15+ People Who Got Plastic Surgery and Now Look Completely Different

3 years ago

Lots of people around the world admit that they feel unhappy and uncomfortable about their bodies. While some work hard to accept and love their appearance, others opt for radical methods of dealing with imperfect (in their opinion) parts of their bodies. Nowadays, plastic surgery has become one of the ways to help countless people boost their self-esteem and confidence.

We at Bright Side compiled before and after photos of people who have undergone cosmetic surgery and didn’t regret a thing about it.

1. “After 18 months of braces and jaw surgery, my smile is much like night and day. My orthodontist and surgeon did a great job.”

2. Before and after

3. “I’m extremely happy!”

4. “Before chin liposuction vs 10 days after the operation — I have a jawline now!”

5. Rhinoplasty and a chin implant 6 weeks after the operation

6. “Just wanted to share a photo of my nose.”

7. Are these subtle changes worth it (rhinoplasty and chin implant)?

8. This is the best transformation.

9. It’s hard to recognize this guy now.

10. 2.5 months after the operation (septorhinoplasty, chin implant, and chin liposuction)

11. “Getting a rhinoplasty was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

12. “11 days post-rhinoplasty”

13. The second photo was taken 4 months after double jaw surgery.

14. “175-lb weight loss thanks to gastric bypass surgery”

15. “What do you think about my nose?”

16. Chin liposuction — 5 days after the operation!

17. Before a chin reduction, upper bleph, neck lift, and under chin liposuction

18. “No Makeup Makeup look for my 5 month post-op rhinoplasty and chin lipo.”

How do you feel about plastic surgery and making changes to your appearance?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

Preview photo credit Frostyarn / Reddit


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