hahaha..I never celebrated the new year's eve and never went to any party. But when I was in my 2nd grade of senior high school, I decided to have at least one memorable event. things went well untill I felt so sleepy at 00.30s, so I called my Dad to picked me up. we rode a motorcycle, and suddenly we felt the tire was flat. he asked me to check the tire, so I checked it. I bumped the back tire. when I about to sit again, he pulled the gas, and left me. alone, in the middle of the night, in a dark road, and extremely sleepy.
Dad said that he kept talking. He didn't realize that he left me, untill someone asked him whom he talked to, and yes, I finally got picked up?
20 Bright Side Readers Share Their Awkward Moments of Parenthood
It’s almost a universal truth known to parents that they’re going to go through some awkward episodes involving their kids, like sending them to school without lunch, forgetting to pick them up from kindergarten, and not remembering which grade they are in. To err is human, and our Bright Side readers can see themselves in some of these stories, so they decided to share theirs with us. Here are some of our favorites.
Bright Side stays on top of their readers’ comments, and that’s why we made a list of some of the fails that parents have experienced with their children.
What did you think of these stories? Did something similar ever happen to you with your children or relatives? Tell us in the comment section!
Once my dad was told by my mom to bring me to school, when I was stillr eally young. So, he went to school as she told him.. expect one thing - he forgot me at home
maybe it's time to let children think for themselves and remember their own backpack and teach them to cross roads. No wonder they are producing a generation of morons
When I was 6, I was with my older brother ( 10 years and 1 day older ) and my Dad. We were on our way home from somewhere and stopped 35 miles from home at a gas station. Dad went to the bathroom while my brother pumped gas. I told him I was going to the bathroom but he never listened to me. They both got in the car and left. 10 miles from home, Dad says " Wow, Khelli is being awfully quiet!" and my brother looks in the backseat and says " YEAH! because she isn't HERE!" They came back and I was sitting in the gas station office, reading a roadmap. The attendant just laughed and said it happened all the time but that I didn't cry like most kids!

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