18 People Showed Simple Things That Make Their Interiors a Thousand Time Better

3 years ago

In order to make your interior look unusual, you don’t have to buy really expensive things or spend hours searching through furniture catalogs. Sometimes, the “right” thing might be found accidentally at a thrift shop. Besides, you can find something old and restore it to look as good as new.

We at Bright Side are a little bit jealous of the folks from today’s compilation because they were lucky enough to be able to decorate their homes with some truly unique things.

“For years I was always tempted by miniature chairs at thrift shops, and then one day I finally bought 9 of them.”

“I got bored with the average attic entrance on my ceiling.”

“I got into making stained glass — my favorite thing is to make corners like this.”

“Creative idea, today! Used bead/pom garland to make my plant look like a hanging pendant lamp!”

“Decorated my small bathroom.”

“I made a Macramé hanging shelf. It is a perfect fit on my wall, hope you all like it.”

“Shower shelf made from collected takeout chopsticks (we have a reusable set) and raffia that came with Valentine’s Day flowers!”

“I made pillows for the whole family out of my grandma’s unfinished crochet projects.”

“My first self-made bookshelf insert. It’s not perfect, but I love looking at it.”

A cool way to bring an old table back to life

How do you like this unusual lamp?

“I’ve been wanting a piece of stained glass and found this.”

“My husband and I turned this antique fire extinguisher he got for free from a co-worker into a side table using a marble top we found at a garage sale for $1.”

Great plants for home! You don’t even need to water them!

“Could not leave Bernie at the thrift store”

You can even turn a log into cool decor.

These are actual mushrooms.

“I just love my feather lamp.”

Do you have any small but cute things that make your apartment look nicer? Can you show them to us?


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