Not all of us have that curious itch we have to scratch, but some pictures have such a persuasive power to get our creative juices flowing that we can’t help but start getting curious. Whether it’s an odd invention from the past, an anomaly created by nature, or just a simple human-made creation that just leaves us puzzled, we can’t help but wonder about things around us.
1. “Just a lady taking her bird with her to the supermarket...”
2. “There is a door in the ceiling of our school. No one knows where it goes. Our school is 98 years old.”
3. “Poop with friends...or poop alone.”
4. “Son found a pine cone with cool fungi.”
5. “Snowfall formed an ’A’ on the hood of my car.”
7. “My banana is a Disney Limited Edition.”
8. “Today I found a hat with an AM/FM radio in it inside an antique store.”
9. “The town I live in just put up a 50-ft leg lamp, permanently.”
10. “I can knot my hand.”
11. “Reflections from a window are thawing parallel paths in the frost as the sun rises.”
12. “I can bend my toes back to my foot.”
13. “The inner workings of a pool table”
14. “A guy on my ferry casually brought his pet chicken with him.”
15. “These rice grains stand up straight after cooking.”
16. “If there was no air conditioning, I absolutely support this!”
Which of these images fed your curiosity the most?