19 Old Family Photos of People Who Won Our Hearts With Their Charm

5 years ago

Sometimes you find a photo in an old album that you’ve never seen before and you can’t believe that the person you see in the photo is real. Maybe it was a photo of one of your relatives that got in the frame by accident or maybe it was planned, either way these photos are so charming that even the people who came across these portraits on the internet were wooed.

We at Bright Side are amazed by people from all over the world and we decided to share their photos with you.

1. “My grandmother in Havana, the 1950s”

2. “A portrait of my grandmother, 1970, Iran”

3. “My grandpa looking devilishly handsome in the ’40s”

4. “My grandmother as a western wear model in Texas, 1952”

5. “My husband, living in Hawaii, late ’70s. He loved surfing and some woman saw him. She invited him to do a photo shoot and paid him for the photos. I think they were for some sort of a calendar.”

6. “My grandmother on her wedding day in the 1950s”

7. “My mother (the red head) and her cousin, 1993”

8. “My aunt when she won Miss Indian America, 1954”

9. “My wife at the Kentucky Derby in 1980”

10. “My uncle as an army air corp cadet in 1938. Colorized by me.”

11. “My grandma in the 1950s in Okinawa, Japan”

12. “My uncle sometime in the late 1940s. Also a pre-Joseph Gordon Levitt doppelgänger”

13. “Left: My mom’s 1965 senior high school yearbook photo Right: My mom’s 1966 Peace Corps ID photo”

14. “My dad was a Canadian hippy in the ’70s traveling the world, here he is in the Middle East. He’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.”

15. “My great-grandmother in 1942”

16. “My mom’s cover photo for a nursing magazine in the ’70s”

17. “My lovely grandparents, sometime in the ’60s”

18. “My grandmother preparing on her wedding day, 1968”

19. “My mother’s nursing school graduation picture in 1972”

Have you ever seen people that amazed you with their beauty in family portraits? Who were they?

Preview photo credit redneckonomics / Reddit


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wow!! the grandparents looking notoriously goodlooking than this generation!


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