15+ Pics That Made Us Squeal at Their Tenderness

3 years ago

Recent research indicates that looking at pet pictures is good for your well-being and also your mental health. Moreover, another study found that looking at baby animal pictures, or just animal pictures, improves our performance. That’s why a bunch of wholesome pet pictures never fails to lift our spirits.

The Bright Side team has hunted down the most adorable pets on the web right now, and we are eager to make you go “awwwww!”

1. “This rat getting an ultrasound.”

2. These two kittens sleep in the shape of a heart.

3. “Just told the dog that her legs gonna need looked at by a vet.”

4. “They are to cute snuggling together.”

5. “Advice from our good girl: when visiting the vet, always keep your eye on the prize.”

6. “He refuses to sleep with anyone else but her.”

7. Birdy’s favorite spot.

8. “And I will hug him and squeeze him and pat him and pet him.”

9. “The way my dog sleeps with me makes my heart melt.”

10. Vey snuggly mode

11. “My wife wanted a cat, I didn’t. Cat has claimed me. Only time she cuddles with my wife is when I’m not home.”

12. “My son and I for Halloween. The banana gets revenge!”

13. “Coming up on 12 years together and hoping for many more. He’s still the greatest thing to ever happen to me.”

14. Look at this boy enjoying the attention

15. Don’t mind me, I am just chilling.

16. “My grandma (103) met my 9 day old son today.”

17. “He fell asleep in my lap during my online D&D session!”

18. “Lazy cat on a floor refusing to move. How long do you think he can lie like that?”

19. “Enough love to make a kitten smile.”

What picture brings you joy every time you look at it whenever you’re feeling down? Please share with us your favorite touching pictures that never failed to put a smile on your face in the comments!

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!


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