Sometimes you can feel an urge to change something in your life for the better. Then you tell yourself you’ll start doing it on Monday. Yes, you can do it but it’s much better if you decide that today is the best day for positive changes.
We at Bright Side wish everyone constant growth and a feeling of balance in their life and we want to share 15 pics that can motivate you.
1. “This is me after 10 years of procedures.”
2. “Thank you, braces and jaw surgery.”
3. “I’m living 2 completely different lives in these pictures and couldn’t be any happier with where I’m at now.”
4. “7 months of dental work and I can finally smile in pictures again!”
5. “I had double jaw surgery last year to fix my underbite and I couldn’t be happier with the result!”
6. “2 years post op for rhinoplasty and 2 months post op for blepharoplasty and eyebrow lift”
7. “Lip flip — before and 1 week later!”
8. “Before and one year after rhinoplasty.”
9. “Almost 20 years between now and then.”
10. “Today, I’m also officially 6 months post stem cell transplant! A lot can change in 180 days.”
11. “I’m looking like my own (non-existent) sister.”
12. “I still don’t really like how I look much, but when I compare it to how I used to look I’ve definitely made good progress.”
13. “Long hair to short hair”
14. “I am about 2 months in now. I do see my gap closing up little by little.”
15. “Rhinoplasty and double jaw surgery”
What is your biggest achievement? Have you ever tried to change your style?