15+ People Who Got Into Trouble Because of Their Fashion Choices

3 months ago

Many things can make us blush. Some of us manage to get into embarrassing situations because of our behavior, others get into them by an incomprehensible coincidence. And the heroes of this article experienced troubles because of their clothes. The main thing is that many of them didn’t know what to do after that.

  • I booked a table in a fancy restaurant for me and my girlfriend. Everyone is in suits and dresses, and we are no exception. We sit down and my lady starts digging through her bag. And then she takes out a pair of scissors and starts to cut off the dangling ends of the pasta twisted around her fork. I ask her why she’s doing that to the pasta. She replies that she doesn’t want to stain her outfit and look bad. Everyone around me laughed and I felt very embarrassed. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I had a very shy cat. He didn’t go out and hide from strangers. We were big friends. One day I decided to try a new look. I was a teenager then and wanted to show off. I found some ancient clothes, wrapped a scarf around my head, let out a couple of strands on the sides, and painted them with blue mascara. Put on a lot of makeup and all the perfume I could find. When ready, I was walking down the corridor. The cat was walking in front of me. He turns around, crouches on all his paws, horror in his eyes, and I see a puddle under him. He didn’t recognize me, poor thing. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Back in the day, my godfather worked as a truck driver. He was going to marry my aunt and was looking for a ring. One day, on his way home from work, he stopped at a jewelry shop to buy the ring. He didn’t want to go home first to change his clothes, so he entered the shop in his work clothes — dirty in some places, torn in others. They looked at him weirdly, and when he asked to see the ring, they hinted that he couldn’t afford it. When he took out a wad of money, the saleswoman changed her face and then a completely different conversation began. © drugon.91 / Pikabu
  • We had a dress code in the office, and at the construction site, they didn’t pay much attention to clothes. One day the main boss, a big fashionista, went to the site where he wore special shoes and a helmet. Colleagues told me that one of the female employees came out to him in a tank top and shorts. She was followed by another one dressed the same way. He didn’t say anything there, but when already in the office, he reprimanded the head of the construction site. He said that it was inappropriate, that it was work, not a beach. They agreed, and the story was forgotten until several employees from the site were summoned to the office for a meeting.
    People gathered in the conference room, all dressed in business style, having a leisurely conversation, waiting for the others. The doors open and the very same 2 ladies walk in, looking like “We’ll stay with you for a minute and then we’ll go straight to the beach.” Mini shorts, tank tops, and only towels under their arms were missing. The director was speechless for a second, turned purple, and gave out an untranslatable set of words. After the meeting, both ladies were fired. © Ilona Staller / ADME
  • My friend is having her bachelorette in 2 weeks. I am currently 6 months pregnant. Tonight, a bridesmaid put on the group chat that we will all need to be in Barbie pink so the bride can wear white and stand out. Ever since I started showing I have had a nightmare with getting clothes to fit. I’ve tried 6 maternity shops but nothing has sat right on me, I think because I’m tall the bump part of the clothes doesn’t fall on where my bump is. I’ve settled for having 4 stretchy knit dresses that I fit into. These are all dark and not pink. I messaged the bridesmaid and said I was going to struggle to find an outfit in Barbie pink, as almost nothing fit me. She said this isn’t about me and if I cared about the bride I’d make it work. © donhavepink / Reddit
  • I once forgot a jumper at an acquaintance’s house while visiting. I had been looking for it for a long time, but eventually, I got over it. And yesterday I went to the country house with my friend, and she met me wearing my jumper. She began to brag about her new jumper, which that same acquaintance knitted specially for her. It was both funny and bitter to listen to her fiery story about the gift because this jumper was knitted to me by my grandmother.
    I didn’t say anything to my friend, but I stopped communicating with that acquaintance. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Students came to us for an internship. They were given white coats. July, it’s hot. I went out into the corridor to take them to the production, they were sitting along the wall and their bare legs were sticking out from under their coats. And then I see someone’s hairy legs. I look up, and there’s a boy among the girls. He came in shorts, which you can’t see from under his coat. © Zabava / ADME
  • My wife and I, have been married for 2 years now. We’ve never had issues or arguments until now. Some necessary background — I come from a wealthier family, who always had an “upper-class” mindset to everything, whereas my wife’s had more of a financially difficult upbringing. Nevertheless, this has never seemed to be an issue until now. Every year, my father does a big thing for his birthday, which includes renting out a yacht and inviting everyone he knows. My wife and I hadn’t gone last year since we were out of town, but this will be her first year attending. When I was going over the gifts, we would be bringing and what we would need to wear, my wife said I didn’t need to bother picking her outfit, as she would be wearing a dress that’s “special” to her. This dress is honestly hideous, and couldn’t have cost her more than $20, but she’s insistent on wearing it since apparently, her father (who died 6 years ago) bought it for her, and she’s been waiting for the “perfect occasion” to wear it, and for some reason thinks my dad’s luxurious party is a good time. At first, I asked her politely to wear a different dress, but when it seemed she wouldn’t budge, my irritation overtook me and I blew up at her, basically telling her that the dress was unacceptable in every situation possible and that my family would never take her seriously in some goodwill-looking trash. I guess this struck a nerve because she stormed off to her sister’s house and hasn’t been back since. I have no idea what to do here. The party’s in a couple of days, and she won’t answer my calls. © henryhosein / Reddit
  • I attended a close friend’s wedding. I wore a yellow dress. Think like Belle in Beauty and the Beast yellow. Bumble bee yellow. Towards the end of the reception, a member of the wedding party approached me and stated that I needed to leave. Turns out the blacklights made my dress appear more white than yellow, and I needed to leave because my dress was “white” and “inappropriate.” I said I will not be leaving early. The wedding party member walked off and I watched as they immediately went to talk to the groom, angrily pointing in my direction. The groom shrugged and continued to dance. The next morning I was approached by a different friend at breakfast who stated that they heard what happened and that I should have left when asked because it made people “uncomfortable” and that I made it about me “partying” rather than “respecting wedding etiquette.” © Consistent_Olive_604 / Reddit
  • Got a new job. And there’s a dress code! I think it’s okay, I have plenty of clothes, I have white blouses, skirts, and sundresses. But it wasn’t that easy, blouses should be without ruffles and lace, skirts shouldn’t be leather, but classic, below the knee, and without slits. The problem is that I’m quite tall, and what is classic for most girls, on me it’s a mini skirt.
    I went through my whole wardrobe and realized that I had nothing to wear. I had no money to buy new clothes, and I still had to go to work. I got criticized for my leather skirt on the first day, although it is real leather, not some shiny replica. The manager scolded me in person for the slit skirt.
    All the other girls wear dark sports jeans with jumpers and T-shirts. When I asked why there were no claims against them, they told me that I didn’t even try to comply with the dress code. It’s easier to buy a couple of white T-shirts and jeans, then they won’t touch you. It’s a weird dress code. Now I’m trying to blend in. And yes, here it is — my indecent skirt. © Wsebydet / Pikabu
  • I have a subordinate. She’s a great professional, but she looks ridiculous. No taste, no sense of appropriateness. She can show up in a ball gown to a corporate event. She always wears ruffles, sequins, and styles all from 2008. Recently I wanted to take her to a meeting, and told her to dress strictly. As a result: a classic cut scarlet suit, the fabric has roses for the pattern, it looks like a curtain, a colorful blouse, and black tights with a pattern. And the person will wonder why she is not getting promoted. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I am a middle-aged IT guy. Not so long ago I was sent on a long business trip to a customer’s office. Our and their management decided that the project would move much faster this way. The customer is a serious and wealthy organization. So, I decided to dress up a bit, put on trousers, shoes and a decent jumper.
    I started going to the office of this company every day. And there everyone wears suits, ties, white shirts, and polished shoes, girls are dressed in business suits and everything. And I’m in a jumper and trousers. At first, strangers just passed by. After a while, they started saying hello to me.
    It’s a big company, they hardly know each other. Then they started opening and holding doors for me as I approached. At this point I got tense, I thought something was wrong. But after a couple of high-level meetings, I think I figured it out. The only people who can afford to wear jeans and jumpers in this company are the big bosses.
    I’m the right age. I’m not dressed for business, but I’m decent-looking. At first, they probably thought I was just visiting someone, but when they started to see me every day, they drew the wrong conclusions. © Kaa1980 / Pikabu
  • My wedding was winter style. The color theme was green and gold. My dress was white, naturally, and my bridesmaids’ outfits were in the color of forest green. Plus everyone had to wear gold accessories.
    But a friend of mine immediately declared that green was a bad choice. She suggested pink, blue, or even red. I said, “No.” Fast-forward to the wedding day — we’re all dressed and walking down the stairs because the ceremony starts in 30 minutes, and we still have some photos to take. That friend comes out last and she’s wearing a black dress.
    I walk over and ask what’s going on. Then I ask her to change. She refused and started screaming at me. I had to call security who escorted her to the exit.
    The story didn’t end there: this girl texted me long messages with all sorts of nasty things and demanded to return the money she had spent on the black dress. She wasted her money and could not “walk” the dress. I blocked her number. © bridezillaxoxo / Reddit
  • I went to medical school. White coats, caps... We had a pretty, thin, short girl in our group, a former ballet dancer. She wore a short coat and a mini-skirt underneath. It was fine for her. But when she leaned over to one patient on the bed, his neighbor would cheer. The teacher saw it and obliged us to wear coats below the knee. So, the ballet dancer came in a coat down to her ankles. She looked so funny in it. Everyone laughed — us, the teacher, and the patients. © Galina Dolgikh / ADME
  • Once I was helping a friend to choose clothes. Everything I picked out for her, I assessed “does/doesn’t suit her,” weighed everything honestly, I love doing that. Then she tries on a beautiful skirt. I say, “Take it, it fits like a glove.” But my friend hesitated and said, “Are you persuading me because you want to borrow it from me in the future?” This was said by a person from whom I had only borrowed a jumper the entire time we’d been friends, and she lived with me at that time and wore my stuff all the time. Funny. © Overheard / Ideer
  • An emergency crew was called to a fancy office to fix the connection. They came, and the guard didn’t let them in saying that they don’t correspond to the dress code. The repairmen got into the car, cursing at the summer heat, changed into branded uniforms, and came in again. But the guard was adamant, “Don’t you get it? We have a dress code! We have face control! Where are the suits, where are the ties? I can’t let you in without them.”
    The guys ask to call any superior officer. Someone was summoned, and he too started talking about suits and ties. They ask him to let them in at least from the back entrance, “What suits? We will probably have to work in dust and dirt. We’re here for repairs.”
    In short, the guys shrugged and left, they lost a lot of time, and the base allowed them to return. Someone from the top management of that company called our general manager, and he honestly said, “They were there and returned because they were not allowed in without suits. Excuse me, our working uniform doesn’t include bow ties”.
    Eventually, our car was met by a delegation at the entrance. © Leshiko / Pikabu
  • July, it’s hot. I came to work in a miniskirt and a T-shirt with a funny picture. And then I get a call, “We have court in 15 minutes!” So I went there in the clothes I was in. The bailiffs let me in, but the judge blushed up and announced a break for 2 hours. I shrugged, left the office, and went to the assistant to ask what it was. The judge rushed in after me, “How did you dare to show up at the hearing looking like this?! I know you live nearby — go home and change your clothes!” And the decision was still in my favor, and the length of my skirt didn’t play any role. © fur red coat / ADME

Here are a few tips on how to choose clothes for your body shape.


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