15+ Photos That Prove Some Things Never Change, and We Really Don’t Want Them To

3 years ago

Cherished memories stand the test of time. In some ways, so much changes with time, while other things never do. These pictures show how some things can change pretty drastically through the years and other things, like our relationships with loved ones, never do.

Bright Side has compiled a list of photos that show the power of time.

1. “True love, 13 years later”

2. “I too updated one of mom’s favorite pictures for Mother’s Day (not much has changed in 30 years).”

3. “My Grandfather and me in Tokyo, 73 years apart”

4. “My friend basking in her Beanie Baby collection, then and now”

5. “The Banyan tree in Maui”

“The top photo was taken by my grandfather while he was stationed there during WWII. The bottom one I took without knowing his photo existed.”

6. “We made a calendar for our mom for Christmas.”

7. “10 years apart”

8. “My grandpa’s 3 surviving brothers coming together 90 years later on the same farm, with the same exact bench”

9. “Cousins in 2004, 2012, 2016, and 2021”

10. “Me at 11 and 21 with the same bear”

11. “My little brother and me in 1999 and in 2014 on my eighteenth birthday”

12. “My dad and me at the exact same spot on the Isle of Heligoland, 1977 and 2018”

13. “My brother and I did a ‘then-and-now’ for Mother’s Day. This is our old house in New Orleans, 1986 and 2011.”

14. “We took the same Christmas photo 18 years later! I’m the lamb.”

15. “We recreated our first Halloween costumes 20 years later.”

16. “4 brothers, then and now”

What special memories do you have from the past?

Preview photo credit DirtyDrummer/Reddit


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