14 Photoshop Gurus Who Broke All Records

5 years ago

From a cat traveling to space to a super-baby that has laser eyes — some people manage to come up with the craziest images from ordinary pictures. Well, they can rest assured that their time spent on Photoshop courses didn’t go to waste. That’s because we can confidently call them experts at transforming an image into something funny and amusing!

1. “Fishing buddies”

2. “The cutest space photo ever”

3. “This town ain’t big enough...”

4. "Bread Pitt’

5. “I can show you the swaaaaaaamp!”

6. “Gravity”

7. “A perfect 10”

8. “Jack-Jack”

9. We get you, kitty.

10. The hidden truth

11. “Portrait of a Man by Jan van Eyck”

12. “I knew she was bad news the moment she walked in my door.”

13. Benedict’s finally lost it!

14. “ET — rock in basket”

Which pictures do you think are the wittiest? Do you like working in Photoshop? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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