15 Stories That Have More Unexpected Twists Than a Hollywood Blockbuster

3 hours ago

People are used to turning to the world of literature or movies to entertain themselves. It makes sense, because in many artistic works you can find unexpected plot twists, and all you can say is, “Wait a minute, how did that happen?” But in fact, nothing is new under the moon, and real life can sometimes give a head start to even the most intriguing books.

  • We had a story at the clinic a few years ago. A woman came in with a child to do a DNA paternity test. She was without her husband, but brought her husband’s materials, saying that he was busy.
    All right, it happens. The tests were taken, the result was negative, that is, the man is not the father. And then this man came in with a scandal.
    It turned out that his ex-wife’s child visited them, and the new wife decided to check whether he was the father while taking the child for a walk. She didn’t like the fact that he pays too much child support. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I’m a fitness trainer, and I have this weird client — a guy in his early twenties. Weird because it’s like he has a split personality.
    One day he’s a cheerful, energetic guy, says he loves this machine, chatting animatedly about his life. The other day, he’s a shy, modest, quiet man. He hates this machine, barely works out, keeps silent during the whole training session.
    And it was not until recently that I figured out his secret. I’m walking through the shop, see him, say hello, and then... a second one comes out from around the corner. They turned out to be twins. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My mother-in-law gave us a digital photo frame. We uploaded our wedding photos.
    When I came home, there was a photo of my mother-in-law. I thought it’s a glitch. I change the photos, but there she’s again!
    I was about to confront my husband. And then my mother-in-law texts me, “Oh, do my photos appear in your frame too? I bought the same one for myself, and they turn out to be synchronized!” © Overheard / Ideer
  • Our baby is 5 months old. Recently, friends gave us a baby monitor. Everything was great for the first few weeks, but then one night I heard someone talking in my daughter’s room. Clearly heard the word “hush,” ran to the nursery, but there was no one there. The baby was sleeping peacefully.
    The next day it happened again, a distinct, female voice saying “hush.” I was terrified, but I didn’t want to turn it off. The next day I told my neighbors, also a young couple with a child. They have the same problem!
    It turned out that our baby monitors were somehow catching each other’s signals. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My parents bought their newborn granddaughter a cot. It stayed disassembled for a while, then we decided to assemble it. And there are no fasteners and bolts. They were in a separate bag, and it got lost.
    We started looking for it, turned the house upside down — nothing. My mother remembered she’d been cleaning and probably thrown it away. They dressed inconspicuously and went to the dumpster, my father digging in one container, my mother in the other.
    People were surprised, but didn’t interfere. They found nothing, had a fight. Came home and found the bolts in the vase. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I had a story with our dog: a friend came to visit our daughter, brought a cake, we put it on the table, and went to the shop to buy a present for the little girl. We were not at home for about an hour and a half.
    We came back, put the kettle on, opened the box with the cake, and it’s empty. We thought for a long time how the dog managed to eat the cake and close the box. It turned out that he could. © Lyubov Sklyarova
  • My boyfriend had a cat who sometimes walked outside. And at some point, the cat found an entertainment. He pressed the doorbell with his paw, and then jumped on the cupboard that stood next to it.
    He drove the people crazy, while they tried to figure out who rang the doorbell and disappeared. It lasted for 3 months until his scheme was uncovered. © Anastasia Sergeevna
  • My roommate is an extreme night owl. I stress extreme. I consider myself a night owl and usually sleep around 2-3 but this guy I swear stays up the entire night.
    One time I heard some sounds in the kitchen at like 5 in the morning and went to go check it out. Turns out the man’s was baking muffins at 5 a.m. He asked if he woke me and apologized and said he’d try to be more quiet.
    That morning when I woke up at 8:30, I saw a muffin on the counter with a note, “Sorry, I woke you. Have a muffin.” Was actually touched. © Asianpear98 / Reddit
  • My uncle was looking after his son’s home by living in it for his son’s holiday. The neighbor was also away on vacation at the same time and asked my uncle to look after his dogs (food, water, some human contact, etc.).
    About 3 days into the arrangement, my uncle noticed that only 1 of the dogs came to lunch, he didn’t think much of it until the other dog came to dinner. He decided to investigate and found a robber stuck on the kitchen counter, the dogs taking turns guarding him. My uncle called the police and once they arrested the burglar gave each of the dogs a massive treat. © SA_Swiss / Reddit
  • We had a nanny for our daughter. One evening when the nanny had already left, I was putting the rib soup in the fridge and noticed that there was less of it, I decided to pour it into a smaller pot. So, I’m pouring it and can’t understand why the meat is torn into small pieces and there are no bones.
    It turned out that the nanny decided to take the ribs to her dog, so she separated the meat from the bones with her hands and threw it back into the pot. We didn’t eat the soup. © Lilia Sviridenko
  • When I was a kid, we couldn’t afford AC, so my parents would leave our sliding glass door open in the summer and just have a screen door closed to keep the bugs out and try to cool the house down. It was the early 90s, so people were still stupid enough to do that.
    Anyway, my parents wake up to a noise in the kitchen, right outside their bedroom door. They slowly open their door to see a raccoon going through the cupboards, eating shake n bake. It ran out the hole in the screen door, and that was the last time my parents did that. © MayorMacCready13 / Reddit
  • Our phone bills have gone up. I thought it was our children calling mobile numbers from the home phone. I ordered phone records and called those numbers to find out what was going on. Nothing.
    The mystery was solved when I came home from work one day and caught our cat red-handed. She picked up the phone receiver on the fax machine and bowed her head, listening to something in it. In the receiver, some woman was saying, “Hello! Don’t be silent, what did you want? Who is this?”
    And after I caught Missy calling the police, we disconnected the fax machine. © Neonilla Antipova-Tatur
  • I haven’t had enough time to sleep lately, so my brain is already melting. Today in a history class, I passed out right at my desk, and when I woke up, the whole audience was looking at me like I was an alien.
    It turned out that while I was dozing off, the teacher asked a question that the whole group hadn’t been able to answer for about 10 minutes. And I, without waking up, gave out the correct answer and continued snoring. The teacher even asked me if I peeked beforehand. Yes, in a dream, among flying dumplings and dragons. © Ward 6 / VK
  • Recently, a neighbor came to ask for salt, as usual. She stood on the doorstep for a long time, mumbling strangely, and then suddenly blurted out, “You know, I’ve fallen in love with your husband.” I froze. How am I supposed to react to this?
    She continues, “He’s so smart and always helps me with the bags.” I stand there in shock, and then I say, “Well, take the salt and leave.” I closed the door and sat there, wondering what other surprises to expect.
    I asked my husband, of course, and he just laughed, “She was puffing so hard on the stairs with the bags that I couldn’t not help her.” © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My sister’s boyfriend decided that he wanted to do more with his architecture skills, so he gave his 2 weeks notice and moved to Haiti to help rebuild after the earthquake. They stayed together. He had bad phone service, so they mostly kept in touch through emails. He would send her long emails with photos and stories of what they were doing.
    This went on for a couple of months. One off-handed tip from a co-worker and a week of sleuthing later, and it turns out he never went to Haiti. He moved to Seattle to be with his fiancé and partner of 9 years. © Hou**** / Reddit

And here's another bunch of stories with unpredictable twists and turns.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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