reasons Why They Enjoy Being Single
2 years ago

Although it is generally believed that being single comes with loneliness and a dull life, a recent study has found that unmarried women live longer and are happier. Many celebrities are also living proof of this, as they feel that they don’t need to be in a relationship in order to have an exciting and fulfilling life.

15+ Pics That Will Sow Seeds of Joy in Your Soul

15+ Pics That Will Sow Seeds of Joy in Your Soul
2 years ago

There are 6 basic things that we need to feel happy, according to psychologists. And no, it’s not $1,000000 and not even a free appointment with the dentist for a lifetime. Among the sources of happiness there are things such as mind-body connection, sense of security and safety, and having a purpose in life. Our today’s heroes have experienced happiness and joy and shared it with the whole world in the form of photos.

15+ People Who Can Bring Joy to Everyone Around Them

15+ People Who Can Bring Joy to Everyone Around Them
2 years ago

They say we all have the power to change the emotions of everyone around us. But some people’s power is of an extraordinary type. They inspire, they give a little something every day, and become a pillar of strength to many around. They make the world come alive wherever their foot stands. After all, maybe that’s what joy and thirst for life is really all about.

15 People Who Definitely Enjoy Every Little Thing in Life

15 People Who Definitely Enjoy Every Little Thing in Life
2 years ago

According to research, the average person spends about 47% of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re doing. But instead of wasting half of our day worrying about the future or reliving the past, we need to take a deep breath and remind ourselves how lucky we are to be alive. Because the things we need the most are simply around us right now, and that’s what makes the present so beautiful.

20 People Who Enjoy Life, Even in the Most Ordinary Moments

20 People Who Enjoy Life, Even in the Most Ordinary Moments
2 years ago

As author and renowned choreographer Anthony Shay once said, “Life is what you make it, so make the best of it.” It’s truly in the simplest moments that we realize how beautiful life is. We just have to learn to stop and smell the roses. To give you that extra boost of inspiration, Bright Side has rounded up these people who have found joy and humor in the most mundane things. Whatever you might be going through, their infectious positivity will certainly make you feel that everything’s going to be all right.

15+ People Whose Lucky Moment Wasn’t a Long Time Coming

15+ People Whose Lucky Moment Wasn’t a Long Time Coming
2 years ago

Writer Alice Hoffman once said, “You don’t know if it’s good or bad until you have some perspective.” And really, most of the time, we make our own luck. And the ability to live in the present moment is one of the keys to it. With such a superpower, we can fully enjoy it together with our family and pets or any other cute “stranger” that’s willing to share a few happy minutes with us.

20 People Lucky Enough to See Something That Made Their Day Happier

20 People Lucky Enough to See Something That Made Their Day Happier
2 years ago

There’s a weird feeling called liberosis, which is a state where you want to be a child again, without any of your responsibilities or concerns. We all could use this “pill of happiness” that will take us somewhere outside of our troubles and everyday problems. Internet users come to the rescue here, sharing some candid shots that can be a cure for sore souls.

20 Pics That Can Spark Joy From Miles Away

20 Pics That Can Spark Joy From Miles Away
3 years ago

Randomly befriending a fluffy pet on the street, seeing your kid achieve a milestone in their life, or watching a bonding moment between your children and their grandparents are some of the greatest joys. In fact, there are many moments in life that can leave us bursting with happiness. And luckily for us, some people on the Internet managed to capture these instances at just the right time, flooding our hearts with joy.

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner
Family & kids
3 years ago

For centuries, poets, philosophers, psychologists, artists, scientists, and ordinary people have tirelessly attempted to find out what love is. Why do some people make us feel good while others don’t? How do we choose each other? And finally, how can you really know if you’ll be happy with this person for the rest of your life?

People Honestly Shared Why They Are Glad to Be Single

People Honestly Shared Why They Are Glad to Be Single
3 years ago

There is an opinion that says single people feel loneliness more intensely before the holidays. But is this feeling really that bad? We might be able to learn about our own needs and desires and accomplish our own ambitious goals and reach them when we are alone.

19 Pics of Pure Joy That Are the Happy Pills You Need Right Now

19 Pics of Pure Joy That Are the Happy Pills You Need Right Now
2 years ago

There are times in life where we might find ourselves surrounded by, well, a bunch of baby ducks and baby chickens or cuddled up with a dog as you will soon see in this article. While not all of us can be that lucky, the Internet allows us to experience these moments at a distance. We at Bright Side want to make your day better by sharing 20 pictures that serve as the big dose of happiness we all need.

20+ Animals Who Almost Lost Hope but Luckily Found Their Loving Human

20+ Animals Who Almost Lost Hope but Luckily Found Their Loving Human
4 years ago

Humans started to tame animals more than 15,000 years ago and today it’s hard to imagine a world without pets. They fill us with joy and happiness. In addition, if the owner didn’t just buy, but saved the 4-legged friend from starving on the street, owning this pet will be complemented by an onslaught of thankfulness and adoration.